Job transfer for all: Awakening of the Wine Sword Immortal at the beginning!

Chapter 367 Shocked, Huo Jun was killed by five giant beasts...

Inside the Evil Beast Cliff.

As a wave of space rippled, Huo Jun's figure slowly appeared.

But before he could check his surroundings, an animal claw fell from the sky.


The terrifying force actually knocked Huo Jun to the ground, and a deep pit thousands of meters deep appeared.

Huo Jun was stunned at this time.

what's the situation?

I just came in, why did I get hit?

Moreover, he is a powerful ancient god. Even if he is a powerful person of the same level, it would be difficult to directly suppress him under a sneak attack.

At this time, the giant claw was raised, and a huge beast with a shape like a tiger, thick hair, a face like a human face, and feet like tiger claws, long fangs, and an extremely long tail stretched out its tongue and licked its claws. stained with Huojun's blood.

"It's a pity that it's just a low-level insect beast, and the taste is average."

The giant human-faced beast said it was disgusting, but it looked like it was enjoying itself.

Some are good to eat.

Huo Jun also came to his senses and hurriedly left the pit, trying to distance himself from the other party.


But in the next moment, another huge claw struck him and hit him directly. A strong pain made his face turn pale.

"It doesn't taste very good."

Another giant beast appeared, different from the giant beast with a human face.

This giant beast has a body like a cow and a ferocious face. It not only has sharp teeth and claws, but also has a pair of eyes in its armpits.

The most conspicuous thing is the big mouth, which actually takes up half of the face.

"Oh? Let me try it too."

Another voice sounded, and before Huo Jun could react, a giant beast that looked like a tiger but had two wings on its back stretched out its claws and took out some flesh to taste.

This time, before the two-winged giant beasts could express their opinions, a giant beast that looked like a cow but had four horns, a pair of giant beasts that looked like pig ears, and a giant beast that looked like a large eagle with horns on its head all took action.


Two pieces of flesh and blood were torn directly from Huo Jun's body by the two giant beasts, and then put into his mouth and tasted them carefully.

"I think it's pretty good." The pig-eared beast said.

"You are also hungry. You haven't eaten anything good."

The giant beast with a big mouth said disdainfully, "In the past, this kind of insect beast was not even qualified to let me open my mouth."

"You also said it was before. Now that we have enough to eat, it will be good."

The two-winged giant beast said while licking its paws.

At this time, Huo Jun finally came to his senses. He looked around, and only then did he realize that he was surrounded.

There are five giant beasts, each exuding the aura of a powerful ancient god.

And he is not an ordinary ancient god powerhouse. Anyone who is strong is countless times more powerful than him. It is simply not comparable to someone like him who has only just reached the ancient god level.

"Everyone, I'm just passing through here, so I'll leave now."

Huo Jun swallowed, his originally handsome face now turned extremely pale.

When he first came in and was attacked, he was still very angry, especially when he heard that the other party said that he was actually an insect beast, and he wanted to fight the other party directly.

But now facing these five ancient gods and behemoths, he obeyed his will.

Let alone five, none of them can be dealt with by him.


If he didn't run away, he would be dead with one claw from the beast.

But just when he was about to run away, his expression suddenly changed, and then he realized that the surrounding space had been blocked.


The five giant beasts looked at each other and smiled, but this smile seemed extremely terrifying to Huo Jun.

"Although it's just an insect beast, it's still in the realm of ancient gods. The war is about to begin, so I'll have to eat and drink enough."

After the giant human-faced beast finished speaking, a claw immediately fell towards Huo Jun again.

Huo Jun's heart trembled, knowing that today was dangerous, and these five giant beasts would never let him go.

Now he can only hold on and wait for the Dragon Clan's rescue.

With such changes happening at Evil Beast Cliff, the Dragon Clan must have also received the news, and strong men will arrive soon.

Looking at the claws coming towards him, Huo Jun's eyes turned sharp, "You are bullying the dragon too much!"


A dragon roar resounded throughout the world, endless flames poured out, and a fire dragon several thousand feet long appeared.


Huo Jun swung the dragon's tail and slapped the claws of the giant human-faced beast away. However, instead of being angry, the giant human-faced beast's eyes lit up.

"Not bad, not bad. I didn't expect this insect beast to be quite plump. It's enough for me to have a good meal." The giant human-faced beast said.

Hearing this, Huo Jun's eyes flashed with anger.

In all the years since he became an ancient god, he has never been treated like this.

"You are seeking death!"

Huo Jun roared angrily, and immediately spit out a ball of flaming dragon breath and attacked the giant beast with a human face.

The giant beast with a human face was about to take action, but the giant beast with a big mouth came to it first.

Then Huo Jun saw a huge mouth appear, and it swallowed up the ball of flaming dragon breath.

"Taotie, you are really hungry. You swallowed all the saliva. Isn't it disgusting?"

The two-winged giant beast looked at the big-mouthed giant beast with a look of disgust.

The big-mouthed beast, Taotie, was still savoring the taste of the dragon's breath. Hearing this, he was furious and immediately retorted, "Fuck your mother, that's the law of fire. What saliva? You're so special." Who is disgusting?"

"Ah, yes, yes," the two-winged beast said perfunctorily.

"Stop talking nonsense. The other guys from the Dragon Clan are coming soon. Deal with this guy as soon as possible." After saying this, the giant pig-eared beast pounced directly on Huo Jun.

At the same time, in the process of rushing over, its figure also quickly grew in size.

It was originally only a few dozen feet in size, but when it came to Huo Jun, it was already a thousand feet tall.


The sharp claws were swung out, and the fiery red dragon scales were instantly broken, and a large mass of flesh and blood broke away.


The intense pain made Huo Jun scream. Seeing the pig-eared beast that was rapidly eating his flesh and blood, he immediately wanted to fight back.

"Zhu Huai, you don't have martial ethics, how dare you eat it secretly."

But at this moment a voice sounded, and before Huo Jun could react, he saw a black shadow flash past him.

When the black shadow stopped, Huo Jun saw clearly that it was the giant eagle.

And on the claws of the giant eagle beast, there was also an extra piece of his flesh and blood.

It was also at this time that Huo Jun felt the pain.

"Gu Diao, you have the nerve to talk about Zhu Huai."

The two-winged giant beast shouted, and also rushed towards Huo Jun.

This time Huo Jun was already prepared and could retreat, but suddenly felt a pain at the dragon's tail.

Turning his head to look, he saw that the giant beast with a big mouth had appeared at some point and bit his dragon tail.


The giant beast with a big mouth swung hard, and the sound of tearing was heard, and the dragon's tail was torn off alive.

Huo Jun was about to scream when suddenly a huge force fell on his head.


"What are you calling? Even if you break your throat, no dragon will come to save you."

At this time, the giant beast with a human face glanced at him, and then bit his neck.

In a daze, Huo Jun heard the other person mutter, "Don't be afraid, it's like this the first time, it won't hurt after a while.

"We're quick."

Hey, hey, hey, eat the meat.

Take a sip and drink the soup.

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