"Why didn't you see anyone else?"

Shui Lingyao asked doubtfully.

Xu Han said: "Perhaps they were transported to other locations in the secret realm."

Yan Jie waved his hand and said: "Okay, don't waste time, hurry up and set off!"

Everyone formed a fighting formation.

Pang Xiong and Shui Xuelan walked in front.

Shui Lingyao, Yan Jie, and Yang Jian were walking in the middle of the team.

And Xu Han is the queen.

Together they walked deeper into the woods.

Walked for a while.

Shui Xuelan stopped, picked up the weapon warily and looked forward.

Seeing her appearance, several other people immediately entered fighting mode and looked around warily.

"Xuelan, what's wrong?"

Shui Lingyao asked softly.

Shui Xuelan pointed to the front of the woods.

About a hundred meters away is a huge open space.

The bright sunlight shines directly onto the clearing.

But there were three strange-looking beasts floating in this open space.

These strange beasts look like they are made of rocks.

In the middle is a disk with golden light.

On the disk is a pair of golden eyes without any emotion.

And around it are rock spikes.

It looks like a sun.

Xu Han used the Eye of Delirium to check the attributes of these strange beasts.

[Name: Sunstone]

[Race: Elemental Race]

[Level: 60]

[Skill 1: Mental Power LV.5 (Emit mental power to attack the enemy and control the enemy, cooling time is 30 seconds)]

[Skill 2: Sunlight Impact LV.6 (condensing sunlight to form a shock wave to attack the enemy. The enemy will be burned when receiving damage, cooling time is 3 minutes)]

[Skill 3: Sunlight Healing LV.5 (passive skill, bathing in the sun, recovering 10% of health every second)]

[Skill 4: Light Enhancement LV.5 (passive skill, bathed in sunlight, all attributes increased by 50%)]

[Skill 5: Rock Spike LV.4 (Summon rock spikes to attack the enemy, the attacked enemy will be damaged, there is a 5% probability of causing penetrating damage, the damage is doubled, the cooling time is 1 minute)]

See this property.

Xu Han frowned slightly.

There are two passive skills: Sunlight Healing and Light Strengthening.

Not only can it help the Sun Stone recover from injuries, but it can also strengthen its combat capabilities.

Although this sun stone is only level 60.

But under the sun, the combat effectiveness is even comparable to level 80.

The fighting power of these mobs alone is so strong.

It's hard to imagine how difficult it is to deal with a leader-level alien beast.

No wonder so many exotic beast hunters have failed.

Yan Jie looked at the sun stones and his face darkened.

It’s not easy to pass through so many sun stones.

If you're not careful, you may end up overturning here.

He said in a deep voice: "Yang Jian, take action first and see if you can lure one over alone."

Yang Jian nodded slightly.

He took out a yellow talisman from his pocket.

There are some messy words drawn on the talisman paper.

He closed his eyes and muttered something.

The talisman in his hand actually stood up in the wind, as if being supported by an invisible force.

Then, he opened his eyes suddenly, and a light flashed in his eyes.

"Heavenly Thunder Curse!"

Dark purple arcs of electricity danced on the talisman paper.

The number of arcs increased, and soon the talisman was completely surrounded.

He flicked his finger.

The talisman flew out and shot straight towards one of the sun stones.


The talisman slammed onto the disc in the middle of the sun stone and exploded.

The electric arc jumped and enveloped the whole body of Sun Stone.

The sun stone was also smashed to the ground, with smoke rising all over it.

Yang Jian made a move that he thought was cool, and a smile appeared on his face.

"This ordinary strange beast is nothing to me."

However, his coolness had just ended.

A faint golden light emitted from the sun stone.

It seemed to be covered with a layer of golden veil.

Immediately, the dancing arc on its body was completely swallowed up by the golden light.

The body floated slowly again.

The rock spikes around it were like missiles, spinning one after another, pointing the sharp parts towards Yang Jian.

The smile on Yang Jian's face froze.

My heart skipped a beat, and a sense of danger came over me.


The rock spikes made a sharp cracking sound.

A rock spike shot out with a roar and hit Yang Jian's head!

If this rock spike were to hit him, Yang Jian would definitely die!

Just when the rock spike was about to hit Yang Jian.

A muscular figure suddenly blocked in front of him.

It's Pang Xiong!

Pang Xiong's eyes widened angrily, and he let out a low roar.

A giant black bear several meters tall appeared behind him.


Pang Xiong roared.

The muscles on his body are getting bigger like crazy.

The originally thick arms suddenly became as thick as ordinary people's thighs!

The veins on his arms popped out, full of a sense of arrogant power!

Even his height has grown a lot.

Looks like a giant.

He raised his fist and punched the rock spike!


The fist collided with the rock spikes, causing a loud bang.

The rock spikes shattered suddenly, turning into rubble and falling to the ground.

Pang Xiong's palm was also scratched by gravel and dripping with blood.

Yan Jie's heart suddenly sank.

He knew Pang Xiong's defensive power.

Even ordinary beasts at level 60 would have a hard time leaving scars on him.

However, this sun stone can injure Pang Xiong with just one ordinary skill!

This shows the opponent's fighting power!

He picked up the staff and roared: "Haunted by ghosts!"

Several pale resentful souls flew out from the staff and floated towards the Sun Stone.

The mournful cry came out of the resentful soul's mouth, sending chills down one's spine.

Sun Stone's golden eyes without any emotion stared at the resentful soul floating towards him.

A ray of light golden light shot out from it, instantly covering the resentful souls.

Those resentful souls were instantly frozen in place, motionless.

The next second.

The golden light squeezed violently.

The resentful soul wailed miserably and disappeared.

Yan Jie's expression changed.

This strange looking beast was far more powerful than he imagined.

He gritted his teeth and growled: "Use all your strength, otherwise we may not even be able to defeat these little monsters!"

Several others nodded.

Shui Lingyao and Shui Xuelan also held weapons, looking like they were facing a formidable enemy.

Xu Han stood aside with a calm expression.

It's not difficult to deal with these sun stones.

But now is not the time to reveal your methods.

Just let them try it first.

Pang Xiong's eyes widened and he stared at the Sun Stone.

He roared, "Tiger form!"

The words fell.

The bear behind him suddenly turned into a tiger.

The muscles that were originally high and bulging have also become slightly thinner.

And his hands grew sharp claws.

The whole person seems to become more coordinated.

He stamped his feet fiercely and rushed towards the Sun Stone like a tiger!

Sun Stone's golden eyes stared at Pang Xiong.

Then, all the rock spikes around him were aimed at each other.

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