In this video.

Even the attackers had no way of seeing.

Even many people don't know what's really going on.

Why did those people suddenly fall to the ground?

Why did their skin suddenly turn blue-green again?

And then why did they suddenly become normal again?

Finally, why do they waddle so much when walking?

[Western Alliance] A small peach: "Everyone hurry up and quit the Vatican Gang." This is what we saw before in the territory of Eagle Sauce. Their bodies will become blue-green and then quickly return to normal. They already have demons in their bodies. [

Eagle Sauce] Black Thread: "There is no way for you to comprehend our current mood, everything that is happening now is exactly the same as what happened in our territory before, I hope you leave quickly." [

Western Alliance] Apple Juice: "I think you're really overly nervous." I didn't feel any danger from start to finish. I have entered the Vatican Order. Maybe you can see God right away. When I kill God, the Western God Domain is ours. [

Western Alliance] winter melon juice: "The one upstairs has a name like mine, but I think you're so stupid." [

Western Alliance] Black Line: "Cunning Xia Guoren." I had already noticed it. Ye Chen suddenly exposed the location of the Vatican Gang, and this matter was not simple. Sure enough, there is a conspiracy. [

Western Alliance] I'm a little pencil: "Didn't you laugh at people for being stupid before?" Didn't you think that the other party was a big fool to suddenly expose the position of the Vatican Gang? [

Western Alliance] I'm a little ant: "I think, we just look like fools now, I can't rush out now, and many people outside want to come in." "

That's the way it is now, a group of people wants to rush out, but a group of people want to go inside.

The land of Vatican does not know who fenced it with a white wall, and there is only a small area where it can enter and exit.

So a bunch of people are all stuck here.

People who want to come out, but suddenly find that they have no brains.

Their bodies seem to be controlled by something?

They stood there en masse.

Each of them had a strange smile on their faces.

But their lethality seems to be much more powerful than before.

All of a sudden someone was there shouting,

"What's the situation? We are all from the Western Alliance, why are you killing the killer?

"It's all from the Western Alliance, why kill us?"

"Some people are not normal, everyone run."

"They seem to have turned into zombies, and they all have demons in their bodies."

"Run fast, run, they are full of demons in their bodies."


The shouts came and went.

Ye Chen is very pity.

Although now he can only see the world chat inside the copy.

But I can't see nearby channels.

The nearby picture must be particularly wonderful.

But he had to keep the three pets with him.

Xiaobai said that the level of these pets is not capped.

So in theory.

You can take these pets directly to level 1000.

Wait until all pets reach level 1000.

Then use the Godhead.

Then include leaf dust.

There are 4 gods in the East.

Then Ye Chen took these three pets and directly entered the Western God Domain.

This is a little safer.

Although Ye Chen felt that he alone could sweep away the entire Western God Domain.

But now there is something odd about this so-called God.

It's always right to be careful.

However, the outside has become a purgatory on earth.

Those possessed by the Ancient Demon Race suddenly rushed towards those innocent people.

And as long as those who are possessed by the Ancient Demon Clan, catch those innocent people, even if it is only physical contact.

The demon will also be transmitted directly to the other party.

These people will become the Ancient Devils.

However, not all of Ye Chen's puppets have entered the copy.

He also kept a part outside.

Right at the door of the Vatican.

But where the Ancient Demon Clan crawled out of it.

The puppets and defense towers will react immediately.

Kill all the people attached to the Ancient Demon Clan.

None of them can escape.

All people have to die.

Unless these people leave their own resurrection mark nearby, they can be resurrected.

Those who did not leave a resurrection mark were after being possessed by the Ancient Devils.

When the Ancient Demon was killed.

Those players of the Western Alliance will also be killed.

Then when they were killed, all the prompts of the system and the world channel were the Ancient Demon Race, who were killed by Ye Chen.

Their existence was completely wiped out by God.

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