Job Transfer For All: I, Mage, Add Points With All My Strength

015 Forest Ghost, Indiscriminate Mental Attack

Just now, Qin Fan saw that white shadow again.

It's just downhill ahead.

Slowly moving forward, Qin Fan finally saw clearly.

It was Bai Ying with a graceful figure, clearly a woman.

But its skin is pale.

Under the pale skin, there was an eerie aura hidden.

No, this is not a woman, let alone a human being, but...

【Forest Ghost】

Level: Level 8

Type: Revenant

Seeing the other party's information clearly, Qin Fan was a little surprised.

The forest ghost is not an ordinary monster, but a very rare monster.

They hide in virgin forests, and it is rare to see one at ordinary times.

This kind of monster has a strong mental attack ability, even if it is encountered by a human with a higher level than it, it is easy to be recruited.

Once affected by their mental attacks, there is only one ending: being buried in the forest forever.

This ghost thing, it seems that it is also for the devil fruit.

At this time, the ghost of the forest was staring at the magic fruit on the cliff.

Aside from the pale complexion, this forest ghost still has a bit of beauty.

The figure is also very good...

The key is not wearing clothes...

"I'll go, what am I thinking!"

Qin Fan was taken aback by his own thoughts.

I was actually admiring the figure of a ghost?

Is it because of being single for a long time?

The strange thing is that the ghost of the forest does not go up to pick it.

Its expression was obsessed and focused, so that it didn't notice Qin Fan's approach.

There is no possibility that it cannot go up, because the forest ghost is a dead soul, and the dead soul can float.

It seems to be waiting for something.

Qin Fan looked carefully at the magic fruit on the cliff, and finally found the reason.

In the hazy twilight, the magic fruit exudes a faint luster.

But if you look closely, you can still see that it is a little green and immature.

It's just that the greenness is fading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

According to the information Qin Fan had read before, the effect would be greatly reduced if there was no ripe magic fruit.

It turned out that the forest ghosts below were waiting for the magic fruit to ripen.

If there is no accident, after half an hour, this magic spirit fruit will be ripe.

At that time, there is no need for the ghost of the forest to pick it up, it will drop by itself.

But the accident came first.

I saw a group of people walking out of the jungle not far away.

They discovered the ghost of the forest immediately, and their faces changed drastically.

"Forest ghost?"

"This is a rare monster of level 8. Killing it may explode good things."

"But this thing is very powerful. It is said that it is no worse than the lord monster of the same level. I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with!"

"No, why is it not moving? What is it looking at?"

Soon, they discovered the magic fruit.

"Fuck, magic fruit? Am I dazzled?"

"It's really a magic spirit fruit, I'm getting rich, haha!"

"This thing can sell at least one billion..."

The voices of several people attracted more people to come.

Not long after, hundreds of people came one after another.

Everyone's eyes were greedy, and they all stared at the magic fruit on the cliff.

But no one dared to step forward.

Because there was a forest ghost standing in front of him.

A rare monster, a rare monster whose strength is no less than that of a lord monster.

The forest ghost didn't do anything, and didn't even turn around to look at the people behind it. Its eyes were always fixed on the magic fruit.

This made Qin Fan murmur in his heart, maybe this forest ghost had discovered him long ago, but he just ignored it.

At this moment, a burst of strange fragrance came, refreshing.

This burst of strange fragrance is emitted by the devil spirit fruit.

It attracts all the small animals in the whole valley.

But none of them dared to approach, as if they were afraid of the powerful breath of the forest ghost.

They just looked at the magic fruit that was about to ripen from a distance.

"The magic spirit fruit is about to ripen!"

"Once it matures, it will fall off by itself, and it will definitely be acquired by the ghost of the forest."

"If it eats the magic fruit, it is very likely to be directly promoted to a lord monster, and its strength will only be even more terrifying at that time!"


Facing the temptation of one billion, people's greed is infinitely magnified.

If the greedy desire is strong enough, it can make people overcome fear and take risks.

Finally, someone couldn't help it!

"Isn't it just a level 8 rare monster, just do it!"

"Brothers, for one billion, let's join forces and kill this forest ghost!"

"That's right, after killing it, we'll share one billion together!"

"Follow me if you are not afraid of death!"

Immediately, all kinds of bows, arrows, magic, and sword energy all attacked the forest ghost.

The arrow passed through its body successfully, and the sword was unhindered.

But it didn't take any damage.

On the contrary, it was magic damage, causing -1 red letters to float above its head.

"This guy is immune to physical damage! The warrior archer knight backs up, protects the mage, and lets the mage output with peace of mind!"

Soldiers, archers, and knights surrounded the mage, and the mage began to output with all his strength.

Although each can only do 1 point of damage.

But if twenty or thirty people attack at the same time, twenty or thirty will be deducted from the forest ghost's blood volume every second.

At first it didn't care.

But as its blood volume continued to drop, it was finally enraged.

It turned around and screamed angrily.

【Ghost Roaring】

——The spirit of the forest launches a spiritual attack, causing indiscriminate damage to surrounding enemies.

A group attack skill with a large range is still a mental attack, ignoring physical defense.

Immediately, most of the blood bars of the soldiers standing in the front were lost.

But the howling didn't end, and they continued to lose blood.

"Back, back quickly!"

Those who ran fast quickly got out of the range of mental attacks.

Those who ran slowly died miserably on the spot.

By the time the howling ended, there were already more than a dozen corpses on the field.

"Drafting, is this thing so fierce?"

"Don't panic, everyone, it's impossible to use this skill all the time, just keep attacking it."

Soon, people gathered around again.

Continue to attack the forest ghost.

Sure enough, the ghost of the forest couldn't continuously release [Ghost Soul Scream]

But it has other means. It raised its hand, condensed a will-o'-the-wisp, and threw it at the enemy.

Even if a ball of will-o'-the-wisp hits a person, it can cause forty or fifty points of damage.

Qin Fan has been lurking on the hillside, observing the battle below.

He was also affected by the howling sound of the forest ghost just now, and his shield value was reduced by about a hundred points.

But at this time, he had already left the battle, and the shield value began to recover.

On the other hand, the little fox in his arms was unscathed.

It seems that the spirit of the forest did not judge it as an enemy.

The little fox's eyes were fixed on the magic fruit on the cliff.

Qin Fan also stopped being distracted, and began to focus on the magic fruit.

The battle below undoubtedly gave him a chance.

As long as the magic spirit fruit falls from the tree, he can rush over to catch it immediately.

Get the magic fruit and flee the scene.

Following the battle situation below, it is mostly too late to react.

Thinking of this, Qin Fan became a little nervous.

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