Job transfer for all: Awakening of the Wine Sword Immortal at the beginning!

Chapter 238 The battlefield of all races, a billion swords!


"Old Chu, you are finally here."

When Liu Changhe saw Chu Ci arriving, a smile appeared on his face, "How's it going? Are you okay?"

"It's okay, but you have improved very quickly during this period, and both professions have reached extraordinary levels." Chu Ci said.

"It's also thanks to the Sword Attendant profession, otherwise it would be difficult for me to complete the hell-level mission of breaking through the realm so quickly." Liu Changhe said with a smile.

Now that both professions have reached extraordinary levels, he can be regarded as keeping up with Chu Ci's footsteps.

The two chatted for a while, and Chen Binghe led them to a room.

"Let me first introduce to you the situation on the Ten Thousand Races battlefield." Chen Binghe said.

"Mr. Chen, aren't there others?" Chu Ci asked.

"Well, this time we in Daxia will have a total of 50,000 people entering the battlefield of all races. However, because of your special status, you do not need to meet them for the time being. If you encounter them in the secret realm, you must ensure your own safety. Just provide some help."

Chen Binghe said, "In addition to our Daxia, other countries will also send people into the battlefield of all races. Counting our Daxia, there are almost a hundred thousand people in total."

One hundred thousand people from all over the world have entered the battlefield of all races, and Daxia accounts for half of them. It is also because Daxia has enough resources to train so many people.

"Let's talk about the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield first. The Ten Thousand Races Battlefield has existed for many years. We don't know how it came into being. It is opened every year. In addition to our human race, there are also many foreign races participating in it."

"As long as your race ranks among the top ten in the battlefield of all races, you will be able to obtain various buffs."

"If you want to enter the battlefield of all races, you must reach level 60 at best. You have already met this requirement."

"The battlefield of all races is divided into five areas, and each area corresponds to a different level. For example, neither of you has reached level 70, so you will be assigned to an area of ​​level 60-70."

"High-level people cannot enter low-level areas, but low-level people can enter high-level areas, but they also need to pass the test. You should pay attention to this."

Listening to Chen Binghe's words, Chu Ci and Liu Changhe nodded. Chu Ci could not always stay in a low-level area and would definitely go to a high-level area.

Because he still needs to hunt down a hundred mythical powerful men of different races to complete the mission of breaking through the realm and achieve the epic level.

"Mr. Chen, level 60-70 is an area, level 70-80 is an area, level 80-90 is an area, level 90-100 is an area, so there are only four areas, then what you call fifth Is there a true god in this area?" Chu Ci asked.

If there was a true god in the battlefield of all races, then he would have to be more careful.

"Yes and no, we Daxia are only aware of the fifth area, but have never entered it. However, judging from the information obtained from other races, if you want to enter the fifth area, you must reach the level of demigod. It contains the opportunity to become a true god.”

Chen Binghe said, "Every time the battlefield of all races opens, many demigods and alien races will enter it, just to get the chance to become a true god."

"Mr. Chen, can alien races enter the battlefield of all races without restrictions? I remember you said that our human race can only enter the battlefield after reaching the extraordinary within three years after awakening the profession. Once it exceeds three years, even if we become a demigod, Unable to enter." Chu Ci frowned.

"This is related to each ranking. The higher the ranking, the higher the race will not only get powerful racial gain effects, but also the restrictions on entering the battlefield of all races will be much smaller."

Chen Binghe said: "For example, among the top ten races, they can allow demigods to enter directly. There may be some restrictions, but they are definitely much looser than our human race."

"In this way, if things go on like this, the strong races will become more powerful, and it will be more difficult for the weak races to catch up with the footsteps of those strong races." Chu Ci said.

Chen Binghe nodded, "That's the truth. Who cares about the life and death of the weak? If our human race becomes a powerful race in the future, we will also not care about those weak races."

No one is nobler than anyone else, it’s just the jungle of the jungle.

"But it is not easy to become a true god. Over the years, the battlefield of all races has been opened every year, but only three alien races have successfully become true gods."

If it were so easy to become a true god, the Ghost Spirit Clan would not have been just a royal clan for thousands of years. There would not even be a true god in the clan.

Chu Ci nodded, thinking that when he was in the elves, the human ancestor told him that there was a human treasure in the battlefield of all races, maybe in the fifth area.

"Finally, it's a matter of ranking. There are monsters in the Ten Thousand Races battlefield. These monsters are not living beings. They are killed. Killing monsters of different levels can earn certain Ten Thousand Race points."

"The Ten Thousand Races Battlefield will last for a month. After one month, the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield will be ranked according to the points owned by each race."

"In addition, after killing other races, you cannot obtain the points owned by the other race, so the only way to obtain points is to hunt monsters in the battlefield of all races."


Listening to Mr. Chen's words, Chu Ci understood.

Although you cannot gain points from the opponent by killing other aliens, you can slow down the speed at which the opponent gains points.

Moreover, those who can enter the battlefield of all races are considered geniuses of their respective races. No one will easily miss this opportunity to hunt down the geniuses of other races.

Therefore, there will definitely be no shortage of fighting in the battlefield of all races.

After that, Chen Binghe introduced the situation in the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield to the two people in detail. In fact, it was only some situations from previous years. The interior of the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield changes every year, and even the foreign races in the outside world cannot know the situation inside.

It took several hours for Chen Binghe to finish introducing the situation on the Ten Thousand Races battlefield. In the meantime, Chu Ci and Liu Changhe also asked questions from time to time. As long as they knew something, Chen Binghe would explain it in detail.

"Okay, there are still a few days until the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield. You can have a good rest first. The entrance to the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield is at Yanmen Pass. I will take you there in two days. You can prepare well in these few days. What's the matter? Whatever you need, we will do our best to accommodate it.”

Chen Binghe said and looked at Chu Ci again, "The other one is you. The higher-ups know that you need sword weapons, so they specially prepared a lot for you."

With that said, Chen Binghe took out a storage ring. Chu Ci opened it and saw the mountains of sword weapons inside, his eyes shining brightly.

One billion, a full billion swords!

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