Job Transfer For All: I, Mage, Add Points With All My Strength

033 Upgrade To Level 15, Boss Monsters Appear

After a day!

With a flash of brilliance, Qin Fan finally reached level 15!

At this time, the carrion ants were no longer seen in the valley.

Thousands of carrion ants have been slaughtered by him.

Taking a long breath of relief, Qin Fan hurriedly checked his own attributes.

Name: Qin Fan

Level: Level 15

Occupation: Mage

Strength: 253

Constitution: 0

Intelligence: 0

Dexterity: 0

Spirit: 0

Stamina: 75

Stamina: 80

Blue amount: Slightly!

Physical Attack: 254

Magic Attack: 0

Physical Defense: 1

Magic Defense: 0

Skill: Fireball - each attack, causing magic damage equal to 1.5 times the base intelligence! Mana consumption: 5 points

Crazy Thunder Prison - Activate the thunder element in the air, release extremely powerful lightning and imprison the enemy for 5 seconds! Mana consumption: 20 points; the mental attribute is higher than the opponent, 100% of the success, the spiritual attribute is lower than the opponent, only 10% of the success rate.

Hidden Talent: Work Miraculously

Equipment: fine steel epee (attack +1), fine steel armor (physical defense +1), dark pattern ring. (The Mithril suit is not worn on the body, so it will not be counted in the panel statistics)

Look at the hidden talents.

Current gain: fixed magic damage +2430;

Casting time: instant;

Casting cost: no cost;

Casting range +243%;

Cooldown: None;

Shield value +2430.

The level has been raised by eight levels, and the attributes have been greatly improved.

The fixed damage and shield value are as high as 2430 points.

The casting range of the skill has been increased by nearly 2.5 times.

Fireball, which originally could only cover 3 grid units, can now cover seven or eight grid units.

It can be said that the coverage of one fireball is almost as good as the three in the past!

Seeing this, Qin Fan couldn't help thinking.

When one day's basic power attribute is high enough, can the fireball technique directly cover the planet?

At that time, wouldn't it be the real fire that destroys the world?

Of course, this is just thinking about it. To reach that level, how high must the basic attributes be?


Unfortunately, now I only have two skills.

After the second turn, the mage can learn three new skills.

This moved Qin Fan a little.

Now that I'm level 15, I can change jobs a long time ago.

But Qin Fan didn't change jobs immediately, because the inheritance job deep in the scarlet area was too tempting for him.

The inheritance of the Empress Guangming is the inheritance of the Creator God.

Moreover, this kind of inheritance does not restrict gender, which means that no matter male or female, it can be inherited.

Once passed on, there is a chance to grow into a new God of Creation.

God of Creation, that should be the most powerful existence among the gods, right?

After interrupting his thoughts, Qin Fan no longer thought about this question.

It's useless to think more beautifully, who knows if you can pass it on?

It's better to raise the level quickly and get to level 20 as soon as possible, so that you can wholeheartedly participate in the competition.

Originally, Qin Fan wanted to reach level 20 in this valley, but the carrion ants had already been killed.

Although the game is coming to the real world, the monsters will not be refreshed immediately after death, and some monsters will never be refreshed.

Even if a new monster is born in the original position, the type, level, etc. have changed.

It is also for this reason that the monsters encountered in the college entrance examination are different every year.

In addition, the monsters themselves will multiply, which leads to the fact that the monsters in this world can never be killed.

Of course, although the monster can never be killed, the monster is only a supporting role after all.

In this world, people still have the final say.

Monsters are just stepping stones for humans to become stronger.

It's pretty pathetic when you think about it.

There are no more carrion ants, so we can only change places to upgrade.

Thinking of this, Qin Fan turned around and was about to leave.

But at this moment, the ground trembled, shaking Qin Fan almost fell to the ground.

He hurriedly turned around and looked towards the valley, only to see that the ground in the valley began to crack, and large swaths of mud and rocks rolled out.

It was as if something huge was about to break out of the ground.

Could it be... an elite monster?

Qin Fan showed joy.

That's right, I killed so many carrion ants myself, so there's no reason why I shouldn't be an elite monster.

The experience of an elite monster is twice that of an ordinary monster.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the probability of elite monsters dropping magic equipment and advanced materials will be much higher.

Ordinary monsters will also drop mana equipment, but the chances are lower than winning the jackpot when buying a lottery, so low that it is almost negligible.

Unless you have the same luck as Qin Fan, for example, when he killed an ordinary dark pattern leopard before, he dropped a first-level dark pattern ring.

This is definitely unique luck, and it can definitely be called the possession of the European Emperor.

But such cases are rare after all.

Soon, the soil rolled, the rocks cracked, and a huge carrion ant appeared in front of Qin Fan.

It was taller than a two-story building, and its body was like a large truck.

"Damn human, you have to pay for my people!"

As soon as the large carrion ants appeared, they immediately spoke out.

This frightened Qin Fan quite a bit.

Because monsters that can speak human words are not just elite monsters, but...

Lord blame!

Commonly known as BOSS!

How lucky are you?

He hurriedly checked the attributes of the boss.

【Carrion Ant Queen】

Level: 25

Type: mutant insect

Quality: Lord

Sure enough, it's the BOSS monster.

Qin Fan was overjoyed.

Killing the BOSS monster will definitely drop magic equipment.

Not only that, but there is also a chance of dropping extremely rare items.

It can be said that the boss monster is the prey that all adventure teams have been pursuing.

Any adventure team, as long as they find a boss and kill it, they can become rich instantly.

Adventure teams all over the world are chasing the trace of the boss monster.

The refreshment of the boss and the location of the refreshment are completely random.

Only those who are lucky can meet.

The things on a BOSS are very valuable.

But the strength of a BOSS must not be underestimated.

In this world, countless people die at the hands of BOSS every day.

Generally speaking, to hunt and kill a BOSS requires the cooperation of a large number of different professions of the same level to kill it.

And now, Qin Fan is alone.

Can he single out this carrion ant queen?

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