【Infinity Ring】

(A ring that has been buried for an unknown number of years has been perfectly restored.)

soul binding

Level: 0

Quality: Artifact

Attribute: None

Special Effect 1: Allow the holder to wear equipment that is 5 levels higher than his own level (it will take effect without wearing this equipment)

Special Effect 2: Allows the holder to learn skills 10 levels higher than itself (it can take effect without wearing this equipment)

Special effect 3: Double the effect of all passive skills (excluding the skills and special effects attached to the equipment)

Seeing clearly the attributes of the nameless ancient ring, Qin Fan was overjoyed.

Sure enough, as I guessed, this ring is really a divine weapon.

It's just that its current name has changed: Infinity Ring.

There was only one special effect before, but now there are two more special effects.

The two extra special effects are extremely powerful.

The first is Special Effect 2, which allows Qin Fan to learn high-level skills in advance.

But this is not very helpful to the current Qin Fan.

Although he is now level 25, he hasn't learned any other level 20 professional skills other than general skills.

The main reason is that if you want to learn level 20 professional skills, you can only go to the university to learn them, except for the drops from fighting monsters.

Of course, there are also some places in the society that provide skill books above level 20.

But that price is definitely not affordable by ordinary people.

The scariest thing is special effect 3!

It is also because of the special effect 3 that this ring has become an artifact.

The effects of all passive skills are doubled!

This is definitely an outrageous special effect.

Be aware that passive skills are rare.

Normally, you only have a chance to learn it at level 20.

When any profession is at level 20, it can learn the main passive skills of this profession.

For example, a fire magician can learn [Fire Affinity] at level 20

The effect is: the basic attribute is permanently increased by 1 times, and the fire attribute is +100%.

Note that the addition of permanent here has a special meaning.

It means that this special effect is not only effective for the attributes before level 20, but also for the attributes acquired afterward.

For any profession, only after learning the three-turn passive skill can the power of this profession be initially revealed.

Unfortunately, Qin Fan cannot learn professional passive skills.

Because he didn't change jobs!

Active skills of any profession can be learned without job transfer, but passive skills cannot be learned.

Of course, it has no effect on general passive skills!

It's just that universal passive skills are rare, difficult to obtain, and expensive.

It is difficult for ordinary people to obtain.

Even today, Qin Fan only has one passive skill.

That is the passivity from the second class [Son of Chaos].

Now that I have an infinite ring, I believe the passive effect will be doubled, right?

If so, wouldn't he be stronger after switching to the Son of Chaos?

In addition, just because there are no other passive skills now does not mean that there will be no other passive skills in the future.

As long as you acquire new passive skills, you can get double bonuses!

This is where the power of this ring comes in!

Looking at the infinite ring in his hand, Qin Fan was excited.

Another advantage of this ring is that it does not need to be worn, and the effect can take effect.

In contrast, the fate ring needs to be worn to take effect.

Putting the Infinity Ring away, Qin Fan put the Destiny Ring on his hand again.

Now he has three rings in his hand: Fate Ring, Shadow Pattern Ring and Siphon Ring.

There is one in the bag: Infinity Ring.

Can still wear seven (I have ten fingers, what's wrong with wearing ten rings?)

If you get another one that can take effect without wearing it, it will be difficult to calculate.

View its own properties:

Name: Qin Fan

Level: Level 25

Occupation: Mage


Physique: 0+700

Intelligence: 0



Stamina: 80

Energy value: 90

Blue volume: slightly!

Physical attack: 860

Magic Attack: 0

Physical Defense: 700

Magic Defense: 700

Skills: slightly (too many words will not count)

Hidden Talent: Work Miraculously

Equipment: Refining Suit, Haste Cloak, Fate Ring, Resist Necklace, Shadow Ring, Siphon Ring.

Look at the hidden talents.

Current gain: Magic damage fixed value +3530;

Casting time: instant;

Casting cost: no cost;

Casting range +353%;

Cooldown: None;

Shield value +3530

Although there are two more rings, the attributes have not changed in any way.

The main reason is that the ring is a functional equipment and does not add any attributes.

But compared to the previous level 20, Qin Fan's attributes have been greatly improved after having the refining set.

Take a closer look at your own properties.

Qin Fan found a problem!

Its own basic attributes are already far lower than the additional attributes attached to the equipment.

This is why the passive skill is not learned!

Without any passive skill bonuses, a person's basic attributes can never compare to the extra attributes added by high-level equipment.

But after learning passive skills, the result will be reversed!

Especially in the later stages!

With the increase of various passive skills, the basic attributes of the individual will reach a very exaggerated level.

At that time, even if you don't wear equipment, the attribute will be very powerful.

Just like Yao Lao!

Now he doesn't even look down on artifacts, and it is estimated that the attributes have reached a very exaggerated level.

At this time, Qin Fan found that Li'er was staring at him.

The clear eyes are full of curiosity!

Is there something on your face?

Qin Fan couldn't help touching his face!

".~Look what I do."?"

he asked.

Li'er smiled slightly.

"Qin Fan big brother, you look so good-looking!"

Qin Fan was speechless for a moment.

This is the second time she has said this.

Is this girl so nympho at such a young age?

And it was so straightforward that people couldn't answer for a while.

"Qin Fan big brother, we are going to Canglong Academy tomorrow, where we will definitely meet more beautiful big sisters, big brothers, right?"

When it comes to Canglong Academy, Qin Fan is looking forward to it.

"Yeah, but big brother can't be described as beautiful!"

"Ah? Then what's the use?"

"Handsome? I don't know much about it either, but you can't praise others for their good looks when you meet them, it will make people think you are a nympho!"

"What does nympho mean (Li's Zhao)?"

These words left Qin Fan speechless.

Cooperating with this little girl doesn't understand anything?

Suddenly, what did he think of?

"You want to go to Canglong Academy too?"

"Yeah, I'm going."

"Uh, okay!"

Qin Fan was even more speechless.

Sure enough, there is still a good background!

I worked my ass off, but in the end I had to rely on my connections to go through the back door to enter Canglong Academy.

As for Li'er, with a word from her grandfather, she was allowed to enter the rank of Canglong Academy casually.

"Qin Fan big brother, don't look down on others, Li'er is also very good!"

Qin Fan took a look at her and found that she was only level 15!

If this is called amazing, then you are against the sky!

He didn't hit her, though.

"Well, I believe you are very powerful.

The two chatted for a while, and Qin Fan came to the guest room to rest.

Lying on the bed, he was so excited that he couldn't sleep.

You can go to Canglong Academy to report tomorrow!

What will the legendary high school look like?

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