The vision of heaven descending behind Ye Chen.

It was a dense group of demons running on the ground in groups.


A white light appears on the screen.

That light directly covered all the demons.

Nothing can be seen anymore.

But Ye Chen himself could see it clearly.

The reason why nothing can be seen.

It was because of the moment that light appeared.

All the demons were wiped out.

Not even a single dregs remained.

He looked at all this with a shocked expression.

But in that white curtain of light.

A line of small seals also appeared on the light curtain.

Master of construction.

What profession is this?

I haven't heard of it.

The crowd first saw this vast picture.

Then I saw a white light.

All the people were full of doubts.

The city lord was still well-informed, and after searching for it, he quickly said: "Ye Chen, the only hidden profession, the construction master, in this literal sense, it should be... Life occupation.

His voice just fell.

The crowd commotion:

"Hahahaha, retribution! I just said that this kid is so high-profile, if he comprehends his life and profession one day, then he must not disgrace Ye Zhenguo?

"It shouldn't be. Shouldn't the Ye family's bloodline inheritance be a light system? Could it be that this kid is not the Ye family's species at all?

"Didn't we see a white light in the vision just now?" Could it be that this master builder also belongs to the light system?

"To put it bluntly, isn't it the head of the migrant workers, but also the master of construction, that is, a house builder!"

"That villain is also the only hidden profession, do you look down on the life profession? What happened to life career? "

The only hidden profession.

In other words, only Ye Chen alone in this world can have this profession.

Unless Ye Chen is dead.

Only then will the second person inherit the profession.

Or randomly awakened.

The principal looked embarrassed, how could he not have imagined that Ye Chen would actually awaken such a profession, this profession has nothing to do with the Ye family.

"I don't know what Ye Chen's talent is?" The headmaster asked from the sidelines.

At this time, Ye Chen didn't want to answer the principal's question at all.

It's not because of some kind of gap.

Rather, because after awakening the profession. An electronic synthesized voice suddenly appeared in his mind:

[Dingdong, detected that the host awakens the uniqueness hidden class construction master, and the salted fish system has been bound. ] 【

Dingdong, the host can usually get salted fish points as long as it is lazy or lying flat, and salted fish points can be purchased in the special mall of this system. 】

【The system mall can randomly swipe low prices or discounts, and refresh every 24 hours. What

is it?

This is the system???

A crosser. Finally got the standard system of the Traverser.

What everyone else has, he must have.

[Ding-dong, detected that the host is in a daze during the awakening ceremony, and rewards a salted fish point.] (Ordinary tips can be shielded)]

Ye Chen conveniently clicked the shield.

Otherwise, you have to be bored to death.

"Ye Chen, Ye Chen?" The principal smiled, but this smile also twitched a little, after all, Ye Chen stood there in a daze for a long time as if he had no way to accept this profession at all.

The psychological problems of students are the top priority of the school's work.

"Life and career are also very awesome. Today's professionals are not high or low. The principal gently patted Ye Chen's shoulder: "Since it is a hidden life profession, it should be talented, right?" What is your talent? "

“...... The talent is," Ye Chen was stunned when he said this.

Open the Data panel.

Everyone else is stupid.

[Name]: Ye Chen

[Occupation]: Construction Master (only

) [Level]: 1 [


: Strength: 20 (ordinary people's initial four-dimensional attributes are 5) Agility: 20 (ordinary people's initial four-dimensional attributes are 5) Physique: 50 (ordinary people's initial four-dimensional attributes are 5) Spirit: 25 (ordinary people's initial four-dimensional

attributes are


[Talent]: Heart of Construction (God Level), Damage Transfer (God Level)

[Skill]: Level 1 Defense Tower, Level 1 Experience Hut,

Data Panel can only be seen by itself.

The headmaster is invisible.

After Ye Chen crossed this world, he still systematically understood the professional.

The initial stats of hidden classes are relatively high.

Generally starts at 10.

But like him.

A physique dried directly to 50.

This is not even a warrior or knight among bronze-level professionals.

This is also the initial property.

Is this construction master a blood cow?

And in general, all hidden classes have only one initial talent.

At least Ye Chen inquired about other hidden occupations, and it was written in the information.

And he has two talents.

These two talents are also very against the sky.

[Building Heart] (God Level): No matter what building you build, it can be completed in an instant, and the overall effect is increased by 10 times, and the building's health is restored by 100%.

[Damage Transfer] (God Level): All the damage of the enemy to the construction master is transferred to the nearby building, and if the building does not disappear, Ye Chen will not die.

Ye Chen saw his talent, but he did not read it out according to what was written on the talent panel, but just told the principal next to him: "It can reduce the time to build items." "

In most life professions, the production time is really a headache.

The few hidden life classes will have this special talent for reducing the time it takes to build items.

"Good, good, good." The principal hurriedly encouraged on the side: "This life profession is also quite good."

Ye Chen didn't say much, and came down directly from the platform.

The students below, the ordinary people who had been teased by Ye Chen, were all laughing:

"Ye Chen, my family is going to build a house in the future, I must look for you."

Ye Chen replied expressionlessly: "If it's not to build a manor, please don't look for me, there is no such empty."

"Ye Chen, don't worry, I will definitely find you a lot of work on the construction site."

As a result, Ye Chen stopped, took out his mobile phone and clicked on the memo: "How much is a lot?" Talk about it. I'll write them all down. Originally

, those people wanted to laugh at Ye Chen fiercely.

But he didn't expect Ye Chen to awaken such a life profession, and he seemed to be quite happy.

The head teacher was afraid that Ye Chen would not be able to open it: "Ye Chen, in fact, his life and career are also very good. Life classes can also be rewarded by the city lord. "

Do you have a skill scroll?" Ye Chen asked rhetorically.

Life occupation skill scroll, that can be called a less.

Because, there is only one way to drop skill scrolls, and that is to fight monsters and kill demons.

And it must be the participation of that professional before it can be dropped.

Ye Chen's profession is the only profession in the world.

How could it be possible to find a skill scroll that matched him right now?

Seeing so many students laughing at Ye Chen, Zhan Rong squeezed into the crowd and grabbed Ye Chen: "Buddy, I have awakened a berserker." Don't worry, I'll take you later. He


Zhan Rong also took out a bottle of junior experience potion from his pocket: "Drink this, upgrade and roll them up." "

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