The Li family's sudden kneeling was incomprehensible to everyone.

But Nalan Xue understood very well: "In my world, those with low combat power have to seek help and protection with high combat power. This situation is normal.

"They must be a family." They all look alike. Their patriarch should be loyal to you.

"And give you all the income earned by their family patriarch every year, except for some necessary things for their family."

"I also have to turn in special resources like beautiful women to you every year. You can send them to do laundry and cook.

Ye Chen listened to it next to him: "You're not jealous?

"Slaves are just a thing." Nalan Xue was particularly open: "What kind of vinegar do I eat?" "

What a thought.

The people on the side of the Demon Society are numb.

They had pinned their hopes on Li Yan.

Because Li Yan was the closest to Ye Chen just now.

Li Yan had an equipment on his hand.

Vines can be emitted instantly.

Limit the activity of leaf dust.

As long as Li Yan succeeds. A Heavenly Saint level expert will appear. Mobilize his talent to directly lock Ye Chen up.

But no one expected that at this critical moment.

Li Yan's stupid fork actually knelt in front of Ye Chen.

Isn't this purely a pit in the head?

Li Yan's approach.

Directly broke the original plan of the Demon Society.

Those Heavenly Saint level experts glanced at each other.

He was about to walk in the direction of Ye Chen.

Only to find Ye Chen striding towards them.

"Good opportunity." The Heavenly Saint level expert was preparing to attack.

He saw Ye Chen directly past him.

Pointing to the Great Demon King of Most Treasures behind him, he said, "Why is there still a demon here?" And

while Ye Chen did this, he launched the skill [Look at my seventy-two changes] towards the Duo Bao Great Demon King.

[Look at my seventy-two changes]:

Like Goku, it has 72 transformations, which can make enemies or himself become what he wants, lasting 24 hours and CD time is one minute. No consumption. Unrecognizable.

The Great Demon King of Duobao was turned into a sheep-headed man by Ye Chen.

There is no way for low-level demons to transform into human form.

So even if they try to turn into human form, they will have some demon characteristics on their bodies.

So on the low-level demon battlefield, you can see a patch of sheep-headed people, pig-headed people, bull heads...

It is worth mentioning that the general head can not change are all the men among the demons. The women of the demons are the opposite.

The women among the demons are very enchanting and sexy.

This is true even for low-level demons. What women among the demons usually can't change are the ears and tail, as well as the claws.

The head is able to become a human being. And all very good-looking.

This Treasure Great Demon King hadn't reacted yet, and he hadn't even noticed that something had changed in him. He has already turned into a solid low-level demon.

The Duo Bao Great Demon King also came in with Treasure 1 this time.

Bao 1 is now standing next to the Duo Bao Great Demon King, all with a confused look.

Where did his good boss go?

"You're neurotic." The Duo Bao Great Demon King hurriedly said, "How can I be a demon? "

Hands on." The people of the Demon Society worship the demon the most. Those big guys at the Heavenly Saint level also knew the identity of the Treasure Great Demon King. They all offered the Treasure Great Demon King as if they were ancestors.

I heard Ye Chen say this.

The people of the Demon Society directly exploded.

They shot at Ye Chen one after another.

However, Ye Chen waved his big hand.

Watch me launch seventy-two changes.

Members of 12 demon societies.

In front of Ye Chen, it turned into a fist-sized bouncy ball.

It's bouncing on the ground.

Nalan Xue's face was full of confusion, but she still picked up a bouncy ball and squeezed it fiercely.


The breath on that bouncy ball disappeared.

The bouncy ball was slowly oozing blood. This bouncy ball looks a little different from other bouncy balls. It's not as alive as it used to be.

Ye Chen looked at Nalan Xue expressionlessly: "You belong to the Living Yan King."

Nalan Xue quickly threw away the bouncy ball, took out a cloth from the storage bag and wiped her hands, quite embarrassed: "I'm just curious." The main thing is that they are too weak. "

Ye Chen also asked Nalan Xue about the specific grade when he was in the cave room before.

But I don't know how to convert.

After Nalan Xue flew to the Immortal Realm, she practiced diligently, and soon rose to the level of the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

But Nalan Xue is a little social fearful otaku girl. I only know penance every day. I don't know how to maintain workplace relationships.

Soon, in a big competition in the immortal world. Nalan Xue participated happily, but came back seriously injured and injured her foundation.

So Nalan Xue felt that she might not live long.

Only in a hurry to find the inheritor in the Nether. And her inheritance, in Ye Chen's understanding, should be the water system exercises. Indeed, very unsuitable for him.

You also have to find someone with strong willpower. Those who can practice ascetically, as much as Nalan Xue.

Because the world on Nalan Xue's side is different from the world system on Ye Chen's side.

So Ye Chen couldn't figure it out, which level was Nalan Xue?

It must be Tianzun going up. After all, Ye Chen's system, which has not yet ascended to Tianzun, has not yet soared.

Indeed, for Nalan Xue, the so-called Heavenly Saint level bigwigs in front of him were really small scum.

"Yes, they are too weak." Ye Chen nodded beside him.

Zhan Rong picked up a bouncy ball on the ground and asked Ye Chen: "Boss, what is this thing?"

"This is this demon's puppet. We handed over this demon and all these things to the state. Ye Chen took out a black plastic bag from the storage bag, and it was specially used to hold garbage.

Then he picked up all the bouncy balls on the ground and threw them into a plastic bag.

Those Heavenly Saint level bigwigs never thought that they would one day be turned into bouncy balls.

They were also put in garbage bags.

Deng Dahai was inexplicable: "Big guy." You go into the copy, why do you still bring garbage bags?

"Of course. The garbage that eats inside the copy has to be taken out, of course. I'm a quality person. Ye Chen replied as a matter of course.

Deng Dahai: ... Who will eat in the dungeon! It's too late to fight monsters.

Ye Chen collected those bouncy balls, and only then grabbed the Treasure Great Demon King, and went up to beat him violently.

The Duo Bao Great Demon King originally wanted to resist.

There is no resistance at all.

He also truly experienced Ye Chen's terrifying attack power.

He is now a master-level demon, and he has no power to fight back.

Li Fugui came over: "Master, do you want me to turn it into a slave?"

Ye Chen nodded, although he didn't understand how the Duo Bao Great Demon King had lost his rank, for the sake of safety, it was better to turn the other party into a slave.

When Li Fugui collected the Duobao Great Devil King, he spat out blood, and also took out a lot of materials from the storage bag, which was still not enough.

The other party still refused to sign the contract.

Ye Chen remembered the nasty guy behind the black dialog box.

"Forget it, let me come." Ye Chen asked Li Fugui: "What conditions did the other party say?" Li

Fugui was able to share that black dialog box with Ye Chen.

The black dialog box reads: "Not enough, still not enough."

Ye Chen took out the hammer and smashed it on the black dialog box.

A line appeared on that dialog box: "You can't hit me." I am unselectable on your side. "

Oh, unselectable.

Ye Chen asked Nalan Xue to lift the ban, and then he summoned the defense tower.

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