Job transfer for all: Awakening of the Wine Sword Immortal at the beginning!

Chapter 359 Kill the true god again, the core of myth!

"Is this the power that burst out together after the three law artifacts were destroyed?"

"It's really powerful."

On the plain, Chu Ci was suspended in the air, but his mind was immersed in the sword world.

Looking at the raging power of law, he was even a little worried that the sword world would not be able to withstand it.

Fortunately, he didn't worry too much and the sword world was still intact.

"This guy also knows how to go smaller to reduce the force-bearing surface."

Chu Ci smiled, but it was useless no matter how small the opponent became. After all, the entire sword world was now being ravaged by the power of the three laws, and there was no way to avoid the opponent.

If it is the power of a magical artifact, the opponent should still be able to withstand it.

After all, although the legal artifact is strong, it cannot really be stronger than the true god.

But three law artifacts exploded together, and they were three different powers of law. That was not the effect of one plus one equaling two.

"The true god still resists creation. If this guy didn't have the divine artifact of law, he might have been seriously injured by now, or even die directly."

"But from the looks of it, this guy won't be able to hold on for much longer."

Chu Ci noticed that Qi Pan's ice blue bead had cracks on it and would probably break soon.


Just when his thoughts came to an end, Qi Pan's law artifact was shattered.

As if all the power had been exhausted, the ice blue beads turned into countless fragments and scattered on the ground.

Looking at the fragments scattered on the ground, Qi Pan was obviously stunned for a moment.

His only magical artifact of law is just gone?

But at this time, he could no longer care about his heartache, because without the resistance of the law artifact, the power of the three laws fell directly on him.


The intense pain made Qi Pan scream, and he quickly mobilized the power of law in his body to prop up a light shield to resist.

But the mask was instantly filled with cracks, as if it was about to break at any time.

"Damn it, this broken place can't restore the power of law."

Qi Pan hurriedly repaired the mask, and his heart became anxious.

Although the law artifact is strong, it also consumes a lot of money. In order to activate the law artifact just now, he has already consumed most of the power of the law.

The speed at which the mask is shattering is extremely fast. In a few minutes at most, all the power of law in the body will be exhausted.

He would be in danger then.

"Oh? The power of the law has not been restored yet. It seems that the sword world is isolated from the external laws." Chu Ci's eyes lit up. This was an effect of the sword world that had not been discovered before.

Once the true god loses the power of law, his strongest means will be gone, and his combat power will be greatly reduced.

But even so, it is still easy to kill a demigod.

Chu Ci was not in a hurry and just waited.

Time passes little by little, perhaps because the sword world is isolated from the outside world, so the power of the three laws is still raging and has not disappeared.


Three minutes later, Qi Pan couldn't hold on anymore, and all the power of law in his body was exhausted.

Along with the screams, his body was directly submerged by the power of the three laws.

And with Qi Pan as a target, the power of the three laws began to weaken rapidly.

Ten minutes later, the raging energy in the sword world finally disappeared.

Qi Ban also stopped screaming five minutes ago.

"As expected of a true god, he's not dead yet."

Chu Ci looked at the corner of the sword world.

Qi Pan has turned into a puddle of mud at this time, and some outlines can still be barely seen.

But the other party is indeed still alive. After all, he is a true god. Even if he is really about to die, he must have many ways to save his life.

Within the sword world.

Qi Pan breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, it was finally over.

Ten minutes, do you know how I spent these ten minutes?

I almost died.

Fortunately, I had always been cautious and had many ways to save my life, so I finally managed to survive.

But he didn't move in a hurry, that human must have thought he was dead.

After he came in, he violently caught him, and then returned the shame and pain a thousand times over.

In other words, it was the first time that the other party came into contact with the human race and did not understand the human race.

If he knew that the human race would get a prompt after killing the enemy, he would not pretend to be dead here.

Chu Ci saw the other party's plan and couldn't help but shook his head. Even if there was no prompt, just the vision of a blood rainbow hanging in the sky after the death of the true god would let people know that the other party was not dead.

Or does this guy think he doesn't know that the true God has visions after his death?

Chu Ci no longer thought about it. His goal had been achieved, and there was no need to continue to waste time with the other party.

Chu Ci's mind immediately moved, and a spiritual sword appeared in front of him.

Then he mobilized the power of law in the law orb, and a layer of spiritual light suddenly appeared on the spiritual sword.

The next moment, the spirit sword disappeared and appeared directly in the sword world.


The spirit sword slashed down directly and fell towards Qi Pan.

Qi Pan, who was ambushing Chu Ci, felt his heart tighten, and a breath of death filled his body.

"not good!"

Qi Pan was shocked and stopped pretending to be dead. The puddle of mud immediately turned into its original appearance and teleported to avoid it.

"Fortunately, I ran fast. I didn't expect this human race to have such methods. It actually made me feel the breath of death."

Qi Pan breathed a sigh of relief.


But the next moment his body froze, and he saw a spiritual sword passing directly through his body.

"how come……"

Qi Pan looked around blankly, and then realized that he had teleported to a lonely place.

Still in the same place.


As the blood bar disappeared, Qi Pan's body fell.

Until his death, eight pairs of his eyes were open.

Shock, unwillingness, fear, confusion, despair, hatred, anger... A total of sixteen different emotions appeared in his sixteen eyes.

He never thought that he, a majestic and true god, would die like this.

Until he died, he never even saw the enemy again.


At the moment Qi Pan died, a bloody rainbow flashed across the sky.

However, this rainbow did not appear in the outside world, but in the sword world.

"The vision is actually in the sword world. This is a good assassination method."

Chu Ci appeared in the sword world and looked at the blood rainbow hanging in the sky, his eyes couldn't help but brighten.

In a head-on battle, killing the enemy's true god and the blood rainbow hanging in the sky will boost your own morale.

But if he breaks into the territory of a foreign race alone, the vision of blood rainbow hanging in the sky will make other true gods wary.

But there is no need to worry now, as long as the true god is pulled into the sword world and killed, this problem will not occur.

Chu Ci then put away Qi Pan's body. The true god's body was still very valuable.

He took another look at his experience bar. Even if the opponent was a true god, the experience value provided after being killed by him was not enough to level him up.

"The next step is to level up."

Chu Ci thought of Shilin Mountain. There were quite a few mythical and demigods there, and they could be caught and thrown into the Sword Realm.

"But before that, we still need to upgrade our equipment."

Chu Ci's mind moved, and three blue-white beads the size of pigeon eggs appeared in his hand.

It is those three mythical cores.

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