Job transfer for all: Awakening of the Wine Sword Immortal at the beginning!

Chapter 398 Old acquaintance Boss Fox, the core of the secret realm!

Happy town.

Four blood rainbows appeared within half a month.

Boss Fox, who was originally taking the townspeople out to kill monsters and obtain black gold, was also frightened and hurriedly led people back to the happy town.

"Sister Fox, there is another blood rainbow."

Seeing another blood rainbow appear on the sky, the residents of Happy Town all looked up to the sky.

"What exactly is this blood rainbow?"

Boss Fox had doubts in his eyes.

The strongest one in Happy Town is at the epic level, so it is naturally impossible to know what will happen after the death of the true god.

They have never even heard of the existence of the true God.

"Sister Fox, I always feel something is wrong."

"That human race came in a year ago and looted all the black gold we had finally accumulated."

"It has only been a year now, and such a phenomenon has appeared again. Could it be that this world is about to be destroyed?"

"No way, we have lived here for so long, haven't we always been fine?"

The residents were noisy, but Boss Fox was silent.

Although she felt a little bad in her heart, she didn't have much sense of crisis.

After waiting for a while, the blood rainbow also dissipated. Just when Boss Fox was about to let the residents do whatever they had to do, the entire happy town suddenly shook.

"How is this going?"

Boss Fox was shocked, and then he saw a golden stream of light rising into the sky.

And that golden stream of light did not fly out from their town, but from Hell Road.

"Boss Fox, we meet again."

When Boss Fox was at a loss, a voice suddenly sounded from the sky.

Not seeing him, Boss Fox's body couldn't help but tremble.

Then she raised her head cautiously and found a young man looking at her with a smile.

"Mr. Gongzi..."

Boss Fox swallowed, and the memory of being dominated by madness a year ago was awakened, and panic rose in his heart for no reason.

"We haven't seen each other for a year, but Boss Hu is still so charming." Chu Ci said with a smile.

He also met some foreigners in the Black Abyss Secret Realm, but those so-called old acquaintances were basically killed by him.

That is to say, Happy Town still exists, and Boss Fox is his only old acquaintance in the secret realm of the Black Abyss.

"Young Master was joking. I thought you had left, but I didn't expect you were still in this world." Boss Fox twitched the corner of his mouth and showed a stiff smile.

"I did leave before, but I came back half a month ago." Chu Ci said while looking at the golden stream of light in the distance.

After he arrived at Happy Town, he discovered that the golden stream of light actually came from the Hell Road.

After hearing Chu Ci's words, Boss Hu's thoughts changed.

"Half a month ago? Could it be that the blood rainbow that appeared in the sky in the past few days is related to the young master?" Boss Fox asked cautiously.

"Well, that's the vision of the true god's fall." Chu Ci nodded.

True God?

Including Boss Fox, all the residents of Happy Town had puzzled looks on their faces.

"Above the mythical level are demigods, and above the demigods are true gods." Chu Ci explained casually, not expecting that one day he would introduce the realm to others.

Now all the residents and Boss Fox were shocked.

They only know about mythical powerhouses, who are legendary beings.

Unexpectedly, the mythical level is not the strongest, there are demigods and even true gods above.

What shocked Boss Fox the most was that the human race in front of him actually killed the true god.

You must know that when we met a year ago, the other party was only in his thirties or forties.

Now that they meet again, the other party's strength has not only far surpassed his own, but also has the power to kill the true god. What a perverted existence this is.

"Young Master, are you here for that thing?"

Boss Fox suppressed the shock in his heart and bowed lower.

"Well, you better not move around here, there will be changes in this world soon."

After Chu Ci finished speaking, he turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

"Sister Fox, he..."

"Shut up, everyone, get back into the house. No matter what happened, you are not allowed to come out."

Boss Hu didn’t know what Chu Ci meant by what she just said, but she knew that if she wanted to live, she would be obedient.

Although many residents were confused, Boss Fox had a high status in Happy Town, so these residents didn't waste any time and hurried back to their houses.

At this time, Chu Ci had passed through the portal leading to Hell Road from Happy Town and came to Hell Road again.

However, unlike when he first came in, the hell road in front of him has changed dramatically.

The only path was now soaked in blood, turning into a blood-mud road with no end in sight.

The dark areas on both sides of Hell Road had disappeared at this time, replaced by pairs of green eyes.


And when Chu Ci just appeared, the owner of these eyes let out a low roar, and then started to kill Chu Ci.

"I didn't expect that the core of this secret realm is on the Hell Road."

Chu Ci swung out his sword, and the sword energy was everywhere, and the monsters around him instantly turned into corpses.

But in the next moment, more monsters rushed up and continued to kill without fear of death.

Swish, swish, swish...

Chu Ci was not polite. With a thought, a spiritual sword flew out and killed all these monsters.

But after killing for a few minutes, Chu Ci frowned. He also found that there seemed to be endless monsters to kill.

"Forget it, let's go directly to get the core of the secret realm."


The natal sword appeared in his hand, and a sword energy flew out. The monsters in front were cleared away, and a road appeared.

Chu Ci turned into sword light and flew out. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of spiritual swords were guarding him. As long as any monster came close, it would be killed.

Chu Ci looked at the golden stream of light, which was still suspended above the sky.

As time passed, he got closer and closer to the golden streamer.

At the same time, the strength of the monsters encountered also increased again, and their number was also greater.

When he was only ten thousand meters away from the golden streamer, all the monsters around him were at the demigod level.

But this still poses no threat to him. With the spiritual sword protecting him, as long as these monsters dare to charge forward, they will die even if they are brushed by the spiritual sword.

For Chu Ci, the distance of ten thousand meters was only a blink of an eye.

Even though there were many monsters blocking him, it only took him a few breaths to reach the golden stream of light.

When he got closer, Chu Ci saw that the golden stream of light was actually a jade platform with countless golden lines flashing on it.

In the center of the platform, there is a floating golden ball of light.

"This should be the core of the secret realm."

Chu Ci's eyes lit up and he was about to go in when suddenly the entire jade platform shook and a powerful aura swept out.


Chu Ci was not surprised. When he entered the secret realm of the fishing island before, there was also a guardian monster in the end.

As for the guardian monster in front of me...

"Medium True God?"

Chu Ci raised his eyebrows and was about to distance himself when suddenly the red bird's egg in his dantian trembled slightly.


The next moment, the Suzaku mark on Chu Ci's eyebrows was revealed, and a ray of fire shot out and landed on the guardian monster.

The guardian monster had just revealed its figure, and before it had even made any move, it was enveloped in the line of fire.

Ho ho ho…

With roars of rage, the guardian monster quickly turned into ashes, leaving only a flickering flame on the spot.

This flame Chu Ci is very familiar with, it is the Suzaku True Fire.

"It turns out to be a guardian monster transformed by Suzaku's true fire. No wonder little Suzaku took action."

Chu Ci thought, the cluster of Suzaku true fire was also absorbed by the Suzaku mark between his eyebrows, and finally landed on the Suzaku egg.


The next moment, the Suzaku egg shook, and an inexplicable force burst out, spreading in all directions with Chu Ci as the center.

Under this force, the surrounding monsters that were still charging all froze, and then turned into powder and dissipated.

The entire road to hell became silent.

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