Ye Chen came out of the copy hall - to prevent Bai Luoyan and Tang Xiaoyue, knowing that they had an independent small world, so he came out of the copy hall.

However, Ye Chen found that he thought too much.

Neither Bai Luoyan nor Tang Xiaoyue was there.

On the table were the meals left by Bai Luoyan.

Cortana quickly took these meals to the microwave to heat up.

In order to show that he was also useful, Xiaobai washed Ye Chen's dishes, and broke one.

So Ye Chen gave Xiao Bai money and let this goods take Linglong to buy clothes.

However, the white shirt that Linglong is wearing now is somewhat inappropriate, and you can change into Xiaobai's clothes first, and then go out to buy.

Fortunately, although Xiaobai is a full-fledged airport, she also has that loose underneath her clothes. Instead, you can let Linglong try it.

Ye Chen directly gave an order to Linglong: "Change your clothes." "

Linglong naturally did it.

None of the three pets felt anything was wrong.

Linglong took off her white shirt first. Then go change into Xiaobai's sportswear.

But right at this time.

The door outside suddenly opened.

Ye Chen changed Linglong's clothes in the copy hall.

"I don't know if Junior Brother came out? If it doesn't come out yet, I'll warm up the meal and eat it myself. "It was Bai Luoyan who came in, and she was humming a song.

The puppet Feng Kui did not have the key inside Ye Chen's house. Only Bai Luoyan and Tang Xiaoyue were able to enter and exit freely.

As soon as Bai Luoyan entered the door, she saw Ye Chen holding sportswear to guide Linglong to dress.

"Leaf, dust, !!" Bai Luoyan's voice almost squeezed out from the back of the bad teeth: "What are you doing?"

"Where did you get this little loli?" Yes? "

You're a fowl... You give me out, get out!!

Bai Luoyan finally held back and didn't scold it.

He grabbed the clothes from Ye Chen's hands and draped them over the white-haired loli with double ponytails, and conveniently drove Ye Chen out of the villa.

"What's wrong with me?" Ye Chen's face was full of confusion.

Bai Luoyan was angry and corrupted: "You said what's wrong with you? I just went out once, less than 40 minutes, where did you go to make an appointment with you? "

Huh? Little friend, what's going on with the horns on your head? Bai

Luoyan gave the white-haired loli an identification technique, only to find out that the other party was a first-class pet, a five-clawed golden dragon.

Shouldn't a golden dragon be blonde hair?

This strange idea was thrown out of Bai Luoyan's mind, and after dressing the white-haired loli, Bai Luoyan looked at it: "Girls should wear beautiful little skirts." Who bought this hypertrophied tracksuit?

Xiaobai, who had slightly problematic aesthetics, raised his hand: "I."

Bai Luoyan was stunned for a moment: "Why wear such wide clothes?"

Xiaobai explained: "I read it in the book, saying that the wide clothes can cover the whole body. It will make people think.

Bai Luoyan: "??? Don't read this kind of broken book later. Will spoil your aesthetic. I'll buy you a beautiful little dress. "


Bai Luoyan hurriedly cooked Ye Chen's meal. Then he took Ye Chen's three pets out the door: "I'll buy them clothes, and you will stay at home."

"Okay." Ye Chen nodded, this time it all came out of the copy, and it could finally be put on a good table.

So Ye Chen made the bed and went straight to sleep.

The system is in a hurry.

[Ding-dong. Host, you are now the only one in all mankind with a full-value physique, what are your plans next?

"That, of course, is a straight rot. I'm invincible. Ye Chen said angrily: "At least it is invincible at this stage." The few means you mentioned who can hurt me, real damage, critical hit, people who have full strength attributes like me, people who hurt percentage. There shouldn't be a few, right? "

[System]: Yes... Yes.

"That's not the end of it." Ye Chen stretched out a big lazy waist: "Then I will enter the retirement state early." Tomorrow when school starts, I will go directly to the military training ground. Watching the military training of those cubs, I was happily eating popsicles next to me, unbearable to kill them! "

[System]: ... Isn't the host more demanding? For example, other attributes also reach full value.

Ye Chen asked curiously, "What conditions are required for other attributes to reach full value?" "

[System]: To reach the full value of each attribute, a god-level soul is required to sacrifice. You have had great luck this time, although the remnant soul of the dragon god is crippled, but people are willing to sacrifice. That's why your stamina stat value is full.

Ye Chen directly spread out a big cake: "According to what you said, isn't that quite difficult?" So do I just put it rotten? "

[System]: .

[System]: 6666

[Dingdong, detected the host's unprecedented salted fish heart, the system is extremely impressed. Activate 100x rewards and get 100,000 salted fish points. The

system behind can't wake up Ye Chen.

Because this product has completely fallen asleep.

However, Ye Chen, who fell asleep, still had a dream full of attributes in his whole body.

He dreamed that he had 4 attributes, all of which were garbled. Including all skills, talents, all bonuses are all garbled.

Because the bonus is too high, there is no way to display it.

In the dream, he was happily lying on the bed and sleeping, surrounded by birds and flowers, and faintly seemed to hear the voices of Bai Luoyan and Tang Xiaoyue in the distance.

Everything seems beautiful and idyllic.

Wait a minute.

In dreams.

Ye Chen, who was full of attributes, opened his eyes and asked like a soul: "When I was full of attributes, I still lay down at home and slept, slept every day until I woke up naturally, counted money until my hands cramped, surrounded by beautiful women every day, had food to eat, and clothes to wear."

"What's the difference between that and my life now?"

"I can now sleep every day until I wake up naturally!" What am I trying so hard for?

"What's the point?"

In the dream, the self who was full of attributes turned over and continued to sleep.

Next, Ye Chen's dream was strange. What the hell.

For example, using cosmetics to paint yourself as delicate as Li Kui.

There was also Xiaobai, who was chasing behind Ye Chen and kept shouting to get bigger.

And, pit out of the sky, each time the auxiliary belt kills the master.

He woke up when he dreamed of Master. Then I heard the voice of the master speaking in my ears: "After the military training is over in a month, you have to prepare for the freshman ceremony, as a representative of the new students, you have to go up and speak."

"That's fine." Ye Chen waved his hand indiscriminately: "Just act in your true colors." What's delicious? It's so fragrant. "

I slept until 8:00 p.m.


After many days of hard work, the Duo Bao Great Demon King finally compressed his level to the grandmaster level.

The extra levels were all replaced with experience potions. As long as he passes through the passage and comes to the world, he can take medicine and directly ascend to Tianzun.

A Tianzun-level demon with 20 Grandmaster-level subordinates. Suddenly descended on earth.

Don't talk about Ye Chen.

The entire Shengjing Academy can be leveled.

The Great Demon King of Duo Bao brought 20 subordinates, namely Bao 1 to Bao 20.

These demons are all at the Grandmaster level.

Grandmaster level refers to level 80 to 100 professionals or demons.

Above this is the Heavenly King level, which refers to the 100 to 150 level professionals.

When the Duo Bao Great Demon King arrived in Shengjing with his bunch of subordinates, he and those subordinates had excited smiles on their lips.

One by one, their faces turned dark, because they had just crawled out of the spatial passage, and they were scorched and tender by the thunder and lightning inside the spatial passage. There was not a complete piece of clothing on his body, and his hair was explosive.

As soon as they appeared, a cleaning lady walked past them: "Put away your feet." Where are the beggars? "

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