In the space outside the secret realm.

"Do you know about this situation?"

Chen Binghe looked at Fang Xu and asked.

Fang Xu also looked confused and shook his head, "I just found out because no one has been able to kill here for seven consecutive days before."

These words made Chen Binghe pause for a moment, and after thinking about it, he felt that Fang Xu was right.

"It seems that these so-called undead monsters also have limits. The reason why they are immortal is that no one has reached their limits before." Chen Binghe said.

"Then what should we do now? The resurrection speed has obviously slowed down, and it will definitely slow down in the future, and may even stop resurrecting in the end. Then it will delay their leveling up." Fang Xu frowned.

The first thing he thought about was not that there was a problem in the secret realm, but that problems in the secret realm would delay Chu Ci and the two of them.

After knowing that both of them might have mythical professions, in his eyes, the importance of the Suzaku Secret Realm was no longer as important as that of Chu Ci and the other two.

"It's okay, there are arrangements from above, and the Suzaku Secret Realm is just one of the places." Chen Binghe shook his head indifferently.

Daxia is not just a place for leveling like the Suzaku Secret Realm. There are at least hundreds of places suitable for Chu Ci and the two to level up. The above have already made relevant plans to deal with any emergencies and meet Chu Ci's needs.

"That's good." Fang Xu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't you feel bad that the Suzaku Secret Realm was broken because of the reduced power of the molten flame?" Chen Binghe asked with a smile.

"I must feel distressed. After all, our Suzaku Academy was established because of this secret realm."

"But the secret realm is dead. It will never be as important as the two mythical professions. Moreover, they can collapse the Suzaku secret realm, which shows how powerful they are."

Fang Xu also smiled as he said, "I should be happy."

The Suzaku Secret Realm has existed for so many years, and countless people have entered it, but no one has been able to collapse it.

As a result, Chu Ci and the two of them collapsed within a few days of entering. Doesn't that show how powerful the two of them are?

Chen Binghe looked at each other for a few seconds, and then said: "Then be mentally prepared."

Although Chen Binghe was not sure, he suddenly thought of Chu's resignation to the Black Abyss Secret Realm and the Outer Domain.

He went to the Black Abyss Secret Realm to slaughter more than two million alien creatures in a city, and even invited an ancestor to destroy a true god and bring back the other party's kingdom.

Daxia is still arranging a large number of manpower to clean up the Kingdom of God.

He went to the outer realm and wiped out the ghost clan again.

It can be said that wherever you go, there will be death.

Now that the opponent is in the Suzaku Secret Realm, he might really collapse the Suzaku Secret Realm.

Fang Xu's heart froze, what did the other party mean by this? He couldn't really collapse the Suzaku Secret Realm.

Fang Xu thought about it, if the Suzaku Secret Realm really collapsed because of these two people, could he use this to lure the two people to their Suzaku Academy?

What happened to the fact that Suzaku Academy mainly trains mage-type remote professions?

Both of these two people are really good at sword-wielding, aren't they just long-range professions?

Although Qinglong Academy will definitely not agree, it can be cooked, and that guy Feng Yun will have nothing to do when the time comes.

Thinking of this, Fang Xu smiled.

Two mythical professions, even if they just have a name in Suzaku Academy, it is okay.

Another three days passed in a flash, and within these three days, the resurrection speed of these monsters became slower and slower.

It went from being resurrected every twenty minutes to being resurrected every thirty minutes, to being resurrected once an hour...

"It's been three hours and it's still not resurrected."

Mother Liu handed a piece of golden egg fried rice to Chu Ci, and she squatted on the ground to eat it too.

"It seems that there is no need to stay in this secret realm any longer. Let's leave after eating." Chu Ci said.

Liu Changhe nodded, it didn't matter to him. It had been ten days since he entered this secret realm, and his sword servant profession had been upgraded from the previous level 38 to the current level 57, which was a full 19 levels.

Soon after a portion of egg fried rice was finished, Chu Ci also planned to take Mother Liu away from here.

Buzz buzz...

However, those monsters happened to be resurrected again at this time, so Chu Ci would not waste it. He casually burst out with sword light and killed these monsters in an instant.

Bang bang bang...

The next moment, these monsters exploded to pieces and turned into countless powders that scattered on the ground.

This made Chu Ci pause. It seemed that these monsters had reached their limit and could no longer be resurrected.

"Let's go."

Chu Ci shook his head. He planned to leave anyway. Even if these monsters were no longer resurrected, it would not have any impact on him.


Just when the two of them were about to use the jade talisman to teleport away directly, the rock wall suddenly shook.

This made Chu Ci and Liu Changhe look at each other, and then they both turned into sword light and quickly moved away.

Boom boom boom...

The vibrations became louder and louder, and the entire cave even collapsed.

Chu Ci frowned, not sure what happened, but if they continued to stay, they would most likely be buried in the cave.

Fortunately, this shaking situation only lasted for more than ten breaths and then stopped.

"Old Chu, look at that rock wall."

Liu Changhe pointed at the rock wall.

Chu Ci looked around and saw that a crack appeared in the originally integrated rock wall, and at the same time a heat wave rushed out from the crack.

[You are affected by the residual power of Suzaku True Fire, and your health is decreasing at a rate of 1% per second. 】

[You are affected by the residual power of Suzaku True Fire, and the dodge effect of your Immortal Wind and Cloud Body Technique is invalid. 】


The next moment, prompts popped up one after another, and Chu Ci was also shocked.

Suzaku is so hot!

Is there really a Suzaku in this Suzaku secret realm?

Just the residual power caused his health to decrease at a rate of 1% per second, which meant that he could last for a hundred seconds at most.

Of course, this was a normal situation. Seeing his health drop, Chu Ci directly threw a wood spirit sword energy at himself and Liu Ma, and their health recovered again.

"Interesting, it turned out to be the Suzaku True Fire. Could it be that the Suzaku is behind this rock wall?"


This is one of the Four Spirits, representing the legendary Emperor Yan and the Southern God of the Seven Southern Sovereigns. It is Li in the Bagua, fire in the Five Elements, Lao Yang in the Four Elephants, and Xia in the Four Seasons...

Its status is far above that of the Phoenix. After all, the Phoenix is ​​only known as the King of Birds.

Chu Ci originally thought that the Suzaku Secret Realm just borrowed the name of Suzaku. Although Chen Binghe had told him before that there was a suspected Suzaku body in the secret realm, after all, no one had seen it, so it was just a guess.

But now there is Suzaku True Fire, which means that even if there is no Suzaku behind the rock wall, there is definitely something related to Suzaku.

"Mom Liu, you go out first, I'll go in and take a look." Chu Ci said.

He wasn't worried on his own. After all, he had many life-saving means at his disposal, but he was worried that he wouldn't be able to take care of Liu Changhe.


Liu Changhe wanted to follow him. After all, he was a sword servant. Even if he was in danger, he should die for the sword master.

But he finally gave up because he was afraid that going in would delay Chu Ci's retreat.

"I'll wait for you outside."

After Liu Changhe finished speaking, he directly crushed the jade talisman, and with a burst of space fluctuations, his figure disappeared.

After Liu Ma left, Chu Ci also looked at the crack in the rock wall ahead, and then turned into a sword light and flew over.

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