In any world, the poor are vulnerable.

Vulnerable groups are vulnerable to bullying.

When vulnerable groups are treated unfairly, it is often difficult to fight back.

But it's not that there is no chance of counterattack.

Between heaven and earth, there is still a sense of fairness.

Although Qin Fan is not a poor person in the true sense, he is in a weak position compared with the Lin family.

Whether it is money, connections, resources, or means, the two are not at the same level.

But Qin Fan is not without chance to fight back.

It's just that the chances are a little slim.

But no matter how slim the opportunity is, you have to fight for it, right?

When a person is bullied, he cannot swallow his anger for the rest of his life.

In fact, Qin Fan doesn't need to swallow his anger for a lifetime. With his potential, in time, he can grow into an existence that the Lin family dare not look up to.

As the saying goes, ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

You just need to wait patiently, and sooner or later you will be able to let this breath out.

But he couldn't wait that long.

Who said you have to wait ten years for revenge?

Whenever there is an opportunity, you must fight for it. Of course, the sooner you report the revenge, the better.

So, Qin Fan hid the appearance of the equipment, put on new clothes, wrapped a headscarf, and put on a mask, and appeared in the deep mountains in the southeast of Yunlin District.

The reason why he wrapped himself up so tightly was to get rid of the surveillance of the Lin family.

If nothing else, he should be under surveillance.

It was almost dusk at this time, and the mountains and forests were extremely silent.

The sounds of birds and animals are hard to hear.

The reason is that there are a large number of desperadoes crouching in the mountains and forests.

Over the years, they have almost devoured all the birds and beasts in this area.

There is only one goal for these people crouching here, waiting for the Donglin gangsters to refresh.

Donglin Bandit is a rare humanoid monster of level 30.

Refresh time is 5 hours.

survival time......

This is hard to say, if no one touches him, it will disappear in an hour, and then refresh again after five hours, and so on.

Although he is a lord monster, he was rated as one of the ten poorest monsters in the world.

Because killing him basically doesn't drop anything good.

But for countless years, there are still countless people below level 40 squatting at him!

There is only one reason, killing him has a very low probability of dropping the Soul Chasing Token.

The soul-chasing order is not equipment, nor is it a material.

It is a genuine token.

But it has the effect of turning heads on everyone.

As long as you use the soul chasing order, you can choose one person to bind.

If the bound person is killed within a month, there is a very low probability of dropping artifact equipment.

Although this probability is extremely low, perhaps only one in a billion, it is already enough to make people crazy.

After all, what fell was a divine weapon!

For things like artifacts, even full-level bosses would be jealous, and would do whatever it takes to get them.

As long as anyone obtains a real artifact, no matter how bad his current situation is, he will have a chance to turn around and counterattack.

Qin Fan has a piece of equipment that seems to be a divine weapon - the nameless ancient ring.

But its special effects are not enough to prove that it is an artifact.

Qin Fan originally planned to go to the appraisal master for appraisal, but because of the blockade of the Lin family, he did not have this opportunity.

Otherwise, if the artifact is really identified, the improvement of one's own strength will be huge.

Now that Qin Fan came here, it was also because of the soul chasing order.

His purpose is very simple, as long as he obtains the Soul Chasing Token, he can choose to bind the head of the Lin family.

Even if he doesn't die by then, he will live a month-long nightmare.

During that month, he will be in constant fear.

Because even the people around him may attack him.

Few people can resist the temptation of the artifact, even if the probability is extremely low, it is worth going crazy for it.

Of course, it is very difficult to obtain the Soul Chasing Token.

Because the probability of falling is too low.

A long time ago, any monster that might drop the Soul Chasing Token would be taken over by the powerful forces.

They will specially raise a group of thugs below level 40 "to guard such monsters year after year.

But for hundreds of years, the Soul Chasing Order has appeared three times in total.

Such a low probability has caused the major forces to give up taking over.

Because it is really not worth wasting a lot of human and financial resources for an illusory thing.

As a result, such monsters have become the targets of all kinds of people who bear blood and deep hatred.

There is no way for them to take revenge, and their only hope is this.

But many people squatted for a lifetime, but they couldn't get the soul chasing order, and they could only die with hatred in the end.

Qin Fan also wanted to try his luck when he came here.

It doesn't matter even if he can't get the soul chasing order, he still has a back hand.

As soon as he appeared, he immediately felt many unkind eyes.

...asking for flowers...

Those stares like hungry wolves wished to devour him.

There is only one bandit in Donglin, and the drop rate of chasing souls is extremely low.

Every additional competitor means that the chances are slimmer.

So those who come here wish to kill all the competitors.

Of course, no one would do it right away, that would be a very stupid behavior, at least wait for the monster to refresh.

Qin Fan naturally wouldn't strike first.

In fact he sympathized with those people.

If it is not desperate, who would pin their hopes here?

But sympathy belongs to sympathy, and what should be robbed must be robbed.

Their hatred is hatred, and their own hatred is also hatred, there is no need for humility.

Besides, not everyone who bears blood and deep hatred is worthy of pity, and some people deserve what they deserve.


Time passed little by little.

It will be dark soon!

The moon rose from the mountains and forests, not as round as it was a few days ago.

At the moment when the moon rises, there is a cave of light on the hillside ahead.

Not long after, a burly humanoid monster appeared.

【Donglin Bandits】

Level: Level 30

Type: Humanoid monster

Quality: Rare

The moment the Donglin gangster appeared, more than a dozen arrow feathers shot at him.

This surprised Qin Fan, who didn't expect that there were so many archer professions hidden in the mountains.

Can't let them blame the second.

Thinking of this, Qin Fan hastily cast Wind Walk.

Under the double speed bonus of the haste cloak, his speed suddenly increased, and he rushed forward quickly.

Soon he came to the distance where he could attack, and without a word, a series of fireballs were sent out.

The Donglin gangster fell to the ground before he could stand still.

It can be seen how cruel and inhumane he was treated at that moment just now.

"Ge Laozi's..."

The wailing before dying can also be seen how humiliated and unwilling he is in his heart.

【You killed the Donglin gangster and gained 1 experience point】

The monster is dead, not even a single hair burst!

Not only did nothing explode, but the experience is only 1 point!

This is where the Donglin gangsters are disgusting.

The forest fell silent.

But at this moment, an arrow feather shot towards Qin Fan's head.

Soon, more blows hit.

Qin Fan's expression turned cold, and murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

"Looking for death beg!".

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