Job transfer for all: Awakening of the Wine Sword Immortal at the beginning!

Chapter 423 Divine fire cleanses the soul, three souls and seven souls!

[You have successfully forged the body of a god. ]

As the prompt popped up, Chu Ci knew that he had completed the first step of becoming a god.

As for what changes will occur after forging the body of a god...

Chu Ci carefully felt it and found that there was no change.

Took a look at the panel.

[Name] Chu Ci

[Occupation]: Drunken Swordsman (only one)

[Level]: Becoming a god...

[Body of a god]: Not activated (activate after possessing the godhood)


"No wonder there is no change, it turns out that you need to possess the godhood."

Chu Ci knew in his heart that the godhood was the core of the god. As long as the godhood existed, even if there was no body of a god, it was still a god.

[The soul will be cleansed with divine fire in ten seconds, please be prepared. ]

At this time, another prompt popped up. Chu Ci, who had wanted to ask about the situation on the front line, had to give up.

Once the process of becoming a god has begun, it cannot be stopped. Either success or failure.

Ten seconds passed in the blink of an eye.

The divine fire floating above Chu Ci's head turned into a stream of light and sank into Chu Ci's brow, and then appeared again in the sea of ​​consciousness.


The next moment, the divine fire swayed slightly, and a shadow slowly appeared in the center of the divine fire that was like a refining fire.

The shadow looked exactly like Chu Ci, but it was many times smaller. At this time, it was sitting cross-legged in the center of the lotus platform with its eyes closed.

"Heavenly Soul!"

Chu Ci understood in his heart that people have three souls and seven spirits. This divine fire cleans the soul, and it cleanses the three souls and seven spirits.

It's just that these three souls and seven spirits are hidden in the body on weekdays, and even demigods can hardly find them.

Now the souls hidden in the flesh have been mobilized by the divine fire.


Another shadow appeared in the center of the lotus platform, which was Chu Ci's earth soul.

After the earth soul appeared, there was no other movement. It also sat cross-legged and soon merged with the heavenly soul.

Before Chu Ci could feel it carefully, another shadow appeared.

Chu Ci knew that this time it was the life soul among the three souls.

Then another shadow appeared.

Chu Ci knew that these were the seven souls, the first soul was Tianchong, the second soul was Linghui, the third soul was Qi, the fourth soul was Li, the fifth soul was Zhongshu, the sixth soul was Jing, and the seventh soul was Ying.

As the three souls and seven souls merged, the miniature version of Chu Ci in the center of the lotus platform became extremely solid, no longer illusory.

Even Chu Ci felt a sense of clarity and clarity of mind.

At this time, the divine fire, like a lotus, closed its petals around it and soon turned into a bud ready to bloom.

It looked like a bud, but in fact it was still divine fire.


As the bud closed, the divine fire began to baptize the three souls and seven souls.

One after another, the power of the laws flowed into the three souls and seven souls, and sometimes black air flew out and scattered between heaven and earth.

Chu Ci realized that this was turbid air.

How could the soul of a god contain turbid air?

During this process, Chu Ci did not feel any pain, but instead felt a cool feeling like eating mint.

"I don't know how long this soul cleansing will last." Chu Ci thought to himself, but he had no choice. After all, becoming a god is just a necessary step. If there were no accidents, a war would have broken out on the front line, but even if he knew, he had no choice now. "I just hope they can hold on for a while longer. After I become a god, those who invade the human race must be killed." Chu Ci stopped thinking and began to carefully feel the changes in the soul cleansing process. Time passed in a flash, and another three days passed. "What's going on? Six days ago, I ordered these races to take half of the human race's checkpoints for me within three days. Now three days have passed, why haven't they taken any checkpoints yet?" The old man of the Wanling tribe said in a deep voice. In fact, the alien races also captured the checkpoints during this process, but they did not occupy them after killing all the human races. Instead, the human race deliberately delayed time and let the checkpoints go. But the alien races occupied the checkpoints for at most one or two hours, and Gu Yuan, Liu Changhe and Shen Jiangyun would arrive and then kill all these alien races. The human race took back the pass again.

In Gu Yuan's words, if you can't hold on any longer, just retreat. There's no need to hold on. Anyway, they will take it back later.

The reason why Gu Yuan did this was naturally to give the Wanling race some hope.

If so many alien races can't take down a pass after a few days, it will inevitably force the Wanling race to intervene.

As long as they occasionally give up a pass, the Wanling race will know that these alien races are capable of taking down the pass, and they will most likely not take action.

It is obvious that Gu Yuan guessed right.

It is precisely because of the occasional news that the alien races have occupied the pass that the Wanling race is not in a hurry, which delayed it for another three days.

"Report to the elders. We have found out that three sword-wielding warriors appeared on the human side. Those races finally occupied the pass, but once the three sword-wielding warriors appeared, they instantly took the pass back."

"These three human races are powerful, even demigods can easily kill them."

"And I don't know what means these three human races used to rush to help quickly between hundreds of passes, causing those races to suffer heavy losses."

The middle-level true god who reported the situation hurriedly explained the situation.

The old man also narrowed his eyes and suddenly thought of what Wan Yu said before, "It should be the three human races you mentioned before, right?"

"It must be them!"

Wan Yu nodded. When the middle-level true god mentioned the three human races with swords, he knew it was those three guys.

He will never forget how these three guys used themselves as whetstones in the sword world.

"I forgot that there are still three of these human beings with combat power comparable to true gods."

"The most troublesome thing is that they actually have a way to quickly rescue hundreds of checkpoints."

The old man said coldly: "There is really nothing we can do with these useless races."

"Then I'll take action?" The man with the folding fan raised his eyebrows.

I thought that a mere human race could be defeated in two or three days under the siege of so many races.

Unexpectedly, six or seven days had passed, and the foreign army had suffered a lot of losses, but they had not even captured a single pass.

"Although these wastes are useless, they are still good cannon fodder and cannot be wasted like this."

"You go and bring all the demigods from other passes to Shanhaiguan, and let these demigods attack. Then the three human races will inevitably appear. I will use the artifact of order to kill those three humans."

"As long as those three human races are gone, the Great Wall can be broken easily."

The old man said with a cold look in his eyes, he did not expect to actually use the artifact of order.

When the clan leader handed over the Artifact of Order to him, he was still a little reluctant. After all, in order to save more than ten thousand people, he even used the Artifact of Order, the strongest foundation in the race.

The patriarch's selfishness is also a bit too serious.

But later I found out that the Holy Clan had given the nod to deal with the Human Race this time.

Even so, he still felt that a mere human race could not use a powerful weapon like the Artifact of Order.

But I didn't expect that this big killer weapon would really be used for the sake of a mere human race.

"It is your honor to die under the artifact of order." The old man said secretly.

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