"Don is a real pit." Ye Chen fiddled with his mobile phone, and last night he sent WeChat to more than 500 girls in one go.

As for the girls' replies, some he read, some he didn't.

The back simply fell asleep.

Therefore, he naturally did not read the news sent by Tang Xiaoyue.

After all, among all the communication tools, only the accounts of his father and sister were the ones he set special attention to.

Tang Xiaoyue is naturally not in this list.

When everything was figured out, that silent Bai Luoyan had already specially cooked for Ye Chen.

The arrival of Senior Sister has the meaning of simply completing the task.

But it should be said or not, whether it is a senior sister or a master.

The meal that is made is called a fragrant.

Ye Chen almost bit off even his own tongue.

"It's delicious." Ye Chen hurriedly said, "In the morning... Oh no, in the afternoon, I was sleepy, I had just finished the trial, and I really had back pain.

"Master said your trial bonus is 4.5. The initial copies are relatively simple, try to get the most advanced ones. 4.5 I also met for the first time. "Bai Luoyan mentioned that there is something about the upgrade, that is called a serious.

"You seem to treat me like someone else. Did you make an appointment? "But Senior Sister is not stupid.

Ye Chen coughed violently: "Then how is it possible, my sister and father are still in Shanhaiguan." I'm home alone, what if there are enemies? How could I mess around. The

voice just fell.

A delicate voice suddenly came from the doorway.

The voice was still a little whispering.

"Ye Gongzi, when do you wake up, send you WeChat calls and don't return it, people will make claims!" People miss you so much! "

Ye Chen is drinking soup.

Almost choked to death.

Bai Luoyan's face was a little cold.

"That's the neighbor. Very nasty. After Ye Chen said this, he quickly put the bowl away.

A puff of smoke ran to the door.

Outside stood seven or eight Yingying swallows.

Ye Chen was all driven away.

The girls ran crying and crying.

Ye Chen also felt that his head was big.

"It seems that Master still really doesn't understand you." Bai Luoyan stood behind Ye Chen holding the sword, her expression a little cold: "It's very fun, little young master." "


The same thing Master said.

But I don't know why the same words came out of Senior Sister's mouth so creepy.

"As for me, although I am on Master's order to take care of your daily life and supervise your study. After all, there is still a month to go to the college entrance examination. Bai Luoyan gently patted Ye Chen's shoulder: "But I also have my own affairs."

"I can't monitor you 24 hours a day, but you can't embarrass Master, a genius like you should have his own upgrade rhythm."

"Let me tell you some simple college entrance examination common sense first." Bai Luoyan was not so cold as she spoke. Because Ye Chen's eyes looking at her were too warm.

Originally, Bai Luoyan was carrying it.

But he was looked at directly by this little junior brother's eyes.

Bai Luoyan still felt uncomfortable.

"The college entrance examination common sense school has talked about it." Ye Chen couldn't hold back the crazy rise at the corners of his mouth, Bai Luoyan was simply not a level compared to the 500 girls he had about before.

Ye Chen suddenly felt that he could fall in love seriously.

The temperament on Senior Sister is cold and unmatched. The key appearance is also very good-looking. It is completely in line with Ye Chen's appetite.

"Senior sister, the long night is long... Wrong. There is still a month before the college entrance examination, why not have fun? Ye Chen said with excitement in his eyes.

"Play? You don't have time to play. Bai Luoyan shook her head: "The common sense of the college entrance examination I told you is something that school teachers have never taught."

"Then you say." Ye Chen said quickly.

Bai Luoyan nodded: "Although Shengjing Academy has said to the outside world that it only enrolls students above level 15, in fact, the level is not very important.

"If you can get enough points on the day of the college entrance examination, you can get the provincial college entrance examination champion." Then entering Shengjing Academy is 100%.

"Master must have told you before that you were allowed to escort you directly. But I suggest you still get a college entrance examination.

Ye Chen nodded vigorously: "That's simple and sure."

"So from today onwards, you will follow me to cultivate." Bai Luoyan looked at Ye Chen expressionlessly: "Your profession should belong to the summoning series." "

The classes of the summoning series have a fatal weakness, that is, they are not strong enough, you take my sword, stab me, let me see your attack power."

Bai Luoyan said and handed the sword to Ye Chen in front of him.

"Senior sister's taste is so strange." Ye Chen held the sword and was at a loss: "This is not good.

Bai Luoyan's face turned cold: "Stab me, don't talk nonsense." "

Where does Ye Chen dare to make a move?

A 10% probability of a fatal blow is no joke.

If it goes out, it's a shame.

"Maybe you're young, you shouldn't have met murder or anything, but it's common to go out of the city and go to the suburbs." Bai Luoyan glanced at it, and Ye Chen was quickly able to understand what Junior Brother was afraid of:

"In that case, let's start a simulation."

The replica hall can be opened directly for simulation.

Under normal circumstances, college PK battles use this form.

Prevent casualties.

Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

He and Bai Luoyan soon used their own copy hall to open a mock ring.

This simulation ring can 100% simulate everyone's data, of course, this data can only be seen by yourself, others cannot see it.

Standing in the ring, everyone shows only their name and class, as well as their rank.

For example, Ye Chen's head is topped on: Ye Chen, construction master, bronze level 10.

Bai Luoyan's head is topped with: Bai Luoyan, swordsman, platinum level 55.

It is worth mentioning. Black Iron Level 10 and Bronze Level 10 are both the same grade. But the latter said it had passed the trial, the former did not.

The maximum Platinum level is capped at level 60.

Bai Luoyan is an ordinary swordsman, not any hidden profession, and can actually practice platinum 55.

That's awesome.

"Can it be now?" Bai Luoyan looked faint: "Use my sword, stab me." Ye

Chen guessed that Bai Luoyan's sword must have increased its attack power a lot.

"I'd better use the weapons in the simulated ring." The weapons in the simulation ring are basically garbage goods with attack power plus 10. Ye Chen expressed his opinion: "This also shows my attack power better, doesn't it?"

Bai Luoyan agreed: "Come on." "

Ye Chen now has 463 power points.

1 strength value equals 5 attack power.

In other words, Ye Chen's attack power should be around 2315.

Triple the number of critical hits.

The fatal blow should be a second kill.

But it doesn't matter if you die in the simulation space.

You don't even feel pain.

Ye Chen took the sword that simulated space and stabbed it directly in the direction of Bai Luoyan.

Fatal Blow!

It's only a 10% probability.

Senior sister is also too unlucky, right?

Bai Luoyan's eyes widened, her figure flashed, and she was directly invited out of the ring.

A line of words appeared on the ring: Platinum level 55, Bai Luoyan, defeated!

Bai Luoyan: ???

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