
The weather is clear and cloudless!

This is a day that couldn't be more ordinary!

But for the entire Yunlin City, this is a day that everyone is looking forward to.

People rushed to the dueling field in the city center early in the morning.

Every city has a dueling field.

This is a place specially used to resolve private disputes, which is allowed by the policies of Canglong Kingdom.

When an irreconcilable conflict occurs and neither party is obviously wrong.

You can choose to decide the final result in a duel.

In order to ensure fairness and justice, the duel will be held under the watchful eyes of the people of the whole city.

No referees, no ratings!

There's only one big arena!

Once the duel begins, it cannot be stopped under any circumstances.

It will not end until one party dies or takes the initiative to admit defeat.

Both parties in the duel can do whatever they want, but the intervention of external forces is not allowed.

In the entire Canglong Kingdom and even the entire world, duels are sacred and inviolable, and are protected by law.

When someone proposes a duel, the person being challenged can choose to decline.

But once you choose to accept, the duel becomes a sacrosanct matter.

And it's a matter of two people.

Anyone who interferes with a duel is tantamount to breaking the law.

The duel arena was already filled with spectators. 150 Most of them are nobles, wealthy businessmen and local tyrants in this city.

For them, the bloody duel scene can well stimulate the nerves that are about to become numb.

This is a rare entertainment project.

There are limited seats in the viewing venue, so the ticket price is high.

The matter of Qin Fan and Lin Miao has been fired for a long time, and the price of tickets for Houchang is even higher.

It is said that the ticket price in the hands of the scalpers has already reached 1 million tickets, which is very exaggerated.

This is definitely not something ordinary people can afford.

But it doesn't affect them watching this duel.

Because they can watch the live broadcast of this duel through the major live broadcast platforms.

In the eyes of everyone expecting, Lin Miao, accompanied by guards, walked into the duel arena.

She was dressed in a black light armor suit, wrapping her proud figure exquisitely.

Sexy with a touch of capable!

Capable with a hint of chill.

Anyone can see the murderous intent in her eyes.

After making sure she entered the arena safely, the guards left quickly.

Soon, Lin Miao stepped onto the ring.

She waited quietly, without any anxiety or tension.

There was a burst of warm applause at the scene.

Those who come to the duel field are usually rough men with five big and three rough, violent and hot-blooded men (bedd).

When has there been such a pure and beautiful woman?

She is undoubtedly a beautiful scenery, attracting everyone's attention.

"This is the number one beauty in our Yunlin Province, it really is better to see once!"

"Yeah, I saw her photos on the Internet every day, and I thought she was beautiful enough, but now I see her in real life, I am truly amazed!"

"How can there be such a perfect woman in the world? This figure and face are simply the most outstanding creation of the Creator!"

"If I want such a beauty to be my wife, I will lose 10 years of my life... No, I can die in front of her immediately!"

"It's a pity, you can only kiss Fangze in your dreams!"

People all marvel at Lin Miao's beauty.

More people felt sorry for her.

Why did such a good girl walk into this cruel duel field?

That Qin Fan who challenged her is really not a thing.

How could he do it!

People's discussions continued, Lin Miaofang seemed to have never heard of it, and other people's words could no longer shake her state of mind.

She has only one goal here today, and that is to kill Qin Fan.

That nasty bastard ruined his reputation.

Just let him wash it with blood!

Time passed little by little.

Qin Fan hasn't come yet.

This made people who were expecting the battle to start impatient.

"Making wool, why don't you come?"

"Isn't it cowardly?"

"It's very possible, haven't you seen it? Don't look at Lin Miaojiao, she is so beautiful, but she has already reached level 30!"

"I heard she's only 17 this year!"

"What? 17 years old, level 30 at 17 years old? God [did I hear that right?"

"Of course you heard it right. Not only is she level 30 at the age of 17, but she is still so perfectly developed at the age of 17."

"What about Qin Fan, how much do you know?"

"I also know about this, I heard that this guy is also a different kind!"

"Oh? How to say?"

Everyone gathered together.

It seems to be more interested in Qin Fan.

After all, everyone can accept Lin Miao's excellence, but with the capital of his family, it's hard to justify not being excellent.

As for Qin Fan, I have never heard of such a person before.

Being surrounded by people, the speaker showed a smug expression.

"According to my understanding, when this guy is awakened, the four initial attributes of physique, intelligence, agility, and spirit are 0!"

"Fuck, isn't it? Isn't this a piece of crap?"

"Yeah, it's trash."

"Don't worry, listen to me!"

"Although his four initial attributes are 0, his strength attribute is 11 points!"

Hearing this, the people around were shocked.

"How is this possible?"

"It's absolutely impossible. Isn't the upper limit of the initial attribute 10 points? What kind of international joke are you talking about?"

The speaker's expression darkened, and he said, "What joke am I kidding you? This is a fact recorded in the files of Yunlin Middle School. Can it be fake?"

"Hey, you really are a freak!"

"Then is it good or bad for him?"

"I don't know whether it is good or bad, but this situation is not easy to develop."

"But, they got the highest score in the college entrance examination, what's the reason?"

"That's right, today's duel would not have been possible if it hadn't been taken advantage of."

"I don't know that!"

"But there is another more interesting thing, if you hear it, you will definitely be surprised!"

"What's the matter, don't be secretive, tell me quickly.

The speaker rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "I heard that this Qin Fan is a mage!"

Hearing this, the people around were stunned.

After a long time, someone refuted.

"You are farting, the initial intelligence is 0, you tell me he is a mage?"

"That's right, in his situation, he should be changed to a soldier."

"Why did I lie to you? You are really a mage, and a mage with full strength. If you don't believe me, go to Yunlin Middle School to learn about it. Who doesn't know about this?"

"Speechless, this confuses me!"

"It's completely beyond my comprehension.

"Can you still do this?"

As time passed, Qin Fan still did not appear.

Seeing that it was almost time for the duel, the audience became impatient.

"What the fuck, why don't you come?"

"Do you want to fight again?"

"Refund and refund!

It's not just the audience who are anxious, but those who are standing on the ring are also secretly anxious.

Although it is said that if Qin Fan does not come, she can be judged to be the winner, thus earning the title of number one in the college entrance examination.

But at this time she wanted to kill Qin Fan even more.

If this guy is timid, who can he turn to?

Qin Fan, Qin Fan, you bastard, don't be a coward!

Lin Miao prayed in her heart.

Just when the scene was becoming chaotic.


The gate of the duel field opened again. .

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