
As Suzaku finished speaking, another terrifying pressure erupted.

Chu Ci's body trembled, and the natal sword in his body trembled.


Along with the sound of a sword, a sword light rushed out of the body, directly tearing the pressure into pieces, and at the same time attacked Suzaku.

There was a hint of surprise in Suzaku's eyes, his eyes flashed, and the sword light also dissipated.

Chu Ci also returned to normal at this time, but he was also shocked.

Although the coercion that the other party randomly exuded was not strong, its essence was different from that of a true god. He had only felt it from the ancestor of Wuhou.

Ancient God, this Suzaku is at least an Ancient God.

There is an ancient god hidden in this secret realm.

At the same time, he did not expect that the natal immortal sword would suddenly erupt and defeat the pressure emanating from the opponent.

"Human, you are quite capable. In that case, let's talk about compensation." Suzaku said.


Chu Ci frowned and looked at the other party.

"The monsters you killed outside were specially left by me to guard the passage. It is also because of the ray of power emitted by me that they can continue to be resurrected."

"Over the years, there have been human races that have killed them, but they have been blocked for several days and have been resurrected nearly a thousand times, but this is the first time it has happened."

"Do you know how much power I expended in order to resurrect them?"

Speaking of this, Suzaku looked fierce, having been resurrected a thousand times didn't seem like a lot.

But you must know that each time a hundred monsters are resurrected, if converted, it means that a monster has been resurrected 100,000 times in seven days.

It was also because he discovered the loss of his power that Suzaku woke up from his slumber, and finally gave up on those monsters. Otherwise, if he continued like this, he would be drained sooner or later.

Hearing Suzaku's words, Chu Ci also suddenly realized that those monsters were resurrected because of Suzaku's power.

No wonder Zhuque was so rude and accused him of the crime. If he were Suzaku, he would probably take action directly.

"I wonder what compensation you want?" Chu Ci asked. After all, the other party is an ancient god. After seeing the power of his ancestors, he did not dare to provoke the ancient gods.

"I feel the breath of the ancient tree of life on you. The leaves of life must be on you." Suzaku said.

Chu Ci raised his eyebrows, not because he was reluctant to part with the Leaf of Life, but because although the Leaf of Life had the ability to resurrect, it could only resurrect the True God level at most.

This Suzaku is an ancient god, and he has the ability to be reborn from the fire, so he doesn't need the Leaf of Life at all.

"In addition, I need you to help me deliver something to the Phoenix Clan." Suzaku continued.

Phoenix clan?

Chu Ci frowned. Although the Phoenix Clan was inferior to the Suzaku Clan in terms of status, their strength should not be underestimated.

In the outer realm, those who possess true gods are the gods, and those who possess the powerful ancient gods are the saints.

The Phoenix Clan is the Saint Clan, a powerful race with ancient gods.

Daxia had only heard about the Phoenix Clan and had never actually seen the Phoenix Clan.

Asking him to send things to the Phoenix Clan as a transcendent, what is the difference between this and seeking death?

"Senior, with your strength, why do you need me to send things to the Phoenix Clan?" Chu Ci asked.

The other party is also an ancient god. Isn't it easy to send things to the Phoenix Clan?

"Because this god is about to die." Suzaku said.

Hearing this, Chu Ci looked at Suzaku in surprise. The other person's condition didn't look like he was about to die.

Moreover, the other party is an ancient god. True gods already have endless lifespans, let alone ancient gods.

But thinking about the ancestor of Wuhou, wasn't he also an ancient god? He still died in the end.

"Speaking of it, this god can be regarded as the ancestor of your human race. He also caused damage to his origin for your human race back then." Suzaku said.

"Senior, what do you mean by this?"

The amount of information in the other party's words was quite large, and Chu Ci was also curious about what the other party had experienced.

"At that time, your human race was still in the tribal era. It was extremely weak and could only survive among the thousands of races."

"In order to survive, the human race can only rely on the powerful clans."

"The human race carved statues or made flags for these powerful races as the tribe's beliefs."

"And the major powerful tribes also found that after being believed by the human race, their strength increased to a certain extent, so they were happy to be believed by the human race."

"There are even some races that have quite friendly relations with the human race, and will give the human race powerful power to help the human race solve some problems."

"And these races are also called totems by your human tribes!"

Suzaku said, his eyes glaring, "Until that person appears."

"That person?" Chu Ci's heart moved. To be valued so much by Suzaku, this ancestor of the human race must be something special.

"That's right, that man came out of the fire, holding the Avenue of Fire in his hand. He cut off the connection between all races and the Avenue of Fire with the power of one person. He was regarded as the Fire Ancestor by all races, and was called the Emperor by your human race. "

"Also since then, the human race has ushered in the era of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. The once weak human race has completely risen, and those previously aloof totems have gradually become vassals of the human race."

"In comparison, we, the Suzaku Clan, are quite lucky to be called one of the Four Spirits by your human race, but we, the Suzaku Clan, are also unfortunate."

"Because our Suzaku tribe is already close to the Avenue of Fire. Now the Avenue of Fire is controlled by the Emperor of your human race. If you want to understand the Avenue of Fire, you even need the consent of the Emperor, and you can never surpass him."

"For this reason, we, the Vermillion Bird Clan, also made some transactions with your human race, and then there was the matter of Xuan Bird doing business."

Listening to Zhuque's words, Chu Ci fell into a deep shock. He had never thought that the human race had such a history. Daxia had no idea about these.

Controlling the Avenue of Fire with the power of one person has cut off the connection between all races on the Avenue of Fire, and is regarded as the Fire Ancestor by all races. This is such a great achievement.

"Senior, how did you get injured?" Chu Ci asked.

"This is about the Phoenix Clan. Back then, our Suzaku Clan was recognized by the human race and became a totem to protect the country. Only then can we continue to understand the Great Way of Fire."

"And the Phoenix Clan is also close to the Avenue of Fire, but the human race already has me, the Suzaku Clan, as a totem, so naturally they won't agree, so the Phoenix Clan approached me."

"It was me who listened to his words and taught the Phoenix Clan some skills. It also allowed the Phoenix Clan to understand the power of Nirvana and rebirth from the Great Way of Fire."

"Later, I became pregnant with an heir. The Phoenix Clan saw this opportunity and attacked me secretly."

"The origins of our Suzaku clan and the Phoenix clan are similar. After the Phoenix clan succeeded in the sneak attack, they devoured a large amount of the origin of this god. The phoenix roared for nine days on Qishan Mountain and became an ancient god."

"Although the god escaped successfully, his origin was damaged. In order to protect his descendants, he could only use the remaining origin to nourish him, and then fell into a deep sleep."

"It wasn't until hundreds of years ago that this place reappeared as a secret realm and was discovered by your human race."

"Then your appearance completely awakened this god."

At this point, Suzaku looked at Chu Ci and his eyes became vicious.

Chu Ci smiled sheepishly. How did he know that the resurrection of those monsters was due to the power of Suzaku.

If he knew...he should be killed!

"Then the senior asked me to send something to the Phoenix Clan just now. Could it be that..." Chu Ci hurriedly changed the topic while having a guess in his mind.

"Yes, he is the descendant of this god." Suzaku nodded.

Chu Ci looked around and determined that there were no other Suzakus except Suzaku.

"Stop looking for me, I'm not born yet." Suzaku continued.

Chu Ci:......

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