Job transfer for all: Awakening of the Wine Sword Immortal at the beginning!

Chapter 464 The power of origin, the terror of the twelve golden men!

The Kunpeng clan is also the top clan among many holy clans.

Like the Golden Winged Dapeng clan, this clan is also very good at speed.

The two clans once fought over who was the fastest.

But since the Golden Winged Dapeng clan was abolished, the Kunpeng clan has become the first among many holy clans in terms of flying speed.

"Is this the Twelve Golden Men? Those rubbish of the Golden Winged Dapeng clan still have the nerve to compete with my Kunpeng clan for the title of the fastest. They can't even run faster than these golden men. You deserved the disaster you suffered that year."

As the chief of the Kunpeng clan thought, his wings spread out and he ran away madly.

This book was first published in 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar → 𝟔𝟗𝐬𝐡𝐮𝐱.𝐧𝐞𝐭, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

He is not a fool. Knowing how powerful these golden men are, how could he stay where he is?

Just thinking about it, the world suddenly shook.

The sky, which was originally cloudless, was suddenly covered by the starry sky.

Seeing this scene, not only the patriarch of the Kunpeng clan, but also other ancient gods were shocked, and an unbelievable thought came to their minds.

At this time, in the calm starry sky, a fiery red star suddenly grew larger and emitted a dazzling light.

Crack, crack...

Then, a series of broken sounds rang out from the star, and in the shocked eyes of all the ancient gods, countless cracks appeared on the fiery red star.


The next moment, a roar resounded between heaven and earth, and the fiery red star suddenly exploded.

The terrifying power vented in the starry sky, and countless fragments and dust flew everywhere, falling into endless chaos.

"The big star is destroyed, the ancient god falls!"

All the ancient gods took a deep breath, how could they not know what this scene represented.

At the level of ancient gods, once they mastered the order, they would be a world in themselves, and they could evolve the godhood into a big star that belonged to them alone.

The evolved big star can not only be used to absorb the power of the world and enhance its own strength.

The most important thing is that the big star is also the place where they store the godhead.

Even the ancient gods are not immortal. Once the godhead is broken, they will still die.

Evolving a big star to store the godhead is a way for the ancient gods to save their lives.

Even if the body and soul are destroyed, as long as the big star is still there, they will be able to revive again sooner or later as time goes by.

In addition, under the shining of the big star, the combat power, qualifications, potential, etc. of the same clan will be greatly improved, and there are many benefits.

But once the big star is broken, it also means the fall of the ancient god.

And at this juncture, the ancient god fell, and it was obviously done by the twelve golden men.

Thinking of this, many ancient gods looked back together, wanting to see which unlucky guy fell.

Among them was the patriarch of the Kunpeng clan.

But when he looked at the scene behind him, his pupils shrank slightly.

I saw a golden man who was only ten feet tall, and at this time he actually evolved a golden hand.

The hand was holding the meat sauce, and there was a headless corpse in front of it.

"It turned out to be a guy from the Holy Armor Teng Snake Clan." The chief of the Kunpeng Clan looked at the headless corpse and immediately understood the other party's identity.

The Holy Armor Teng Snake Clan is a newly promoted holy clan in the past thousand years. There are only two ancient gods in the entire clan, one middle-level ancient god and one low-level ancient god.

The guy who was just killed was the chief of the Holy Armor Teng Snake Clan.

"You are not strong, so run faster. If you don't die, who will die?"

The chief of the Kunpeng Clan muttered, and was still quite shocked in his heart.

Although the other party was only a middle-level ancient god, he was an ancient god after all.

But he was killed by the golden man almost at the first sight, and even the big star evolved by the other party was blown up. The strength of this golden man is really too terrifying.

"Fortunately I ran fast."

The Kunpeng tribe leader was thinking, and suddenly his whole body was cold, because he found that the golden man who killed the leader of the Holy Armor Teng Snake tribe was looking at him at a distance of hundreds of millions of miles.

"Impossible, at such a long distance, that guy won't stare at me, right?"

The Kunpeng tribe leader was frightened and accelerated again.

Although he didn't think that the other party could catch up with him at such a long distance, he didn't dare to gamble.

Fortunately, the golden man soon retracted his gaze, as if it was just a casual glance just now.

But even this casual glance still made the Kunpeng tribe leader almost scared to death.

He now understood why the Golden Wing Dapeng tribe was exterminated by the three golden men. The oppression of the golden man was too strong.

"But even if I can understand it, the Golden Wing Dapeng tribe is still a waste." The Kunpeng tribe leader said secretly.

Boom boom boom...

Just as this thought fell, another roar sounded, because another big star appeared to be broken, and the ancient god fell because of it.

"Save me, I don't want to die."

"Spare me, I know I was wrong."

"I am willing to be a slave of the human race..."

When the ancient gods who did not react at first or reacted but ran slowly encountered the golden man, they begged for mercy one after another.

Even if some ancient gods wanted to resist, they could not hurt the golden man with a full-strength attack.

"How is it possible? How can you be so strong!"

A poor upper ancient god looked at the golden man who was still not damaged by his full-strength attack in disbelief.

Although the other party was a peak ancient god and he was only an upper ancient god, the gap between the two sides could not be so big.

The golden man did not speak, but looked at the other party with cold eyes.


Then a storm appeared and swept the upper ancient god into it.

The upper ancient god still wanted to resist, but all his attacks were eliminated by the storm, and even his body was quickly eaten away by the storm.

"Origin, you actually have the power of the origin of the wind."

The upper ancient god felt the horror of the storm, and his eyes were full of despair.

The true god mastered the law, the ancient god mastered the order, and the ancestor god could evolve the origin of the avenue.

The origin is the root of everything.

In the past, Suiren evolved the origin of the avenue of fire and was called the Fire Ancestor.

From then on, if there was no recognition from the Fire Ancestor who mastered the origin of the avenue of fire, all creatures could not enter the fire path.

The upper ancient god never thought that the golden man, who was obviously just a peak ancient god, actually had the power of the origin.

No wonder these golden men could kill the ancient gods so easily and destroy the big star.

With the power of origin that only the ancestral gods can master, it is too easy to kill the ancient gods.

And there are eleven golden men like this, and there are five on the scene.

"Perhaps the reason why the First Emperor cast twelve golden men was to leave the twelve avenues in the human race."

"When the human race rises, we can smash the golden men and control the avenues."

Thinking of this, the heart of the upper ancient god was cold. He was frightened by the means of the First Emperor to occupy a pit first.

Fortunately, he does not have to consider the fate of all races in the future.

Under the erosion of the extremely terrifying wind avenue, his body seemed to be blown away by countless fierce hurricanes, gradually turning into powder and floating in the air.

His powerful soul could not resist the impact of this destructive force, and finally broke like broken porcelain, turning into countless tiny soul fragments, disappearing in the endless void.


The big star was broken.

Compared with the previous big stars, the only difference is that the big star of the upper ancient god is indeed much larger.


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