"You guys don't have money and you still come to eat? Are you kidding me?"

The boss was immediately furious, staring at Xu Han and the other two with gritted teeth.

He was about to pick up a bench and beat Xu Han and Dong Haoxuan, the two guys who ate and ate for free!

His small shop was about to fail.

Originally, he thought that he had opened a God of Wealth today, and the money earned would be enough to support the shop for a while.

Unexpectedly, these two Gods of Wealth actually ate and ate for free!

Seeing this, Dong Haoxuan was about to stop Xu Han, but Xu Han waved his hand and motioned him to get out of the way.

Seeing this, Dong Haoxuan stopped blocking and stood beside Xu Han.

The boss looked at Xu Han's nonchalant look, and his anger suddenly increased.

"Asshole! How dare you ignore me! I'll smash you to death!"

The boss's eyes were wide open, bloodshot, and he was about to smash Xu Han with a bench.

However, Xu Han said slowly: "Don't worry, I can help you make the restaurant business, just consider it as my compensation for the meal money, how about it?"

The restaurant owner looked at Xu Han half-doubtfully: "Just you? Tell me, how can you make the business?"

Xu Han smiled and said: "As a restaurant, the taste is absolutely the most important!"

"As long as your taste is good enough, you don't have to worry about not having customers."

The boss sneered: "What nonsense, of course I know to improve the taste."

"But my cooking skills are first-class in the whole kingdom. How can I improve the taste?"

Dong Haoxuan's mouth twitched.

If this is first-class, what do other ordinary people eat?

It is really hard to imagine what kind of miserable life ordinary people in the Kingdom of Os live.

Xu Han said confidently: "Let's not talk about other things, at least I can make your steak taste ten times better."

The disdain in the eyes of the restaurant owner became stronger: "Interesting, who can't brag? In the whole kingdom, there are definitely no more than three people who can make the ground beast steak better than me! These people have long been summoned to the palace to be the exclusive chefs of His Majesty the King."

"And you, obviously not in that group."

Xu Han was not angry at all.

He smiled and said: "Why don't we give it a try? If I can do it, then this meal will be waived, and I will need to borrow your shop for three days."

"If you can't do it, then I am willing to accept any punishment."

The boss said very straightforwardly: "No problem! Go now!"

Then he put the bench aside and walked straight to the kitchen.

Xu Han and Dong Haoxuan then walked into the kitchen together.

Compared with those modern kitchens on Blue Star, this kitchen looks much more ordinary, and can even be described as simple.

There were only two mud stoves built with mud.

Two puddled pans were placed on the stove.

The boss casually took out a piece of meat steak and threw it on the chopping board in front of Xu Han with a "pop".

"Come, let me see how you handle it."

The boss held his hands in front of his chest and looked at Xu Han with contempt.

Xu Han casually picked up a kitchen knife and cut the meat.

The knife flashed.

It took only a few breaths.

The steak was cut into evenly sized pieces.

The boss was stunned for a moment.

This knife skill is so powerful!

Could it be that this person really learned to cook from a chef?

If this is true, then the problem is big.

Let's not talk about the outcome of this bet.

Just provoking a top chef, his future life will be difficult.

But he quickly suppressed his inner thoughts.

Even if this person really learned from a chef, he is so young and his cooking skills are definitely not that high.

While he was thinking.

Xu Han had already picked up a few pieces of firewood and put them into the earthen stove to light them.

Soon, thick smoke rose from the earthen stove.

Xu Han picked up a few branches and washed them, then skewered the meat and roasted them on the fire.

As the flames roasted.

The meat immediately made a "sizzling" sound.

A strong meaty aroma filled the room.

Xu Han glanced at the seasonings next to him.

There were only salt and black pepper, and there were too few spices.

However, these two seasonings were enough to make the skewers well.

He kept roasting the skewers in his hand.

Seeing that the fire was almost ready.

He grabbed a pinch of salt and sprinkled it evenly on the skewers.

Then he stepped on the fan.

A strong wind blew into the earthen stove.

The flames in the earthen stove rose instantly!

The scorching flames kept roasting the meat, and the aroma became more and more intense.

Dong Haoxuan stared at the skewers and swallowed hard. The smell of the skewers was so delicious!

Even the boss beside him stared at the skewers of skewers in Xu Han's hand.

These skewers of skewers looked ordinary, but the smell was very tempting.

Even the boss who claimed to have tasted all kinds of food was attracted by this special smell.

When the meat turned a little brown, Xu Han put away the skewers at the same time and placed them in front of the two people.

Dong Haoxuan couldn't help it.

He grabbed a skewer of barbecued meat, and regardless of the steam, he stuffed it directly into his mouth, making a "sizzling" sound.

The barbecued meat was so hot that his mouth was about to blister.

The boss next to him looked at the barbecued meat in Xu Han's hand and hesitated.

Finally, he took one of the skewers of barbecued meat, blew the hot air, and finally stuffed it into his mouth.

He was stunned for a moment.

The rich aroma of barbecued meat and a fresh fruity aroma echoed between his lips and teeth.

The barbecued meat looked burnt brown, but the meat inside still had a hint of light pink.

This is the most perfect state of barbecued meat.

There was a barbecued aroma on the outside, and the meat inside still retained its fresh gravy.

A bite down, and the rich gravy flowed out of the mouth.

The taste was really too perfect.

Looking at the boss's shocked expression, Xu Han smiled and asked, "How does it taste? It should be enough, right?"

The boss looked at Xu Han with a complicated expression.

He nodded slightly and said, "I'm convinced. You are the only one who can do such an exaggerated barbecue technique so far."

"Even those three are far inferior to you in barbecue."

"This restaurant is yours for the time being, but you can't destroy my restaurant at will! If you destroy it at will, I will report it to the city guards and arrest you!"

Xu Han smiled and waved his hand: "Don't worry, I will never be worse than you in this restaurant."

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