When the Spiritual Bead appeared.

Xu Han immediately felt that there was a lot of rich spiritual energy around him.

These spiritual energies were like fireflies in the dark, very conspicuous, and easy to see.

In addition to these firefly-like light spots, there were also a few bright lights like the bright moon.

The surrounding fireflies were immediately eclipsed in front of the bright moon!

Xu Han estimated that these firefly-like light spots should be platinum-level skill books.

And those as bright as the bright moon are epic-level skill books!

His eyes suddenly lit up.

Unexpectedly, there are so many epic-level skill books on this floor!

If I didn't know, it would be fine, but now that I can accurately locate them, how can I throw away the fat meat in my hand and pick up those sesame seeds?

Xu Han shouted: "Everyone, gather here!"

Hearing Xu Han's words.

Dong Haoxuan and Jinx rushed over as fast as possible.

And Lu Luo also ran over closely behind.

After the battle of the beast secret realm, everyone now completely regarded Xu Han as the backbone. As long as Xu Han spoke, they would naturally put down their things and rush over as soon as possible.

Xu Han looked at Dong Haoxuan and Jinx.

Both of them held several skill books in their hands.

However, under the induction of the Spiritual Pearl, he could sense that these so-called skill books were actually only platinum level.

"Are these the skill books you found?"

Xu Han looked at the two and asked.

Dong Haoxuan and Jinx nodded.

"The skill books here are too messy. It's too difficult to find a suitable one." Dong Haoxuan complained.

He picked up the skill book in his hand and showed it to everyone.

Xu Han took a look at the names of these skill books.

"Gathering Sword Qi"

"The Meaning of Sword Dao"

"Chaos Sword Art"

"After choosing for a long time, I only chose these few books that are more suitable for me. I will choose a suitable one from them after the end."

Dong Haoxuan explained.

Xu Han turned his head and looked at Jinx.

Jinx also showed the skill books in her hand.

They were also three ordinary skill books.

"Interference Bombs"

"Precision Barrage"

"Eagle Eye Shooting"

These are all the skills of gunners and gunners. Although Jinx can learn them, they are not the most suitable skills for her.

Xu Han shook his head slightly: "Put all these rubbish skill books back."

Hearing this.

Dong Haoxuan opened his mouth in astonishment.

Platinum-level skill books, even if placed in the market outside, are definitely expensive!

After all, platinum-level skill books are already the ceiling for ordinary people.

If ordinary professionals can own a platinum-level skill book, they can basically brag about it for a year.

This kind of thing, in Xu Han's mouth, turned into garbage? !

Dong Haoxuan scratched his head and said: "Captain, these are platinum-level skill books."

Xu Han smiled: "Why? Can't bear to part with them?"

Seeing the smile on Xu Han's face, Dong Haoxuan suddenly understood something.

He suddenly widened his eyes and stared at Xu Han.

That look was like a hungry beast seeing a piece of fat meat in front of it.

"Captain, you mean... can't it be..."

Dong Haoxuan's voice was trembling a little, he was afraid that Xu Han was teasing him.

Xu Han said with a smile: "Follow me."

He turned and walked straight to a bookshelf in the back.

Everyone followed him quickly.

They followed Xu Han to an inconspicuous bookshelf.

Xu Han squatted down and his eyes fell on a skill book in front of him.

"Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Origin"

When Dong Haoxuan saw the name of this skill book, his breathing suddenly became heavy, and his eyes seemed to be burning with flames.

"This... this is... an epic skill book?!"

Dong Haoxuan panted, his eyes full of shock and surprise.

Xu Han nodded slightly, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "Yes, this is an epic skill book. Isn't it better than your platinum skill books? Are those skill books rubbish?"

"Yes, yes! Those skill books are rubbish!"

Dong Haoxuan casually stuffed the skill books in his hand into the bookshelf, and his eyes never left this skill book from beginning to end.

An epic skill book would not be exchanged even if ten platinum skill books were used!

The two are not in the same order of magnitude at all!

The appearance of a platinum skill book on the market may arouse the curiosity of others, but the appearance of an epic skill book can cause a storm!

A storm that attracts countless people!

"Thank you, Captain! Captain, you are my brother from now on! If you tell me to go east, I will never go west!"

Dong Haoxuan couldn't wait to reach out and take the skill book.

However, Xu Han stretched out his hand to stop him.

Dong Haoxuan was stunned and looked at Xu Han in confusion.

That look seemed to indicate that Xu Han had robbed his beloved and precious woman.

Xu Han laughed and scolded: "I'm not interested in this skill book. Don't worry, there are barriers protecting the epic skill books. You can't use them with your strength, and you'll be easily hurt."

Dong Haoxuan immediately scratched his head in embarrassment: "Haha, I don't mean that, don't misunderstand the captain..."

Xu Han was too lazy to pay attention to this guy.

He used the dragon body again, turned his right hand into a black dragon claw, and grabbed it straight towards the skill book!

When the dragon's claws came into contact with the barrier, everyone immediately felt sharp sword energy shooting out from the barrier!

These sword energy attacked Xu Han's arm one after another, colliding with the dragon scales, making a crisp sound of "ding, ding, clang".

Dong Haoxuan and others felt their scalps numb after seeing this.

With the sharpness of these sword energies, if it fell on them, their arms would be cut off in an instant!

Fortunately, Xu Han reminded them, otherwise their arms would have been cut off.

Xu Han grabbed the skill book and took it out.

The dragon scales on his arms are as strong as steel, and the sword energy cannot damage them at all.

Then he casually threw the skill book to Dong Haoxuan: "Take it."

As if he had found a treasure, Dong Haoxuan quickly took the book and carefully protected it in his arms.

He looked at Xu Han with gratitude: "I will never forget my adoptive father's great kindness! From now on, if my adoptive father asks me to go east, I will never go west! If my adoptive father asks me to kill someone, I will never set a fire. !”

Xu Han quickly made a stop gesture: "Stop, stop, stop, the more you talk, the more outrageous it becomes."

"Okay, let's go find the next one."

Lu Luo couldn't help but ask: "Captain, can you still wholesale this epic skill book? Just look for it."

Xu Han smiled mysteriously: "Of course, I have my own methods. Let's go to the next place."

After that, he walked straight forward.

Several others quickly followed.

Although Dong Haoxuan and Lu Luo have already obtained their favorite skill books, they also want to know what kind of skill book Jinx will find?

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