
Looking at the prompt, Chu Ci confirmed directly.

[You have consumed ten million spiritual swords to trigger the [Sword Order] talent effect, and you are condensing the Sword Order...]

As the prompt popped up, Chu Ci also clearly felt that the ten million handles of spiritual wine had disappeared. The damage bonus that had just been more than 600,000 times had now become more than 500,000 times.

At the next moment, Chu Ci suddenly felt a heat in his palm. He raised his head and saw countless sword lights gathering in his palm.

After waiting for about five minutes, a small white jade sword that was two fingers wide and about ten centimeters was slowly condensed.

[The sword order is condensed successfully. 】

Chu Ci looked at the small white jade sword in his hand and checked the information.

[Sword Order]: A special prop, which is condensed by the only professional wine swordsman who consumes tens of millions of spiritual swords. After using it, you can get a new profession [Sword Attendant]. The sword master will completely control the life of the Sword Attendant.

The introduction was very simple, but Chu Ci knew that if this thing spread, it would definitely cause an uproar. After all, this is a new profession.

Although Chu Ci didn't know how strong the [Sword Attendant] profession was, it was definitely not weak, and would not be lower than the legendary profession no matter what.

"Do you want it for Mother Liu?"

Chu Ci thought about it, and when he got the talent of [Sword Order], he considered Liu Ma.

When he came back this time, Liu's mother became depressed again because she didn't attack enough. At that time, he had more ideas.

The opponent has only awakened a rare profession. Even though he has led the opponent to complete many hell-level missions, attacking is really the opponent's flaw.

Just as he was thinking about it, Liu Changhe called and asked Chu Ci to come over for dinner.

"Forget it, let him decide for himself."

Chu Ci shook his head and asked the other party to come over.

Liu Changhe didn't waste any time and soon arrived at Chu Ci's residence.

"Old Chu, what's wrong?"

Liu Changhe looked at Chu Ci and wondered, wondering why the other party suddenly called him over.

"After I reached the transcendent level, I gained a new talent. I can condense the sword command. After using it, I can obtain a new professional sword attendant."

"This profession has not yet appeared in the world, so I don't know the situation of this profession, but I think it should be good."

Chu Ci said, placing the small white jade sword in front of Liu Changhe, "You decide whether you want to use it or not."

Liu Changhe was stunned when he saw Jian Ling's message.

New career?

Lao Chu can actually give people a new career?

You must know that Lao Chu is a mythical profession. No matter how bad the sword command is, the professional swordsman he obtained must be at least epic, right?

This is much better than my own rare-level profession.

The most important thing is that Sword Attendant is obviously a main battle profession. Isn't this what I want?

"Old Chu, you are the sword master, right?" Liu Changhe asked.

"That's right." Chu Ci nodded, "Once you use the sword command, your life and death will be controlled by me, so you..."

Chu Ci's voice stopped abruptly, because after he nodded, Liu Changhe directly used the sword command.

"I don't like working for others, but working for you is fine." Liu's mother said with a smile.

Chu Ci didn't know what to say for a moment, but he also knew that the other party believed in him.

After Liu Changhe used the sword command, a prompt popped up.

[Do you use special prop sword orders? 】


As Liu Changhe confirmed, he saw the small white jade sword slowly flying up, and then directly sank into Liu Changhe's eyebrows.


The next moment, countless sword lights erupted, wrapping Liu Changhe in it and turning it into a huge cocoon of light.

Waves of light flowed above the light cocoon, and a special power surged out of it.

This aura made Chu Ci feel naturally close to him, as if this was his power.

Even if he wanted to, he could directly extract this power and interrupt Liu Changhe's process of obtaining a new career.

Chu Ci watched solemnly from the side, having already prepared the life liquid. Liu Ma was the first person to use the sword command, and he didn't know if there would be any accidents.

Time passed little by little, and half an hour flew by.


Suddenly the light cocoon shattered, Liu Changhe was revealed, and the countless sword lights that formed the light cocoon also disappeared into Liu Changhe's body.

[You used the special prop sword command. Congratulations on getting a new profession: Sword Attendant. 】

[It is detected that you already have a profession and the second career panel will be opened for you. 】

Liu Changhe opened his eyes, a flash of sword light flashed in his eyes, and the sharp aura on his body slowly subsided.

"Lao Chu, I succeeded."

Liu Changhe looked at Chu Ci, his eyes full of excitement, "And my previous career has not disappeared, but the second career panel has been opened."

"Lao Chu, I have two careers now!"

Seeing Liu Ma's excited expression, Chu Ci also smiled. He naturally knew that the other party had succeeded, because he had also received the hint just now.

[Your sword command is used successfully and you get a sword attendant. 】

[You have gained new skills: Sword Heart Link, Weapon Dissolution, Burial Sword. 】

[Sword Heart Communication]: A special skill. As the sword master, you can communicate with your sword servant's sword heart. You can understand the sword servant's thoughts and convey your orders.

[Army]: Special skill. As the sword master, you can defeat the sword attendant. When you face death, you can let the sword attendant die on your behalf.

[Burial Sword]: Special skill. As the sword master, when you die, the sword attendant will be buried with you.

Three new special skills, one of which can understand the sword servant's thoughts, can prevent the sword servant's betrayal, and can even convey his orders from a long distance, which is very useful.

The other two skills are more overbearing. They both control the Sword Attendant, making the Sword Master's status absolutely superior to that of the Sword Attendant.

"Old Chu, this swordsman profession is so powerful."

At this time, Liu Changhe spoke, and at the same time he threw three detection techniques at Chu Ci, and his information also appeared in front of Chu Ci.

【Name】Liu Changhe

[Occupation]: Sword Attendant (Second Occupation)

[Level]: Level 1 (0/100)


[Mana]: 100


[Agility]: 10

[Physique]: 10


[Intelligence]: 10

[Physical Attack]: 40

[Spell Attack]: 20

[Physical Defense]: 10

[Magic Defense]: 10

[Skills]: Sword Heart Link, Weapon Dissolution, Sword Burial

[Talent]: Sword Holding, Sword Attendance, Sword of Intent

[Holding Sword]: As a sword attendant, you should hold the sword as the sword master. The sword master can hand over his own spiritual sword to you. Each spiritual sword can give you a 1% damage bonus from the sword master.

[Sword Attendant]: As a sword attendant, you should be the sword master's attendant sword. You cannot obtain new talents and new skills. Your level cannot exceed that of the sword master. Every time the sword master increases by 5 levels, he can share 1 skill with you. .

[Intent Sword]: As a sword servant, your attacks contain the true meaning of the sword master's sword. Each attack will have 0.5% converted into real damage. Each time the professional level increases, the effect will increase by 0.5%. Currently, it is Level 1, the effect is 0.5%.

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