Before you go in.

Zhan Rong had to grab Ye Chen's arm: "Boss, I heard about it." After this goes in, everyone is random. What if we accidentally separate?

Deng Dahai mended the knife next to him: "The probability of random is very high." Do you want to be next to your boss all the time?

"Stop being verbose, hurry up and get inside." Ye Chen's expression was faint.

The entrance to this secret realm is in Shengjing.

From a distance, it looks like an unstable cloud of energy.

20 people entered in groups of 5.

Ye Chen: They are the last group.

Together, they walked into the white energy.

In the distance, there is a rather spacious teleportation array.

When everyone stood up. Ye Chen heard a prompt: "The entrant has been confirmed." Then

they disappeared where they were.

All quests will feel a little dizzy when you first enter. But this secret realm does not know why the side effects of vertigo are so great.

Even Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

Zhan Rong directly turned his head and vomited.

Lan Lan was okay and didn't spit it out, and when he saw Zhan Rong vomiting, he quickly moved away from the other party.

Deng Dahai's face was ugly: "What the hell is this place?" Doesn't it mean inside the ancient tomb? "

It is clear that Deng Dahai did a lot of homework before coming.

"It's like a desert." Ye Chen looked around, and when they came in, it seemed to be night. Visibility is not high. A purple moon hangs in the sky. This shining light makes the entire desert look particularly enchanting.

Lan Lan was very nervous, and took the initiative to speak to Ye Chen for the first time: "What should I do next?"

"How do I know." Ye Chen's answer almost made Zhan Rong laugh.

"It felt like we were just a group here. What about the others? Deng Dahai looked around: "Could it be because each of us comes into an independent space?" "

There's a copy in the copy, and you're matryoshka here?" Zhan Rong couldn't help but complain.

The rest of the people were nervous.

Only Ye Chen, sitting down next to an old dead tree, and then summoned a pet, but it turned out that he couldn't summon it at all.

"Ugh. The summoning is sealed. "No one is working. Ye Chen was a little disappointed. But I still felt a handful of melon seeds from the storage space bag.

Deng Dahai's face was full of panic: "I can't summon my summoned beast. Am I not a waste then?

Ye Chen commented on the mending knife next to him: "You can crush the teleportation talisman now and go back." I don't want to be a burden.

Deng Dahai looked at Ye Chen next to him with a panicked expression: "No, boss." Is it so desperate? Zhan

Rong laughed out loud: "Before you said that I hugged my big legs." It's a laugh at me.

Deng Dahai hurriedly highlighted his value: "Boss Ye, I can't summon summoning beasts, you can't summon your own defense tower, and you can't get pets, I heard that you are a very delicate person, I can give you a hand."

"I can do any kind of menial work." Just leave me behind. And in addition to summoning not working, I can also add buffs. I can add status to you. Zhan

Rong was very happy when he heard this: "If you can add state, it will be of some use." The boss thought it would be better to leave him behind.

"Yes, yes, I cook deliciously, I have a chef's license." Deng Dahai hurriedly said on the side.

Ye Chen nodded: "That's not bad, then stay." "

What a bulk team.

Zhan Rong patted his chest next to him: "I am the attack force responsible."

Then Zhan Rong and Deng Dahai's gaze looked at Lan Lan next to them.

Lan Lan: "..."

She didn't want to join it, but Zhan Rong and Deng Dahai's gazes were too sharp, and in the end she could only say: "I can also be used as an attacking force."

"Good, good. Then all stay. Ye Chen was very satisfied.

When he said this, Ye Chen felt as if he was getting taller and taller.

He was obviously sitting on the ground.

"Boss. Be careful! Zhan Rong's eyes widened.

Ye Chen then found that he was sitting next to a dead tree before, and this tree suddenly came to life, and the root system was pulled out of the ground, and it seemed that he wanted to run.

The root system is huge. Although Ye Chen is sitting next to the dead tree. But in fact sitting on each other's roots.

The dead tree pulled all its roots out of the soil. And the long branch whipped fiercely in the direction of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen unhurriedly took the hammer and smashed it in the direction of the dead tree.

Or an ordinary attack.

There is a little blood left of the dead tree.


The dead tree made a crying sound in its mouth, and did not dare to move.

Ye Chen pouted: "It's useless." It can also be used as firewood for killing, and it is a good choice for hot pot and barbecue. "


The dead trees are louder and harsh.

Ye Chen slapped the tree again: "What is it called noisy death." "

This time.

This dead tree, there is only a little blood left.

A shield appeared on this guy's body. Offset Ye Chen's slap just now.

"Heh," Ye Chen said curiously, "and skills." Isn't it just a mob?

"Not a mob, not a mob." The dead tree was stimulated by the leaf dust and spoke: "I am the tree of wisdom that grows here. Are you looking for my master's inheritance? I'll take you there." "


Four people brushed and looked at the dead tree.

Ye Chen sneered: "Just you? The Tree of Wisdom? Not a single leaf? Who believes? The

Tree of Wisdom was anxious: "You threw the identification technique at me!" "

Ye Chen really lost one.

[Tree of Wisdom]

: Status: Wilted.

Originally grew up in the richest place. It was transferred here by the owner of this place.

The fruit of wisdom can permanently increase one's spiritual power.

However, feeding material is required to produce fruit.

Ye Chen looked faint after reading the information: "I heard that the NPCs of the copy are sometimes disguised, even if they use identification techniques, there is no way to identify them."

"Aren't you the Tree of Wisdom? You should be able to bear the fruit of wisdom, right? If you want to marry one, I will believe you. "

Tree of Wisdom:"

..." The other three: "..."

Deng Dahai was entangled for a long time, not knowing how to speak.

Zhan Rong lowered his voice: "It's really my boss." Usually we see NPCs in the quest, and they are all respectful.

Lan Lan's face was a little confused: "It's also good for me to meet NPCs in the next quest." Is it really okay for Ye Chen to do this? Seeing

that the other two friends spoke.

Deng Dahai also said on the side: "That's it." This is the NPC of the quest. As soon as we came in, we met NPCs in the secret realm. Or specifically for guidance. He can take us to find the heritage of the owner of this place. Shouldn't you be nice to each other? The

bare tree of wisdom shook its huge canopy and nodded.

"Do you guys empathize with this product? Then why don't I send you back." Ye Chen's face was expressionless.

The other three friends immediately shut up.

Qi brushed and looked at the tree of wisdom.

Zhan Rongyi said sternly: "Are you all bald like this?" How can you prove that you are the tree of wisdom? We believe in you when it bears fruit.

Deng Dahai was indignant: "It is." What if you are fake? Boss, I think I still killed the other party as firewood. Lan

Lan always felt that the dead tree was about to cry. As a girl, she still felt very unbearable, but she still popped out three words: "Fruit." The

tree of wisdom, which had not been beaten by society, was about to cry: "Mama, there are people bullying trees here!!" "

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