The system was really frightened by Ye Chen's green glowing eyes.

Suddenly I felt as if I had said something terrible.

So the system directly pretended to be dead.

"This Treasure Great Demon King came to the world, and the first one must be looking for me." Ye Chen frowned and said, "But why didn't you come?"

"No matter. Wait until he comes. Ye Chen was still very entangled at first, but think about it carefully, if he went out to chase the Duobao Demon King to find it, or go to some messy place to run.

How tired.

It's better to lie down directly.

The system couldn't help it: [Dingdong, detected that the host could have chased and killed the Duo Bao Great Devil, but the result was to lie flat. ] This system thoroughly admires you for this salted fish, stimulates 100 times salted fish point rewards, and congratulates the host for obtaining 200,000 salted fish points. He

actually gave 200,000 in one go.

This was the highest score Ye Chen had ever obtained.

Ye Chen decided to stimulate again: "Since that Treasure Great Demon King has descended to the world, he must have come to seek revenge." I killed his projection last time, who did he not look for me?

"Since he will definitely come to me, then why should I go to great lengths to find him?"

"Are you tired?"

Sure enough, the system was stimulated:

[Ding-dong. Detecting the host's unparalleled salted fish idea, the system is extremely impressed, and activates 10 times the salted fish point reward. Congratulations to the host for earning 50,000 salted fish points. Three

days later.

Ye Chen's academy was finally established.

If you count Zhan Rong and Wu Shan.

They recruited 6 trainees this time.

Bai Luoyan took the application to the principal.

Tang Xiaoyue found a magician from the Heavenly King-level space department to come to the academy territory and establish academy facilities.

The mage of that space department directly opened a small copy to Ye Chen and their academy. But there's nothing in this copy.

"Experience baby, you have to apply to the academy." The mage of the space department had a lively attitude towards the academy founded by the students, and it was not very reliable at first glance.

However, there is a great assistance at the level of the heavenly king.

The school wanted to accompany her.

Then make trouble.

"We have experience babies, and we have them below level 70." Ye Chen looked faint: "However, above level 70, if someone wants to use our facilities to upgrade." Bring your own experience baby. "

School experience babies are caught from the major battlefields, replicas, and abysses.

These are very valuable resources for schools. So there are quite a few people to catch.

Inside the mission hall of Shengjing Academy. There will also be related tasks. Battlefield Points can be awarded upon completion.

There are some high-level students who specialize in running copies to catch low-level monsters for juniors and sisters. After all, you can get battlefield points, and everyone is willing to go.

Even graduates can receive similar tasks through the forum of Shengjing University.

"When did you catch the experience baby? Which copy? What level? Do you have all the 70 levels? If I'm not mistaken, the level is not enough to get in. Bai Luoyan suddenly turned into a curious baby.

Ye Chen did not speak, but entered the copy, first built 1 experience hut, and then planted a defensive tower in the copy, which is still the superimposed version.

But there are not 10,000 stacked in each place. It's just 100 defensive towers stacked.

While planting the defense tower, Ye Chen suddenly received a hint.

The first-order and first-level defense towers have been upgraded.

It is said that since the rank has been raised.

This upgrade is much slower.

Ye Chen didn't remember how long it had been, anyway, he didn't take the skill experience potion, just upgraded with the circumstances.

[Tier 1 Level 2 Defense Tower

] Attack: 55000 Defense: 55000 HP: 55000 Range: 3500 Meter


: [Damage Deepening]: When hitting the same target, the second hit is 50

% lighter than the first damage, and the maximum damage is increased to



[Range True Eye]: Can see through any hidden skills that are in range.

[Must hit]: Ignore any dodges, as long as you have ever entered the range, you can hit. Ignore unselectability.

[Deceleration]: Each shell will slow down the target by 80%, if the target is decelerating, then after the second shell hits, it will cause a fixed effect. If the opponent is in a fixed state, the third shell will cause a stun effect when hit. Subsequent shells refresh the stun time.

[Stacking]: 10,000 defense towers can be stacked on the same building point.

[Identification]: Can identify the enemy or friend faction (set by yourself), this function is an upgrade function, even if the opponent has been camouflaged, as long as it is marked, it can be recognized.


Last upgrade.

Towers only increase attack defense and HP. and scope.

But this time.

Ye Chen found that even the damage deepening had increased. The maximum damage has been deepened, which has reached 600%.

Other skills have also changed.

Hit inside to hit those unselectable states.

At the same time, there is another skill called [Recognition]. That is, you can distinguish the camp of enemies and friends, and you need to set it up by Ye Chen.

It is worth mentioning that he can set it directly on the skill panel, as long as it is set on the skill panel, all defense towers can be recognized.

Because now the defense tower can already fight those who are in an unselectable state.

If there are people watching the battle in the copy.

Don't set up a good camp.

It's easy to get hurt by mistake.

As for setting up the camp, it is also very simple, just need Ye Chen to think about it in his mind.

This function actually existed before, but it was not upgraded, and it was originally in the college entrance examination copy that it could automatically identify the enemy and friend camps, but now it is specially marked and shows that it can be used even after disguise.

So what if the Treasure Great Demon King disguised as a human? As long as it is marked, you can directly punch it?

Is that what it means?


Ye Chen's approach made Bai Luoyan very puzzled: "What do you mean by building these defense towers?" At that time, the experience will not be all yours. Ye

Chen was a little embarrassed, he seemed to have forgotten this.

But he reacted quickly. Because Bai Luoyan asked this, he had already tacitly accepted that he was in this experience copy.

Ye Chen looked at Bai Luoyan with a smile, and directly showed Bai Luoyan Mao: "What are you looking at me like this?" Does it mean that every time the people of the academy brush the ranks, you still have to follow?

"Why should I follow?" Ye Chen asked rhetorically: "These defensive towers of mine are very smart, they can distinguish between the enemy and us, originally they are not in the same copy in this world, and there is no way to share experience."

"I left these defensive towers here. Those who come in to brush the level do not need to fight monsters themselves at all. Just stay in that room to upgrade.

"Yet. If the experience baby explodes something, it is all mine. People who come in to brush the level are not eligible to take it, unless they buy it. Hearing

Ye Chen say this, Bai Luoyan's eyes lit up: "Don't talk nonsense, let me try it first." Those things are yours of course. I don't rob with you.

So Ye Chen specially opened it to Bai Luoyan. Bai Luoyan is now at the platinum level 57.

When Ye Chen first saw Bai Luoyan, she was still level 55.

During this time, she also practiced. It's just that leveling up at this level is very slow. It's a long, long time to be able to move up the next level.

After all, everyone else leveling up is a copy of a team that has entered below the level of natural disasters.

Ye Chen asked Xiao Na and Bai Luoyan to enter together. Since he was not in the same copy, Ye Chen had no way to divide Bai Luoyan's experience.

All the experience is Bai Luoyan alone.

About two hours.

Bai Luoyan came out.

That's called a satisfaction.

"I'm 60." Bai Luoyan's eyes were full of excitement.

And Tang Xiaoyue had already observed all this under his eyes: "Just now, your pet summoned a lot of experience babies inside, isn't it particularly tired?" I have an idea..."

Ye Chen interrupted her with a frown: "How do you know?"

"I know when you upgrade like water. When I'm silly. Tang Xiaoyue gave Ye Chen a back of his head.

Ye Chen: "Master is wise, but what do you think?" "

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