Tang Xiaoyue, who was in spectator mode, glanced at herself on the podium, and said with a confused face: "So my apprentice is most afraid that I will dress like this?" What am I doing wearing so tight? It's not good to add blood.

Bai Luoyan couldn't understand what was going on in Ye Chen's head. In fact, before she and Tang Xiaoyue entered Ye Chen's copy, they had made full preparations.

Because Ye Chen's usual performance is a prodigal son. Mingle in the young people's approximate group.

Therefore, they felt that Ye Chen might encounter a situation surrounded by a bunch of young ladies.

But he never thought that what Ye Chen met was actually a classroom.

And the difficult equation written on this blackboard still has to be solved by Ye Chen, is this true?

Tang Xiaoyue and Bai Luoyan in this world have no way to understand, why do they want to learn such useless things in school?

Shouldn't we know more about what kind of structure demons are, how to cultivate in this world, how to obtain talents after obtaining a career, and so on?

Ye Chen really took the chalk and stood in front of the blackboard with a confused look.

Very confused.

Because he felt as if he had crossed backwards.

"Can't you solve it?" Tang Xiaoyue on the podium looked faint: "If you can't solve it, you are still sleeping, let me roll to the corridor and stand." Come to my office after class. Ye

Chen was driven out.

Tang Xiaoyue in the spectator mode was stunned: "I won't be so fierce."

But Bai Luoyan saw a little and said, "What Ye Chen is most afraid of seems to be what happened before the game came to the world. I remember how people worked and studied more than 100 years ago. "

There's also in those old movies. At that time, people had no professionals. So what he fears most is the disappearance of professionals in this world.

Tang Xiaoyue in the spectator mode thought thoughtfully: "It's possible."

However, Ye Chen, who was standing on the corridor, was in a mess.

If this is the result he is most afraid of seeing, then how can he break the game?

What makes perfect clearance in this mode?

To get the best reward?

Ye Chen thought about his wishes: sleep until you wake up naturally, there are fragrant meals every day, fragrant women, fragrant ...

"Master also said before to abide by the heart. Keep your heart to yourself. So as long as I live such a life, even if I complete the copy? Ye Chen said with a frown.

At the same time, he looked towards Tang Xiaoyue in the spectator mode.

Tang Xiaoyue nodded excitedly.

It's nice to have such a smart apprentice.

One point is through.

"Isn't it easy to live the life I wanted before?" Ye Chen narrowed his eyes.

So at this time he did not stand in the corridor, but went directly back.

Tang Xiaoyue on the podium was so angry that her brows furrowed: "Ye Chen! What are you coming in for? "

Solve the problem." Ye Chen answered seriously, glanced at the question on the blackboard, and at this time Tang Xiaoyue had already halved: "You answered according to the reference book, right?" Do you know that there is a problem with the answer to that question?

"I don't know what you look like."

Ye Chen took the chalk and went directly to the podium. The answer is written like a stream.

The suffocating days of the third year of high school were indeed engraved in Ye Chen's bones.

Before crossing into this world, Ye Chen had just completed his doctorate in mathematics and had spent 5 years before graduating.

The maximum number of doctoral graduates is 8 years. If you can't graduate in 8 years, you won't be able to graduate.

Ye Chen finally hurried to hand in his graduation thesis before his old professor was about to retire.

I came to this world because of a car accident.

After coming into this world, he lay flat.

Because lying flat is too fragrant.

Now these topics in the classroom are pediatrics for him.

Three times five divided by two is done.

Then Ye Chen also glanced at Tang Xiaoyue, who looked surprised on the podium behind him: "I still have two solutions." Teacher, can I go to your office after class to show you? "

The people of Tang Xiaoyue on the podium are stupid.

That's when the bell rang.

Tang Xiaoyue on the podium looked shy: "Ye Chen, come to the office with me." "

Ye Chen: ??? You blush a bubble teapot.

After class.

Ye Chen followed Tang Xiaoyue on the podium to the office.

However, Ye Chen entered the office, but Tang Xiaoyue and Bai Luoyan in the watch mode could not enter.

"What's the situation?" Tang Xiaoyue was stunned: "What are the two of them doing inside?"

Bai Luoyan was silent for a moment: "It shouldn't be anything." It's a quest NPC in the end.

"Can NPCs hold my face and do whatever they want?" Tang Xiaoyue was angry.

"I want to see." Tang Xiaoyue, the great assistant of the Heavenly King level, was angry, pinched Bai Luoyan with his hands and couldn't understand the handprint, and finally put his hands on his temples and closed his eyes.

Bai Luoyan called a loneliness. It seems that only the master can see this picture.

I don't know if Ye Chen is real, so he ran to the office to solve the problem, so that the replica NPC was shocked to lose his big teeth.

It's exciting just to think about it.

This kind of picture only appears in fiction.


When Bai Luoyan was fantasizing there, she didn't notice her master's face.

Tang Xiaoyue's face was as red as a cooked crab.

Because she saw that

the office where the NPC with Tang Xiaoyue's face was located was a single room, and after the woman entered the office, she directly took off her tight suit.

The long hair was scattered, and even the red-rimmed glasses were thrown aside.

The high heels were also thrown to the ground by the girl, the legs set off by the black stockings became straighter, the NPC turned his head, glanced at Ye Chen behind him, and his voice became charming: "Little dust dust, what's wrong with you today?" Not cooperative at all. "

Ye Chen: ???

It's hard to be in this copy.

He and Tang Xiaoyue have a leg?

He looked around.

Fortunately, Tang Xiaoyue didn't come in.

Otherwise, you will have to strangle him when you turn around.

This NPC is too funny.

The corner of his mouth hooked, but he pretended not to know anything, and looked innocent: "Teacher, what are you talking about?" I don't understand.

"I said it all, you don't have to call me that when it's just the two of us." NPC Tang Xiaoyue put her hands on Ye Chen's shoulders: "Call me sister." "

Tang Xiaoyue's heart that was peeking outside was about to explode.

What mess is going on in this little apprentice's mind?

This copy is inherently a mixture of fear and desire.

So is NPC's current performance a fear or desire?

Ye Chen's face was expressionless: "You are so old, is it appropriate for me to call you sister?" "

Nasty." NPC Tang Xiaoyue was disgusted: "Last night, you called the young lady a cheer." Now you actually ask me if it is appropriate? Do you say appropriate or not?

However, there was no desire in Ye Chen's eyes.

I knew in advance that this was a copy.

How else can it feel?

So Ye Chen was looking for a flaw, and he pushed away the NPC expressionlessly: "If the teacher is okay, I will go out." As

everyone knows, Ye Chen's actions also made Tang Xiaoyue outside the door feel at ease, which must be fear.

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