Xu Han looked at the other items in the space ring again.

In addition to the corpse of the Miasma Dragon Lizard, there are also several crystal clear but irregularly shaped stones.

This is the crystal source stone.

Crystal source stones are mined from mineral veins.

Ever since the alien beasts arrived.

The mineral veins also undergo changes as the spiritual energy spreads.

This crystal source stone vein is one of them.

The crystal source stone contains extremely rich spiritual energy.

It is also one of the necessary materials for building various equipment.

If you want to create high-grade materials, Crystal Source Stone is essential.

There is a very large crystal source stone vein in the middle of the Dragon Kingdom.

A lot of crystal source stones can be produced every year.

But most of them are inferior.

Medium quality is very rare.

As for high-grade crystal source stones, they are almost priceless.

And the crystal source stones in the space ring are all top grade!

Xu Han smacked his lips.

The Brahma Kingdom is really generous.

The corpse of such a platinum-level alien beast leader, plus these high-grade crystal source stones.

The combined value is almost 500 million!

He put away the space ring, then sat in the car and closed his eyes to relax.

at this time.

The exit from the Dragon Kingdom side of the secret ruins.

When the aura barrier is broken through.

Everyone left along the gap.

Standing outside were Ye Yuanzheng and others, as well as groups of heavily armed soldiers.

Liang Xingteng looked at the four people who came out and was stunned: "Why are there just the four of you? Where is Xu Han?"

Jiang Yuchen was stunned for a moment, and then told Liang Xingteng and others truthfully where Xu Han had gone.

After listening.

Liang Xingteng's eyes suddenly widened and he shouted: "What a nonsense!"

"He dares to go to the Brahma Kingdom to seize the country's fortune alone? Is he looking for death?"

Jiang Bin also looked solemn and said: "His goal should be Luoer City, a city on the border of the Vatican Kingdom."

"Although the overall strength of Luoer City is average, the city lord of Luoer City is a genuine seventh-level powerhouse!"

"Things like national destiny should definitely be placed in the city lord's mansion."

"Even if he can change his appearance, it is simply impossible to seize the national destiny in the City Lord's Mansion!"

Nan Yuansi said solemnly: "I'll go find him."

Ye Yuanzheng shook his head and said, "Don't worry."

"Since this little guy has this idea, maybe he has other cards."

"He's not stupid. He won't give away his life. Just wait and see. Maybe he can give us a surprise."

Liang Xingteng was anxious: "What trump card do you have? No matter how powerful the trump card is, there is nothing you can do when meeting Amir, the lord of Luoer City. The difference in strength is really too big."

Others nodded.

Ye Yuanzheng smiled and said, "Don't worry, nothing will happen to this kid."

"Okay, let's go back first. By the way, Lao Liang, please give me orders to prepare a celebration banquet to cleanse the dust for these little guys."

Listen to what Ye Yuan is saying.

Everyone had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​getting Xu Han back.

After all, their identities are too sensitive.

Once you enter the territory of the Brahma Kingdom, you will be noticed by the masters of the Brahma Kingdom.

At that time, Xu Han's position may be exposed.

Now, we can only take one step at a time.

A few hours later.

It's getting late.

The convoy finally arrived at Luol City.

Xu Han got off the bus here, while the others continued to leave.

He stood outside the city and looked.

There is a city wall more than ten meters high outside the city.

The city walls are covered with traces of swords.

There are also many dark red patches left by dried blood.

The whole city gives people a chilling atmosphere.

However, when he saw the scene in the city, he was stunned for a moment.

Compared with the tall city walls, almost all the houses in the city are low-rise bungalows.

The walls of these bungalows are cracked, and the outsides are filled with all kinds of debris. They occupy almost half of the street.

The densely packed bungalows are crowded together, making the whole city look extremely crowded.

People were coming and going on the streets, jostling one after another.

From time to time there were shouts and curses.

Then came the sounds of beatings and screams.

The people around him seemed not to be surprised by this, and looked at it all with indifference.

Walking on the street, Xu Han frowned slightly.

There seems to be a faint stench wafting through the city.

It seems to be the smell of rotting garbage.

This Luoer City is far different from Spring City, the border city of Dragon Kingdom.

At least Spring City is still a modern city.

But this Luoer City is like a slum.

Xu Han took out the Pearl of Inspiration from the space ring and held it in his hand.

Then he slowly closed his eyes and carefully sensed the breath around him.

He sensed faint breaths appearing around him.

Judging from his experience in using the Pearl of Inspiration these days.

These breaths are basically bronze level equipment.

There are also many weaker breaths.

These breaths are probably all blank equipment.

Xu Han shook his head helplessly.

The Brahma Kingdom is also too poor.

Not even a bit of decent equipment.

He gradually expanded the sensing range.

When his perception fell on the center of the city, he raised his eyebrows.

He could feel that there was a lot of powerful aura somewhere in the center of the city.

According to his judgment, these auras are at least gold-level equipment!

There is even platinum level equipment!

Among them, there are also several extremely powerful auras!

These are probably epic equipment!

But apart from the aura of these equipment.

What excited him the most was the golden breath!

This is probably the fate of the country!

Xu Han quickened his pace and walked towards the center of the city.

About half an hour later.

He arrived outside a luxurious manor.

There are tall walls surrounding the manor.

At the gate of the manor, there are two sculptures of elephant-like animals several meters high.

The manor covers an area as large as two football fields.

In the manor, there are several luxurious palace-style buildings.

These palace-like buildings are connected to each other with tall arches at the connections.

Outside the palace, there are many animal carvings.

Compared with these buildings, those low bungalows look like doghouses.

On the sign at the entrance of the manor, there are some words written in Sanskrit characters.

After Xu Han identified it, he learned that this is where the city lord's palace of Luoer City is located!

The national destiny is indeed hidden in the city lord's mansion!

He looked around.

The walls outside the city lord's mansion seemed calm.

It actually has an infrared alarm.

If you try to climb over the wall, you will definitely set off the alarm and attract a large group of guards.

There were several guards standing outside the city lord's mansion.

There are also several patrol teams patrolling inside.

If you want to sneak into it, there may be only one way.


But it's not dark yet, so we have to wait until night.

Find a place to rest first and fill your stomach.

But the food at the roadside stalls looks clean and hygienic.

It's really hard to compliment.

Let's find a cleaner restaurant.

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