The person who received Ye Chen was an old man with gray hair.

Dressed plainly.

The other party came directly to Ye Chen's bachelor villa. However, that person was followed by dozens of Heavenly King-level guards and two Tianzun-level experts.

Those guards guarded Ye Chen's bachelor villa tightly, and the surrounding water could not be leaked.

In the entire bachelor villa, there was only Ye Chen and the old man.

Nor will their conversation today be leaked.

The principal and Tang Xiaoyue waited very anxiously about 2 kilometers away from the bachelor villa. All in front of you are guards. Dense.


The profession of the elderly is special.

It is a very special profession called [Chief].

Ye Chen was stunned.

Who else would be in such a profession?

The old man seemed to see Ye Chen's doubts.

A raised hand.

Ye Chen found that he had three more buffs on his body in a row.

[Soul of the Summer Kingdom]:

Duration 7 days, health and blue recovery speed increased by 100%, attack increased by 50%, experience increased by 50%.

[Wartime Status]:

Duration 30 days, health and blue regeneration speed increased by 200%. Attack power increased by 100%. Critical strike chance increased by 50%. 20% increase in hit rate. 100% increase in experience.


The duration is unlimited, and Ye Chen has one more life. Not subject to irresurrectional restrictions.

The first two are just that.

When he saw the third buff, Ye Chen was stunned.

"The first two buffs only need to consume blue amount to add to all Xia Guo. The last buff needs to consume my lifespan to be added to specific people. And this buff unless it consumes that life. Otherwise, it will not expire.

The old man's face visibly turned pale. A Tianzun-level expert next to him took out a small medicine bottle and handed it to him with a distressed expression.

The old man poured out a medicine from the small medicine bottle. Stuff it into your mouth.

There is no medicine that increases lifespan.

This pill just made the old man's face turn rosier. Not as weak as before.

Ye Chen also found that there was an extra strand of white hair on the old man's head.

I don't know how many years of life were spent.

"You don't have to add it to me. I can't die. Ye Chen quickly waved his hand: "And I still have resurrection props."

"What if you can't be resurrected?" What if it's absolute harm? Kid, you're too young. The corner of the old man's mouth had a smile: "I came today to help you solve the problem." "

Ye Chen has not touched the absolute damage that the old man said. But this buff cannot be resurrected, and he also has it.

One more life can resist irresurrection.

That's great.

It's just that this skill adds up to a bit of a consuming.

The old man finished adding this.

He looks pale and weak. It was as if a gust of wind could blow it away.

No wonder people can be the profession of chief.

"A profession like mine. Upgrading is difficult. But you have to know that a higher level can increase your lifespan. Each additional level of Tianzun can increase its lifespan by 10 to 100 years. The old man sighed and said.

"I heard that your experience copy allows people to level up quickly?"

Ye Chen understood what the old man meant: "But you let me create another one, it's so troublesome." "

No trouble." With a smile on his face, the old man beckoned, and a Tianzun level expert took out an agreement and put it in front of Ye Chen: "Are you willing to contribute the experience copy?" The subject is still with you.

"But we can make a normal copy of the experience copy and put it in the copy hall." You can still charge for the ticket.

"Just according to what you said, the students of the Dust Star Academy of Shengjing Academy can enjoy a 20% discount, and everyone in Xia Guo can enjoy tickets at normal prices. Abroad. 10 times.

"The equipment, items, skill books, etc. obtained in the dungeon will go to the national auction house, and the owner of these items will still be you." If sold, the auction house will not charge a handling fee. You will be given money or battlefield points or special materials you get.

"I just want to give Xia Guo a chance to upgrade the whole country this time. You have to know that a single swipe of the Cataclysm level copy, giving a lot of experience.

"You are equal to the fact that you alone take our entire Xia Kingdom. Even all of humanity.

Ye Chen was stunned to hear this.

But this matter is only good for him, no harm.

Why not say yes?

What's more, everyone said it.

Things to do with building copies. They will solve it.

Although Ye Chen was quite curious about how they solved it.

But this condition is quite tempting.

"But some copies are rare. The material that bursts out only comes out once in a few years or even decades. If you use my copy of that experience to brush it. Everything belongs to me, and many people have to scold me? Ye Chen said what Tang Xiaoyue was most worried about.

"How could anyone scold you? You have to think about those materials, if you don't brush them, they won't be able to brush them for the rest of their lives. The explosion rate of Catastrophe level dungeons is doubled, sometimes even 5 times. The probability of producing rare materials is higher. The old man hadn't spoken yet, but a Tianzun-level expert next to him couldn't help but laugh.

"You can expand the scope of that copy. Build a few more towers. It is best to reach more than 100 million. The Tianzun level expert was full of longing: "In this way, you can guarantee that all levels of copies are covered." Including the Tianzun level. "

That's fine.

Ye Chen nodded: "Yes." "

Do what you say.

Agent Doll is online again.

Three days later, Ye Chen built the entire copy.

The quest contains 150 million towers.

There is also a small room that provides 8x experience.

Experience Cabin Ye Chen has also been upgraded to level 5.

[Tier 1 Level 5 Experience Hut]

: HP: 200 million area: 50 flat


1, in the cabin, the character's health and blue amount are restored by 200


2. In the cabin, characters or pets gain 8 times experience points. Time limit. (10x bonus to Build Heart)

The number of skill upgrade points required now is really getting higher and higher.

Ye Chen re-enlarged the copy and established it. None of the towers were upgraded.

After establishing everything.

The old man found a special profession.

This profession is called mirror image engineer.

As the old man said.

All copies that are found, if they want to contribute to the country, are done in this way.

The mirror artist's skill is copying.

In fact, the dungeon hall also appeared in this world when the game came to reality.

It can be understood as a meeting point.

There is an ontology in the copy hall, which is somewhere in Shengjing.

The rest of the countries or home versions of the copy hall are actually the work of this mirror master.

Mirror Engineer Replica Hall, if they have a special copy to add, they only need to record the coordinates.

If it is a copy at the national level. The public kind. The mirror engineer will make N copies of the original copy and connect all to the copy hall.

In fact, every quest has a breakthrough online.

If it weren't for Ye Chen following the mirror master the whole time, I wouldn't know that the copy actually got it like this.

This is equivalent to Ye Chen contributing a copy to the country, a copy of brushing experience specifically. Considering that some people may want to brush the material themselves, it doesn't change the way everyone gets into the quest.

But Ye Chen's copy is still the hottest.

The mirror artist said: "Other copies can make up to 1 million copies, which means that 1 million copies can be opened at the same time." No more will be. But so far, none of the copies have been able to break this limit.

"But yours is different, 1 million is definitely not enough." The chief means... 1 billion servings.

Ye Chen: "... Mourning. "

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