The audience outside all stared at Xu Han.

"Xu Han is in trouble this time. These ghosts appear and disappear. It's not something ordinary people can deal with."

"That's right, as long as they are not attacked, they will always be in a stealth state and cannot be locked down."

"I'm curious, how will Xu Han deal with these ghosts?"

Xu Han just stood there, watching the ghosts approaching.

The first few ghosts quickly approached within five meters of Xu Han.

However, Xu Han seemed not to notice and still stood where he was.

One of the ghosts couldn't help it.

It rushed towards Xu Han fiercely.

The sharp dagger flashed with cold light and went straight to Xu Han's neck.

Xu Han became shorter.

Easily avoid the knife.

Then, thunder flashed in his palm and shot toward the ghost.


Thunder beats.

The ghost was instantly blasted away.

It lay on the ground, twitching and smoking.

The body has been turned black by electricity.

Arc jump.

The two ghost figures behind him were also electrocuted and flew away.

However, the two ghost figures at the back received less damage and were not killed.

The surrounding ghosts seem to know the weakness of chain lightning.

They dispersed quickly, keeping a distance of five meters.

Xu Han raised his eyebrows.

These guys are pretty smart.

The distance the lightning chain jumps is three meters.

It cannot be delivered if it exceeds three meters.

Keep these ghosts at a distance of five meters, and chain lightning becomes a single skill.

It is no longer possible to exert its ability to strike a large area.

But Xu Han didn't panic at all.

He raised his hand.

Summoned ten blades of wind and greeted the ghosts.

Every blast of wind blade is under his precise control.

Shoot towards the ghost's vitals.

The ghost's speed is fast enough.

But compared to the Wind Blade, it is far behind.

Almost instantly.

Ten heads flew up.

Ten ghost figures were easily killed.

Many spectators stared with wide eyes and looked confused.

"Aren't the ghosts in a stealth state? How can Xu Han's wind blade be so accurate? Could it be that he can see the positions of these ghosts?"

"Although sneaking can see the approximate location, but by being able to pinpoint it so accurately, Xu Han definitely knows the location of the ghost!"

"Is this kid omnipotent? Can he actually see through stealth? What else can he not do?"

in the midst of public discussion.

Xu Han easily eliminated all the ghosts.

It takes less than half a minute.

But it took Qiao Chao and his team three full minutes to deal with the ghost.

The gap is too big!

While the ghost's body has not dissipated.

Xu Han stepped forward and used Devour All Things again.

Devour the corpse of one of the ghosts.

A system prompt sounded.

"The host swallowed the second-level ghost for the first time and gained 15 points of strength and 15 points of agility."

"The host acquires the skills of ghost shadow, stealth."

Xu Han felt happy.

Open the skills panel.

Stealth LV.1: Enter stealth state, lasting 1 minute. If you launch an attack or receive an attack, you will exit stealth. Cooling time is 5 minutes.

Compared to ghosting.

Although it cannot sneak permanently, it is enough.

In an office of Longguo University.

Lei Hongguang was sitting behind his desk, looking at the virtual screen in front of him.

What was playing on the screen was exactly what was happening inside the Alien Beast Tower.

When he saw Xu Han kill a group of ghosts easily, a cold flash appeared in his eyes.

"This guy is a bit interesting. Not only can he use magic, but he can also easily see through stealth."

"But today, you can't even hope to get out of the Alien Beast Tower alive."

He took out a scroll from his pocket.

The scroll is surrounded by wisps of dark aura.

It exudes an eerie feeling.

He tore open the scroll.

The cold atmosphere spread instantly.

The temperature of the entire room dropped suddenly.

Like an ice cellar.

But when the void air spread around the room.

Runes suddenly lit up all around.

These runes envelope the room with the diffuse air of void.

Not a drop of it spilled out.

Lei Hongguang's body was soaked in the breath of void, and his face showed a look of enjoyment.

He looked at the virtual screen in front of him and pointed casually.

The void breath quickly extended towards the virtual screen.

Everything is integrated into the screen.

Everything is calm again.

Lei Hongguang stared at the virtual screen with a cold smile on his face: "Xu Han, enjoy the gift I gave you."

Time passed by minute by minute.

An hour and a half passed quickly.

Many students have already teleported out of the Alien Beast Tower.

There are less than fifty people who are still holding on on the first floor of the Alien Beast Tower.

These people gritted their teeth and struggled to hold on.

They have fought more than a dozen waves.

All the alien beasts have become elite monsters.

Although their level is not high, elite monsters are several times stronger than ordinary monsters.

The alien beasts that were originally easy to deal with turned into elite-level alien beasts that were impossible to defeat.

There are even some strange beasts with strong defenses that ordinary students cannot even break through.

In desperation, I had no choice but to quit.

As time continues to pass.

All the new students on the first floor could no longer resist the powerful beasts and retreated one after another.

Now the only ones left are Xu Han and Qiao Chao's team.

Almost no one left.

They stood in the square and looked at the virtual screen.

They all want to see who can persist to the end.

The progress on both sides is about the same.

Qiao Chao was slightly better than them.

We have conquered the sixteenth wave of strange beasts.

The fifteenth wave of alien beasts is a group of elite-level wind archers.

The moment these archers appeared, they drew their bows and set arrows.

Whoosh whoosh——

Feather arrows quickly shot towards Qiao Chao and others with a sharp sound of breaking the wind.

Qiao Chao's expression changed.

Just by listening to the sound, he could feel the terrifying power contained in the arrows.

If he were hit by so many feather arrows at the same time.

Even if he has the highest physique, he will be killed instantly.

He growled: "Dong Yan, summon the earth elemental elves to defend!"

Dong Yan nodded quickly.

He chanted a spell quickly.

An earthy yellow magic circle appeared on the ground.

Then, a tall earth element giant appeared in front of everyone.

Dong dong dong——

The sharp arrow landed on the earth element giant, making a muffled sound.

The earth element giant kept retreating.

Its body was also shot with big holes by sharp arrows.

The sand kept falling down.

Qiao Chao continued to conduct: "Huang Xinyu, give me and Wang Mo the agility piano music to increase our speed."

"This time, we will be the main attacker."

Huang Xinyu nodded.

She reached out and played the guqin gently.

The light sound of the piano enveloped everyone.

Qiao Chao and Wang Mo suddenly felt that their bodies became lighter and their speed increased a lot.

The two men stamped their feet fiercely and quickly rushed towards the group of wind archers.

The group of archers immediately changed their targets.

Locked on two people.

Then he shot another sharp arrow.

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