The professionals of Xia Guo did not suspect it.

This video must be true.

Once this person named Ye Chen develops, it is really ...

Terran Light.

The special profession of master builder has attracted global attention.

Some people even said bluntly: "In the future, this product will definitely be upgraded very quickly, and it is like playing with trials, because he can brush alone, and this product will definitely grow into a Tianzun level, or even more powerful than Tianzun."

But there were counterarguments: "This tower simply has no way to attack people in an unselectable state." There are still loopholes. Every profession has flaws. Every profession has its own merits, and this master builder is naturally the same. "

There was a lot of noise on the forum.


Blood College Entrance Examination Day 3.

Battlefield points are down.

Previously, according to the rules of the college entrance examination, all the college entrance examination points obtained on the small battlefield of the college entrance examination can be converted into battlefield points.

Ye Chen obtained a total of 520 million college entrance examination points.

After converting to battlefield points, it is 5.2 million battlefield points.

On the battlefield of the Terrans.

Battlefield points are hard currency.

Can be used as money.

Because Ye Chen performed well on the battlefield, he single-handedly fought against two Tianzun-level projections. Therefore, after this college entrance examination, Ye Chen was directly awarded the rank of second lieutenant.

Military ranks are to be promoted with merit.

This thing can also be obtained if you fight monsters on the battlefield.

Just the points obtained in the examination room of the college entrance examination cannot be converted into meritorious achievements.

When the college entrance examination was set up, this thing was not set up.

Ye Chen was the only one to be awarded the rank.

The rest are not treated like this.

However, after the bloody college entrance examination.

Ye Chen shrunk directly in his villa.

All day long is either playing games or flirting with girls.

Before Bai Luoyan hated seeing Ye Chen like this.

But now Bai Luoyan deeply realized that people are really different.

Genius is genius.

Even if Ye Chen was paralyzed on the sofa all day long, there was no one to look like. It's either playing a game or touching a fish.

But he is still the top student in the national college entrance examination.

Bai Luoyan was originally very resistant to Ye Chen's behavior of touching fish.

Now Bai Luoyan is touching fish with Ye Chen.

"Senior sister. There are people behind you. Ye Chen and Bai Luoyan turned on the black. His family's large villa has an e-sports room inside. That's 5 computers.

Originally, Ye Chen played with his fox and dog friends.

It also feels good to open black with Bai Luoyan now.

Bai Luoyan has not tried games such as eating chicken.

But under the guidance of Ye Chen.

Already becoming more and more skilled.

Heard Ye Chen's voice.

Without saying a word, the senior sister shot behind her.

"Well done, Senior Sister. Ye Chen said quickly.

[Ding-dong. After detecting that the host was in the blood-colored college entrance examination, he did not continue to improve himself, but chose to touch the fish. This system is really impressive, did you know that you are already on the demon assassination list? Inspire 10x salted fish points reward and get 100,000 salted fish points. In fact,

after the first day of the college entrance examination.

Ye Chen was already on the assassination list on the demon side.

Since this day.

Ye Chen began the days of complete rot.

First, 5 rows of defensive towers were planted outside their villa complex.

Their home is a single-family villa, similar to a manor.

The estate covers an area of 600 square meters.

600 square meters are all defensive towers.

From the day of the college entrance examination. Outside Ye Chen's villa, there are often people who put some equipment or experience and other props.

Every day, Bai Luoyan brought it back by the way when she went out to buy vegetables.

Some even put storage bags directly.

The kind that does not have its own imprint.

These are the same examination room as Ye Chen, and the parents of those students who survived hard gave Ye Chen a reward.

Ye Chen was also not pretentious, and accepted them all.

The villa area also knows Ye Chen's performance in the college entrance examination. No one is going to rob or steal these resources.

A genius like Ye Chen must be cultivating in the villa every day.

It should be well protected.

But the high-level of the Xia Kingdom also knew that Ye Chen was on the assassination list on the demon side.

And it is also the number one assassination list.

The demon side originally had a plan specifically for the Terran Tianjiao.

They were not willing to let the Tianjiao of the human race develop.

So once it is found that there are such excellent seedlings.

will send someone to assassinate.

In order to protect leaf dust.

The military sent two Heavenly Saint level masters.

Bought the house next door to Ye Chen.

And the two of them also had to go to Ye Chen's school to become teachers.

These two goods were the ones who had the bad idea before and wanted Ye Chen to go to the military after going to college, Xiong Weiguo and Cao Guangtao.

"Shengjing Academy still wants me to be their teacher. What kind of dream?" Xiong Weiguo after playing a set of military body punches next door to Ye Chen. He looked at the location of Ye Chen's bedroom with excitement: "A genius is a genius, and he started cultivating so early."

"The lights don't seem to have been turned off this night." I am a genius and working so hard again, and this is the first time I have seen it. Xiong

Weiguo, who had completely misunderstood, didn't know that Ye Chen had played a game with Bai Luoyan in the bedroom last night.

I'm tired of playing chicken games.

Moreover, the senior sister accidentally clicked the sheep that Ye Chen sent her before.


Straight to the bar.

Bai Luoyan was stunned and didn't go through the night.

On the second day, Ye Chen slept.

It turned out that Bai Luoyan was still sitting on the edge of the bed and continued to play games.

"Senior sister?" Ye Chen's face was full of confusion: "Aren't you cooking for me?" Bai

Luoyan stood up and was very flustered: "I'll buy you vegetables first, and you will stay at home."

As a result, he was pulled by Ye Chen: "Senior sister took care of me for a week, taking care of everything, and also accompanied me to play games every day, and I went to buy today's dishes." Senior sister rest well.

Bai Luoyan's face was full of confusion: "Do you buy vegetables?" "

Who do you look down on?" Ye Chen coughed.

Senior Sister sat back in her seat and opened a new game of sheep: "Then you go." "

The bloody college entrance examination is simply a shame for the Terrans.

So now the whole Shengjing is heavily guarded.

Even if Ye Chen goes out, there will be no danger.

So Bai Luoyan was very relieved.

However, Xiong Weiguo, who was playing military body boxing next door, suddenly found that Ye Chen had gone out, his face was full of excitement, and he quickly said to Cao Guangtao next to him: "This Ye Chen has finally gone out."

"I said old Cao, we must talk to Ye Chen and let him come to our military to read." Although Ye Chen seems to like Shengjing Academy quite much. But we can talk to each other about the exchange of things between the colleges..." As

soon as Xiong Weiguo's voice fell, he found that there was no sound behind him. He turned his head and did not see Lao Cao: "Lao Cao, what about you?" and

then Xiong Weiguo looked up.

He found that Cao Guangtao was already talking to Ye Chen.

"Muggles. Xiong Weiguo was directly furious: "You dare to rob people with our military region, you are tired and crooked? "

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