Job transfer for all: I’ve tasted all kinds of strange beasts, and I’m omnipotent

Chapter 475 Let the Sakura Nation pay for its blood debt with blood!

Hearing this, everyone frowned.

"Hmph, the beasts of Sakura Country are still unwilling to give up their evil intentions and want to find an excuse to go to war with our Dragon Country! Since they want to fight, we will go to war with them! Let these beasts know that our Dragon Country is no longer the Dragon Country of decades ago! If you want to go to war, you have to pay the corresponding price!"

"Maybe the United States is fanning the flames behind the scenes. We can't take it lightly and still have to think about it in the long run."

"Hmph, think about it in the long run? Where is the time to think about it now? I think the Sakura Country just wants to take action!"

"But if we take action against the Sakura Country now, then the United States will have a reason to take action against us. If the United States, Sakura Country, and some other small countries are added together, we may still have a hard time dealing with them."

Everyone expressed their opinions.

However, most people agreed to go to war with the Sakura Country.

After all, after waiting for so many years, everyone wants to avenge the past!

Long Zhentian looked at the people who were arguing and shook his head slightly: "Everyone, I know everyone wants to destroy the Sakura Country to avenge the humiliation they suffered that year."

"But if we want to do it, we must have a suitable reason to make the Beautiful Country speechless!"

Everyone looked at Long Zhentian.

They knew that Long Zhentian should have had an idea.

Long Zhentian's eyes slowly swept over everyone, and then took out a few old yellowed photos and showed them to everyone: "Please look at these photos."

When the people present saw these photos, their eyes were suddenly filled with raging anger.

The terrifying momentum burst out.

The entire Guardian Temple trembled slightly.

Although nearly twenty ninth-level strongmen did not take action, the momentum released by them could destroy the entire Forbidden City!

But Long Zhentian had already anticipated this.

He looked at the old man beside him.

The old man nodded slightly and stretched out his old palm and waved.

A powerful spiritual energy instantly emerged from around the Guardian Temple, forming a huge barrier that surrounded the Guardian Temple and forcibly suppressed the rising spiritual energy.

The photo was passed to Ye Yuanzheng.

Ye Yuanzheng glanced at it, and his originally calm eyes were suddenly filled with murderous intent.

The photo showed thousands of corpses.

And standing next to these corpses were the Sakura people in military uniforms!

Long Zhentian said, "These photos are the ironclad evidence of the Sakura people's cruelty to our Dragon Country ancestors! They are also the evidence that I have spent countless efforts to collect in recent years!"

"I have been looking for an opportunity to announce this matter, and now this is just the right opportunity!"

"Since the Sakura people dare to use such a poor excuse to attack our Dragon Country students, then we naturally don't have to be polite to them anymore!"

"And with such ironclad evidence, even the United States has no excuse to protect the Sakura Country!"

"So, I declare!"

"This time, the Guardian Temple will make the entire Sakura Country pay with blood! Let these inhumane beasts taste the taste of despair!"

His words resounded throughout the Guardian Temple.

Everyone present was stern.

They all responded in unison: "Yes!"


The man in the karate uniform is named Ueda Takuma.

He is a famous karate master in the Sakura Country.

He founded the Broken Rock Karate Hall in the Sakura Country.

It is said that he once beat an epic leader to death with his fists alone!

Such fighting power can be regarded as top-level existence no matter where it is placed!

And it is said that he has reached the peak of the eighth level. He only needs to complete the upgrade task to officially step into the ninth level professional.

However, when completing the upgrade task, he encountered an extremely difficult upgrade task, which caused him to be stuck there and could not be completed, so he stayed at the peak of the eighth level.

However, with his strength, he has a chance to fight even against ordinary ninth-level professionals.

Ueda Takuma looked around and walked towards Sakata Ryuta according to his memory.

However, after walking for nearly a minute, he still didn't see any figure.

His face gradually became solemn.

"What's going on? Did they attack the Dragon Country kid first?"

Ueda Takuma murmured.

Just when he was confused.

A figure appeared quietly in front of him.

Ueda Takuma's eyes lit up.

That must be his companion!

I just don't know who it is.

He walked quickly in the direction of the figure and gradually disappeared in the mist.

Not only Ueda Takuma, but also several other people encountered the same situation.

They couldn't find their companions at all.

In the mist, he was attracted by a mysterious figure and walked towards the mist in confusion.

The distance between the five people was getting farther and farther.

Xu Han, who was in the center of the mist, was watching this scene, and his eyes did not fluctuate or be surprised at all.

This was the effect of the undead mist.

The undead mist not only obscured the sight and perception of these people, but also misled them, walking into the depths of the mist, getting farther and farther away from their teammates.

In the end, everyone would be scattered in the mist.

And in this mist, no matter how big the battle was, it would not attract the attention of others.

Unless you quietly came to the five-meter range of the battle, you might be able to detect the movement of the battle.

Xu Han was secretly shocked.

The effect of this undead mist is too strong!

I am afraid that if a ninth-level professional enters it, he will be affected by this mist.

His eyes fell on Takuma Ueda.

It is quite stressful to face five eighth-level professionals at once, but it is still very easy to fight one-on-one.

He flashed and flew in the direction of Takuma Ueda.

Takuma Ueda was following the figure quickly forward.

He was a little annoyed.

The guy in front seemed to be playing a trick on him.

He was fast, and the guy in front was also fast.

He was slow, and the guy was also slow!

The distance between the two did not change at all, and it was always maintained.

"Asshole! If I catch you, I must break every inch of your bones! Let you know the consequences of daring to offend me!"

Takuma Ueda said with gritted teeth.

At this time.

The pace of the figure in front suddenly slowed down.

Ueda Takuma was delighted and sneered, "Where can you run this time! Rock-splitting palm!"

He stamped his feet hard and pounced on the figure in front of him like a lion.

A layer of earthy yellow light covered his palm, and with a whistling sound of breaking wind, he came in front of the figure in the blink of an eye and slapped it!


The palm landed on the ground, and a large pit of dozens of meters was instantly cracked on the ground, and spider-web-like cracks spread in all directions.

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