Job transfer for all: Awakening of the Wine Sword Immortal at the beginning!

Chapter 332 A hundred miles of sword river, a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!

However, this surprise quickly dissipated from Chu Ci's heart.

It seems that these guys have made up their own minds and regard themselves as true gods.

Think about it, if you don't see it with your own eyes, who can believe that the one who killed the true god Yaqi Snake is actually only a legendary one.

Looking at the foreigners outside who were bowing respectfully, Chu Ci smiled, it would be easier to kill them this way.

Outside the Blood Jade Island, tens of millions of aliens were trembling in their hearts, and at the same time they were ready to escape at any time.

They are not fools. It would be best if the true god is willing to let them go.

But if you are unwilling to let them go, then they will be in danger.


Just kidding, that's a real god.

The only option is to escape. With so many aliens escaping together, they can somehow survive.

Just when all the aliens were thinking, a figure flew out from the Blood Jade Island.

This made all the aliens' heads lower. It must be the true god who came out.

Although they were confused as to why this true god seemed to have only a legendary aura, it didn't matter. Even if he wasn't a true god, as long as he had something to do with that true god, they wouldn't be able to offend him.

Chu Ci looked at the more respectful expressions of so many foreigners and smiled, then his eyes turned cold.

Boom boom boom...

The next moment, Chu Ci's aura exploded, and then one, two... countless spiritual swords burst out.

In almost an instant, a sword river formed on the horizon, covering a hundred miles.

Hundreds of millions of spiritual swords gathered among them, and waves of sharp energy swept over the entire place.

The sky over Blood Jade Island, which was already covered with clouds, became even more gloomy at this time, and even the sea surface became rough with strong winds and huge waves.

"Your Majesty the True God, what are you..."

Jiao Chi felt something was wrong. Although the aura of those spiritual swords was not strong, he felt the threat of death at this time.

But before Jiao Chi finished speaking, he saw Chu Ci standing on the Jian River, overlooking the millions of creatures below.

"Today, you will give me your lives to help me."

Swish, swish, swish...

After Chu Ci finished speaking, the sword river poured down, and countless spiritual swords fell from the sky like drizzle, slamming down downwards.


Jiao Chi immediately shouted loudly. He had been prepared for a long time and instantly tore the space apart before getting into it and escaping.

Not only Jiao Chi, but also all the creatures at the scene had long been prepared for Chu Ci's attack. The moment the Jianhe took shape, they were all ready to tear apart the space and escape.

There was no need for Jiao Chi to shout, tens of millions of creatures tore apart the space at the same time and began to escape.

Even if they are numerous.

Even if they have more than two thousand demigods.

But at this time they still didn't dare to resist.

The power of the True God is so terrifying. Facing the True God, no matter how many demigods come up, they will die.

But these aliens were fast, and Chu Ci's reaction was not slow either.

Swish, swish, swish...

The natal immortal sword had already appeared in his hand, and hundreds of sword energy flew out in an instant.


Wherever the sword energy passed, countless aliens were thrown away, and screams could be heard one after another.

If you're lucky, you can survive with a damage-free trump card, but if you're unlucky, you'll be killed by a sword.

But this is not enough. There are too many alien races in front of us, and at worst they are all legendary. Each of them has the means to tear apart the space and escape.

Even though Chu Ci's damage was high, there were tens of millions of aliens fleeing at the same time, and he couldn't stop them all.

But today, Chu Ci had no intention of letting anyone go.


In the next moment, the Tiger Talisman appeared in Chu Ci's hand, and a terrifying coercion suddenly swept over the entire place.

Even the demigod who had torn apart the space and was about to escape, his body trembled under this pressure, and he found that he could not muster the strength to resist.

True God!

He is truly a god!

Jiao Chi, who had already penetrated half of his body into the space passage, was completely panicked.

Is this the power of the true God?

It was just pressure, but it was so oppressive that he couldn't move.

This was the first time he felt the power of the true God, and he envied and even longed for this powerful power.

If he possesses this kind of power, not to mention the outside world, at least in the sea of ​​clouds and mist, he will control the life and death of all living beings.

In the sea of ​​clouds and mist.

A true god is enough to sit on that throne and overlook the billions of creatures in the sea of ​​clouds and mist.

Jiao Chi's eyes showed unwillingness.

But the strength of this true god does not belong to him.

At this moment, he was just looking up at the throne and one of the billions of creatures bending under the throne.

Demi god?

At this moment, in front of the True God, there was no difference between him, the True God, and the lowest creature in the Sea of ​​Clouds and Mists.

"If I could become a true god..."

This thought crept into Jiao Chi's mind, but his thoughts stayed at this moment forever.

As the red sword light fell, Jiao Chi felt the passage of his life.

No, passing is not the correct word.

To be precise, annihilation.

"I should be so majestic."

As the last thought fell, Jiao Chi's eyes slowly closed.

Hee hee hee…

On this day, a rain of swords fell over Blood Jade Island.

Dense rain of swords.

It lasted for a full minute before gradually stopping.

And when the sword rain stopped and the sword river dissipated, the dark clouds also receded, and a ray of warm sunshine tore through the thick clouds and fell down.

Under the sun, Blood Jade Island seems to have become the center of this world.

The surrounding vegetation swayed slightly, greedily absorbing the energy in the sunlight.

If it weren't for the strong smell of blood.

If it weren't for the countless floating corpses floating on the sea, it would stretch for dozens of miles.

The scene in front of me must be beautiful.

Chu Ci stood on the horizon, and the ray of sunlight fell on him, making him look like a god.

His cold eyes looked down quietly.

Mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

A real mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood!

The sea water has long been soaked red, and the bodies of these alien races are extremely huge.

Especially those demigods, the smaller ones are dozens of feet tall, and the big ones are over a hundred feet tall.

No different than a mountain peak.

Tens of millions of corpses were piled up around the Blood Jade Island. The already bright red Blood Jade Island looked even more monstrous at this moment.

If he hadn't already known that Blood Jade Island was a holy island in the Sea of ​​Clouds, he would probably have thought that Blood Jade Island was some extremely vicious place.

"Come out and collect the bodies."

Chu Ci said softly.

"Yes, senior."

Bella, who had been hiding in the dark, appeared next to Chu Ci, her attitude more respectful than ever.

Even though Bella had already known how powerful Chu Ci was.

Even if he has seen Chu Ci kill the true god.

But it was far less powerful than the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood in front of him.

It was obvious that Chu Ci had put away the tiger talisman at this time, and there was no pressure anymore.

But Bella felt the extremely terrifying power, and therefore bowed to Chu Ci.

Chu Ci glanced at the other party, and found that the other party was much more well-behaved now.


Chu Ci moved and returned to Blood Jade Island.

Only after Chu Ci left for a few breaths did Bella dare to vent her anger.

Looking at the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood in front of her, Bella swallowed.

If she hadn't followed her seniors, she would have become one of them by now.

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