In the secret place of the Xuanhu clan.

Chu Ci looked at the situation in the sword world for a while, and saw Xuan Yu taking the initiative to stabilize the situation inside, and a smile appeared on his face.

However, although he was satisfied with what the other party did, he still had to kill him when he should.

On this point, Chu Ci never wavered.

Looking away from the sword world, Chu Ci looked at the secret place in front of him.

To be precise, it was the military arsenal in front of me.

"This military arsenal has been completely destroyed, and it has been developed by the Xuanhu clan for so many years. I don't know if there are any good things left."

Chu Ci took out the tiger talisman, and the tiger talisman suddenly lit up.

[The Tiger Talisman is detected. Since it is a complete Tiger Talisman, you automatically gain 100% access to the military arsenal. 】

[Military Arsenal No. 3698 welcomes the arrival of the general. 】

[It has been detected that the energy of the military arsenal is about to be exhausted, it is seriously damaged, and it is undergoing self-inspection. 】

[Material function... is damaged and cannot be repaired. 】

[The exchange function... is damaged and cannot be repaired. 】

[Storage function... is damaged and cannot be repaired. 】

[After the self-inspection, the damage of military arsenal number 3698 has reached 98%. The damage is extremely serious and cannot be repaired. 】

Voices sounded one after another, and Chu Ci's eyes were filled with surprise.

Unexpectedly, the number of this military arsenal was among the first four thousand.

However, judging from the results of the self-test, almost all functions were damaged, which was completely different from the complete arsenal he obtained in the Black Abyss Secret Realm.

No wonder the Xuanhu Clan was able to obtain the contents of this military arsenal. Given the degree of damage, it was indeed impossible to protect the remaining resources.

[Military arsenal number 3698 has detected the arrival of the general and will release all remaining supplies. Please take inventory of the general. 】

Hua Hua Hua...

The next moment, the whole secret place was shaken, and beams of light burst out of the ground.

Chu Ci glanced over and saw that there were probably more than two thousand light pillars, and in each light pillar, there were remaining resources floating.

Chu Ci came to the nearest pillar of light, which contained a flaming red stone.

[Fire Crystal]: A mythical material that can be used to create mythical weapons, and can give weapons fire attributes.

Chu Ci put it away. Although he didn't need to make weapons, he could throw it into the Wine Fairy's gourd to make wine.

Then Chu Ci went to other light pillars to check. The things in these light pillars were all mythical materials at worst.

Chu Ci even got a few pieces of true god-level materials.

The value of these things is not low, but they are not of great help to Chu Ci.

Soon, he took away most of the contents of the light pillars, and now only three light pillars remained.

Moreover, these three light pillars are a bit more dazzling than other light pillars.

When he came to one of the light pillars, there were ten white fist-sized crystals inside.

[Dungeon Space Stone]: A special item, refined by the human race using unknown means. After use, a legendary level dungeon can be created. Before use, a dungeon monster needs to be added. The number of additions: level 80-85 shall not exceed one hundred thousand, 86-88 The level cannot exceed ten thousand, the level 89 cannot exceed one hundred, and the level 90 cannot exceed one.

When he saw the effect of these ten crystal stones, even Chu Ci couldn't help but feel shocked.

"This can actually be used to create dungeons, and they are also legendary dungeons." Chu Ci's face was filled with shock.

From Gu Yuan's mouth, he already knew that the human race currently did not have legendary and mythical dungeons.

No one knew the specific reason, but Chu Ci suspected that it was probably because the Wan Clan didn't want the human race to become stronger too quickly, so they destroyed those legendary and mythical dungeons.

If the human race has legendary and mythical dungeons, the number of legendary and mythical strong men in the human race will increase wildly.

Precisely because there are no dungeons, the only way for powerful people above the legendary level to gain experience points is to go to the wild or the front lines of the outer world.

Not to mention how much experience points can be gained, the danger alone will be greatly increased.

But now the crystals in his hand can create legendary copies, and there are ten crystals, which means that ten legendary copies can be made.

Once these ten legendary level dungeons are obtained, the number of mythical levels in the human race will skyrocket in a short period of time.

"It turns out that the copy was made out of this thing."

"It's a pity that we don't know how to make the dungeon space stone. Otherwise, Daxia will no longer be short of dungeons."

"Although this thing is of no use to me, it is of great significance to Daxia."

Chu Ci put ten dungeon space stones into the military arsenal. He must take these things back.

Then Chu Ci looked at another beam of light.

When he saw what was inside, his heart could not help but beat.

There are only two crystal stones in this light pillar, but they look exactly the same as the dungeon space stone just now, except they are purple.

"Could it be..."

Chu Ci hurriedly took it out and checked the information.

[Dungeon Space Stone]: A special item, refined by the human race using unknown means. After use, a mythical level dungeon can be created. Before use, a dungeon monster needs to be added. The number of additions: level 90-95 should not exceed one hundred thousand, 96-98 The level cannot exceed ten thousand, the level 99 cannot exceed one hundred, and the level 100 cannot exceed one.

"Sure enough, it's another dungeon space stone, but this time it can create a mythical dungeon."

Chu Ci took a deep breath.

Creating a legendary copy of the space stone was of great significance to Daxia, but it did not help him much.

But the space stone that creates a copy of the mythical level is helpful to him, and now he is only at the mythical level.

Although he captured many mythical and demigods, he was not sure that he would be able to reach level 99 after killing these aliens.

But things are different now. With the mythical level dungeon, you can just brush it a few times.

"This is the real big gain." Chu Ci couldn't help but smile on his face.

As for the monsters needed for the Space Stone, there are quite a few in his sword world now, and he can create mythical copies at any time.

"There is one last beam of light left."

Chu Ci looked at the last beam of light, which was also the most dazzling beam of light.

And underneath this beam of light was the treasure room where Xuan Yu had tried hard for half a month but failed to break through the barrier.

Arriving in front of the light pillar, Chu Ci saw a scroll placed inside.

When he took it out and checked the information, the joy on his face could not be concealed.

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