Job transfer for all: Awakening of the Wine Sword Immortal at the beginning!

Chapter 365 The seal is broken, the ancient evil beast!


The two people from the Fire Dragon lineage who had just left also flew back again, "What happened?"

Originally, the two of them planned to take this opportunity to find Ao Meng and kill him.

But I didn't expect that not long after flying out, the entire Evil Beast Cliff shook.

He immediately ignored Ao Meng and flew back in a hurry to look for Ao Yun.

"That's where the sound came from. Let's go and have a look."

Ao Yun said with a serious look on his face.

Nothing happened at Evil Beast Cliff for so many years, so why did something go wrong the moment he arrived?

I just hope there is no problem with the seal, otherwise things will be in trouble.

The two people from the Fire Dragon lineage did not dare to talk nonsense, and immediately followed Ao Yun and flew in the direction of the explosion.

"This seal is quite strong. Even if a hundred thousand swords were fired, there was only a crack."

Ao Meng couldn't help but said while looking at the cracks in the barrier in front of him.

The explosion just now was naturally caused by him.

Although he has the ability to kill Ao Yun and the other three, there will be some trouble once the Dragon Clan Ancient God investigates.

So he thought of simply destroying the seal, and then it would be revealed that Ao Yun and the others were killed by the evil beast that broke through the seal.

Moreover, after the seal is broken, the Dragon Clan will have no time to investigate the cause of Ao Yun's death in a short period of time, and will have to expend energy to repair the seal.

I thought that with my own damage, one hundred thousand spiritual swords would be enough to tear a gap in the seal, but I didn't expect that I underestimated the power of the dragon clan, and only a finger-long crack appeared on the seal.

"Since one hundred thousand swords are not enough, then five hundred million swords!"

Ao Meng noticed that Ao Yun and the others were arriving quickly, and was too lazy to waste time.

Anyway, after the seal was broken, it wasn't him who had to fix it.

Boom boom boom...

The next moment, 500 million spiritual swords erupted in unison, blasting toward the barrier crazily.

The terrifying power directly shook the barrier again, and the finger-wide crack was also rapidly expanding.

Ho ho ho…

Behind the barrier, countless evil beasts saw this scene and roared, their roars full of excitement.

But these evil beasts did not pounce directly. They looked at Ao Meng on the other side of the barrier, with a trace of fear in their eyes.

The power that Ao Meng unleashed was really too powerful, making these evil beasts instinctively feel the threat of death.


Soon, with Ao Meng's violent bombardment, the barrier collapsed, and a gap dozens of feet long and wide appeared.

"about there."

Ao Meng waved his hand and put away all the spiritual swords, and then disappeared in a flash of sword.

As Ao Meng left, the evil beasts in the barrier were stunned for a moment, and then their killing nature was awakened.

Ho ho ho…

A series of earth-shaking roars sounded, the aura of the true god swept out, and evil beasts rushed across the gap and rushed outside.

"how so?"

At the same time, the three people from Ao Yun who had just arrived also saw this scene, and they were all shocked.

They had inspected it yesterday and there was no problem with the seal at all.

Why did such a huge gap appear today?

While they were stunned, countless evil beasts rushed out and had nowhere to vent their gazes.


With a roar, thousands of evil beasts rushed towards the three people.

"not good!"

The three of them woke up as if from a dream, and felt chills running down their spines when they saw so many evil beasts attacking them.

All of these evil beasts are at the true god level. Even if their combat power is somewhat inferior, there are simply too many of them.

And there are even middle-level or even high-level true gods among them. Even if the peak true gods are here, they will bleed if they are besieged by so many evil beasts.


Ao Yun did not dare to hesitate and immediately took out the token and teleported away.

But the next moment he was shocked because he found that he couldn't move.

"how come?"

Ao Yun looked at the control effect on his body, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Haven't those evil beasts lost their intelligence and only know how to run rampant?

Why would you give me control in the first place?

Not only Ao Yun, but also the two people from the Fire Dragon lineage were equally horrified to find that they could not move.

They hurriedly used various means to dispel the control on their bodies, but soon they became desperate.

No use, no use at all.

Looking at the thousands of evil beasts getting closer and closer, the three of them had a thought at the same time, "My life is at stake!"

Boom boom boom...

In the next moment, several evil beasts in front rushed forward, and their sharp claws scratched bloody marks on the three people's bodies.

The three people, unable to move at all, could only watch helplessly as the evil beast's claws fell on their bodies. The intense pain made their faces gradually become distorted.

As their breath became weaker and weaker, relief gradually appeared on the faces of the three of them.

Finally... are you going to die?

Hee hee hee…

The light of three swords appeared and harvested the lives of three people.

Blah blah blah...

At the moment when the three people died, three bloody rainbows rose into the sky and spanned the entire Evil Beast Cliff. One of the rainbows was several times as wide as the other two.

The sudden vision made all the evil beasts in the Evil Beast Cliff look up.

And deep inside the Evil Beast Cliff, five pairs of blood-colored eyes slowly opened, all looking at the bloody rainbow.

The next moment, the bloody eyes slowly receded, and in the darkness, five behemoths slowly appeared.


A roar resounded throughout the entire Evil Beast Cliff, and five terrifying auras swept out, causing countless evil beasts to crawl on the ground wherever they passed.

Even the peak true god-level evil beasts were lying on the ground shivering.

Ao Meng just appeared next to the bodies of Ao Yun and the others, intending to put the bodies away. This roar almost made his legs weak.

"Ancient God!"

Ao Meng was shocked. Although he had long heard that there were ancient god-level evil beasts deep inside the Evil Beast Cliff, he did not expect this rumor to be true.

And judging from the aura emanating from it, there are at least five ancient god-level evil beasts.

But instead of being afraid, Ao Meng was filled with excitement.

"The five ancient gods and evil beasts are enough to keep the ancient gods of the Dragon Clan busy for a while."

Ao Meng murmured, then put away the three dragon corpses, and then quickly disappeared from the place.

After arriving at a slightly safer place, Ao Meng took out a token.

It is the entrance and exit token of Evil Beast Cliff.

"Ao Yun and the other three are dead. It is estimated that the Dragon Clan has received the news, and a powerful ancient god will come in soon."

"It just so happens that I can take this opportunity to return to the Dragon Clan to escape, and destroy my life card at the same time."

Ao Meng thought, and then crushed the token. A force of space covered his whole body, and disappeared in the next second.

At the same time, Huo Jun, the ancestor of the ancient god of the fire dragon lineage, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Huo Yi and Huo Er are actually dead?"

There was surprise in Huo Jun's eyes. He had specially arranged for these two people to enter the Evil Beast Cliff. With the strength of the two true gods, it would be possible to kill the two unless the evil beasts inside the Evil Beast Cliff broke through the seal.

But the seal is extremely strong and cannot be easily broken, so this possibility can be ruled out.

"Is it Ao Meng?"

This time Huo Yi and Huo Er entered the Evil Beast Cliff mainly for Ao Meng. Now that the two of them are dead, it might be related to Ao Meng.

But he couldn't figure out how a crippled guy like Ao Meng could kill two true gods, Huo Yi and Huo Er, without even a chance to escape.

"It seems that I really underestimated you, ancestor. Anyway, Huo Yihuo Er died because he went to inspect the seal. So, ancestor, I have a reason to enter the Evil Beast Cliff."

Huo Jun snorted coldly, and then the flames rose from his huge body, and soon a handsome young man with red hair appeared.

"It's true that I haven't turned into a human form for many years."

Huo Jun looked at his body, then put one hand on his back, stepped out and disappeared from the place.

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