The teaching director let Ye Chen roll.

Ye Chen really rolled.

Rolled back until noon on the second day.

The awakening ceremony takes place at 1:30 p.m. on the second day.

There are 244 senior students in this year.

The average age was 16 years old and above.

The best time for humans to awaken is between the ages of 16 and 18.

The head teacher called the name three times.

All found that there was no shadow of Ye Chen.

"Today is the awakening ceremony specially brought by the city lord, and the awakening stones used this time are the best." The head teacher hurriedly dialed Ye Chen's phone: "Where did the smelly boy run?" Zhan

Rong, another young man in the class who played better with Ye Chen, laughed: "Teacher, you called him at this time, it is estimated that in the arms of which girl did not wake up, right?" "

Go and go, get in line, don't make trouble." The head teacher said angrily.

Zhan Rong still smiled playfully: "Teacher, you don't have to worry about him, he is a member of the Ye family, no matter how he is said to be a light mage." As

soon as he said that.

The other students who were queuing up were a little unhappy:

"That Ye Chen usually recruits cats and dogs without a serious way, and can still awaken the light mage?" Dream away.

"But I meditate every day to awaken, who can have me to work hard?" Just that scumbag who sleeps all day, still wants to awaken the bloodline inheritance? Don't laugh at me. "

Maybe the bloodline inheritance can't be awakened, what if people awaken the hidden profession?" For example, the Light Priest.

"What kind of hidden profession is a Light Priest? But it's good to be a daddy. In line with his personality.

"There is no fixed number of awakening professions, and no one can say for sure what professions can be awakened. In case of awakening, life and occupation are actually quite good.

"At least in the future, I won't worry about eating and dressing hahaha, the Ye family's father and sister are Tianjiao, why is it a waste here in Ye Chen?"


These people can't eat grapes and say grape sour.

Also. The main thing is that Ye Chen is too swaggering.

On weekdays, when other people are training.

Ye Chen was drunk and dreamed of death.

Skip class every day.

I didn't pass in terms of cultural achievements.

As far as the eye can see, there are red lights.

The head teacher also persuaded.

But he was almost myocardial infarction by Ye Chen: "Study hard? Why study hard? My dad can't spend the money I gave me in ten lifetimes, and I think it's good now.

"My father said that if I didn't wake up to anything in the end, he would leave me the 31 buildings and let me collect rent 31 days a month, one building a day, busy and able to earn money."

Just these words almost didn't break the head teacher's direct Dao heart.

The head teacher once wanted to work so hard every day, why on earth?

Isn't it just for that little money?

Money, can be exchanged for more cultivation resources.

Some people chase Rome all their lives. Some people are born in cattle and horses.

No way.

Zhan Rong snorted coldly: "I see that you are jealous, a bunch of sour dogs, Lao Tzu is also a inheritance bloodline, just watch Lao Tzu awaken a berserker for you to beat you to death." A

few students who had just said something cool immediately shut up.

Inheriting the bloodline is indeed an enviable existence, and Zhan Rong is indeed a member of the Qiao Party, and he has to admit that this product does have a inheritance bloodline.

Zhan Rong is a big man with a height of 2.4 meters and muscles.

However, a classmate standing next to him who was as thin as a monkey hurriedly said on the side: "Yes, yes, I see that you are sour." "

This classmate's name is Hou Xiaopeng, but most people have forgotten this guy's name.

He was a dogleg behind Ye Chen and Zhan Rong's gang of disciples.

Usually he helped Ye Chen and Zhan Rong run errands.

"Monkey, you're right," Zhan Rong smiled and gently patted Hou Xiaopeng.

For him it was gent.

But for the thin Hou Xiaopeng, it was simply a disaster. He almost fell to the ground. But thanks to Zhan Rong helping him.

Zhan Rong and Hou Xiaopeng talked and laughed and went directly to the queue.

I didn't pay attention to the students who had just spoken.

Those students lowered their eyebrows and lowered their voices: "Crazy for you." I see you can awaken something. "

Although some families do have a lineage. But this lineage is not 100% inherited. There may be hidden occupations, there may be life occupations.

No one is going to be a jobless.

All people will have their own career. As well as their own skills. Even life occupations can survive well.

The team moved little by little.


The city lord's voice was very loud: "The first tester, Li Ran." A

tall girl stepped forward and reached the center of the awakening ceremony.

This was a giant formation, which was arranged by the headmaster using the awakening stone brought by the city lord.

When Li Ran stood in the center of the Awakening Stone Formation arrangement, all the Awakening Stones on the side of the formation lit up, emitting golden light.

The light gradually spread throughout the formation.

A vision appeared in mid-air, it was a blizzard.

"Ice Mage. Not bad. "The city lord is quite happy.

The first awakened turnover is a combat class.

The principal next to him also smiled so hard that he couldn't see his teeth.

Li Ran is still a relatively calm child. After knowing that he was the result of being an ice mage, he calmly stepped off the stage and occupied the front row of the identified battle class queue.

However, Zhan Rong's eyes were sharp.

The second child, named Wang Lixiong, begged his grandfather to tell his grandmother.

The child had charms on all fours, a string of Buddhist beads around his neck, and Jesus, and it seemed that all three families were occupied.

"Wang Lixiong! Don't ask for it, go up and awaken. Zhan Rong looked at the coke and said from a distance.

"Big man, don't be proud, I will definitely be able to awaken the hidden profession. You see. Wang Lixiong went directly to the awakening ceremony.

After a burst of brilliance. Heavenly visions.

A golden light appeared in midair.

"It must be light, and daddy can do it." Which light profession is not delicious? Hahahaha, I actually awakened the light system! Wang Lixiong himself could see the vision.

However, after the brilliance dissipated.

A shiny bald head appeared on top of the vision.

Next to the bald head is a line written on a small seal: Missionary.

"Poof, hahaha..." the

students burst into laughter.

In fact, in Li Ran's vision just now, there was also a small seal written on the ice mage. It's just that ice mages are more common, and they are not considered a hidden profession.

The city lord awakens the senior students every year.

I know this a little better. Therefore, before the Heavenly Vision could write the 4 words of the Ice Mage, the city lord had already made a conclusion.

"What the hell is a missionary?" Wang Lixiong was stunned: "I don't want this!" The

city lord was full of black lines: "Some practices before the awakening will indeed affect the results of the awakening, you bring enough things, Wang Lixiong, auxiliary professions, missionaries." "

The profession of missionary can also be said to be a profession of life. It is the most useless one of the auxiliary occupations.

Because this profession wants to heal or bless others, one has to read a long list of scriptures. And there is no way to ignore this step, no matter what level.

The shortest scripture is read, and even the most familiar teacher takes half an hour.

Ran into a slightly more seriously injured one. It is estimated that it is all quacked.

So missionaries are also classified as life professions.

Wang Lixiong was speechless, and stood grayly in the category of auxiliary occupations below.

Zhan Rong continued to make trouble: "Lao Wang, you have a thick skin. The

crowd burst into laughter again.

The principal looked serious: "Quiet, there are no nobles in the profession, continue!" "

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