The white light dissipated, and there was no one standing in the entire valley.

The teachers who saw this scene became nervous.

Are they all dead?

The teachers of Yunlin Middle School were even more ashamed.

The others died as well. If Ma Jun died, Yunlin Middle School would be implicated.

The anger from his parents was not so easy to handle.

However, at this moment, one person slowly got up.

Qin Fan?

When it was clear that it was Qin Fan, everyone showed surprised expressions.

The position where Qin Fan got up was some distance away from the center of the explosion.

But this distance is not enough for him to survive.

After the forest ghost explodes, it can cause at least 800 points of damage.

Based on the location of Qin Fan, the damage will be weakened, but it will not be lower than 300 points.

Unless he was born with full physique attributes and added all the freedom points to his physique, he could survive this.

But according to everyone's understanding, this person's initial physical attribute is 0, and he still has full strength.

So how did he survive?

Does he have any life-saving equipment on him?

But he is only level 4, what kind of death-prevention equipment can be equipped at level 4?

Normally, the level of death-preventing equipment would not be very low!

If there is really a death-prevention equipment that can be worn at a low level, it must be an artifact.

Does this person have a divine weapon?

This is absolutely impossible!


Qin Fan walked forward slowly, seeing a mess in his eyes.

The corpses all over the ground are horrible.

The lucky ones left a whole body, and the unlucky ones left nothing behind.

The ghost in the forest is gone, and the magic fruit on the cliff is gone.

Presumably it was blown away by the explosion just now.

what a pity.

Qin Fan looked around and knew that the explosion would definitely attract more people, so he had to leave as soon as possible.

Otherwise the explanation is not clear.

But at this moment, a creaking sound came.

Qin Fan was overjoyed, turned around and saw the figure of the little fox.

This guy is not dead?

That's right, the shock wave just now was taken down by him.

Thinking of just now, Qin Fan still has lingering fears.

Even if they escaped from the center of the explosion in advance, they were greatly affected.

The shield value of 330 points is only 30 points left in the end!

If you get any closer, you will definitely die.

It's hard to imagine how much damage Ma Jun and others who were close to the forest ghost suffered.

The little fox was still chirping and looking back at Qin Fan from time to time.

This made Qin Fan a little puzzled.

Suddenly, he thought of something, and his face changed.

Could it be...

He hurried forward and came to where the little fox was.

Seeing him coming forward, the little fox touched the soil below with its sharp beak.

Seeing this, Qin Fan squatted down and began to dig the soil.

Not long after, a fruit as white as jade appeared in front of his eyes.

"Devil spirit fruit?"

Qin Fan was overjoyed, hurriedly picked it up, and examined it carefully.

【Magic Fruit】

——Treasures of multi-heaven and earth creation

——After taking it, the current initial attribute will be tripled.

"It really is a magic spirit fruit!"

"Unexpectedly, in the end, I still picked up the bargain!"

Qin Fan showed excitement.

Immediately wanted to eat this magic fruit.

As long as you eat it, your basic strength attribute can be tripled.

At that time, the gains of the three attributes of casting speed, casting cost and cooling time will reach the maximum value.

This is the goal he has dreamed of these days.

Before he got the magic spirit fruit, he was thinking about this too.

But when he really succeeded, he had some concerns.

The magic spirit fruit is a rare treasure and is of great value.

Even a full-level powerhouse wants to get it.

I'm only level 4 now.

With the current strength attribute, eating it will increase 88 points.

Isn't this violent?

On the contrary, if you eat it after you reach level 100, the increased value will be considerable.

So should I eat it now, or save it for later?

For a moment, Qin Fan hesitated.

Humans are greedy, and no matter what benefit they get, they are eager to maximize it.

The same is true for Qin Fan.

But soon, he thought of a serious question.

Although all the people in the valley died, what happened in the valley is not unknown to everyone.

Instead, there are now many pairs of eyes watching my every move.

The fact that he got the magic spirit fruit has been known by many people.

Everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty.

For a treasure like this, even a full-level powerhouse would lower his face to fight for it.

So, even if I take it out, can I really keep it?

I'm afraid that as soon as the college entrance examination is over, many bigwigs will come to the door, or threaten, or lure, or directly grab it.

Even after leaving this valley, you will be robbed immediately!

With my current strength, it is too difficult to keep it.

Wanting to understand this, Qin Fan had an idea in his mind.

He found a place with relatively bright light to ensure that his actions could be seen clearly by all watchers.

Then, he picked up the magic fruit and swallowed it in one gulp!

Seeing this move, everyone who was watching the big screen burst into curses.

"Grass, waste everything!"

"Idiot, idiot, stupid!"

"God, such a treasure, he ate it like this?"

"He's only level 4. Which school does this idiot belong to? What kind of school can teach such an idiot?"

"Don't he know that the higher the level of the magic spirit fruit, the better the effect?"

"Eat it at level 4, what's the difference from not eating it?"

"This guy doesn't think it's just an ordinary fruit, does he?"

"I really want to crush him to death!"


Yunlin Middle School, the principal's room.

All the teachers looked at each other.

The moment they saw Qin Fan get the magic fruit, they all wanted to cheer.

As long as Qin Fan brings back the magic spirit fruit, it will be a great achievement.

Regardless of whether this treasure belongs to him or not in the end, he can get unexpected benefits.

But he...

He actually ate like that?


"This student has a brain!"

"Mr. Qian, is this from your seventh class?"

Teacher Li looked at Sun Lin with displeasure.

Old money is also dull.

Although he seldom cared about Qin Fan, an ordinary student, but he was in his own class after all, so it was embarrassing to do such a thing.

Only the old principal remained silent.

Staring at Qin Fan who was enjoying the magic fruit in the front screen, a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This little guy is a smart guy!


Eat the magic fruit.

Qin Fan felt a strange energy sweeping through his body, something was breaking through.

"Are you coming?"

He couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes.


You can become a mage yourself!

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