After Liu Kunpeng completed the task, he finally rose to level 14, and also obtained Mark 15, which is called Sneaky as he wished.

[Summon: Mark 15] [Level: D] [Strength: 80] [Agility: 210

] [Endurance: 500

] [Physique: 90

] [Skills: Flight, Resistance, New Energy, Palm Cannon, Cluster Cannon, Arsenal, New Livery, Low Power Operation...


Mark 15

is a stealth mech with ultra-thin, smooth armor.

One of the most unique mechs in Tony's mechs, it is equipped with sonic control thrusters and a military-grade specular coated stealth mech unit that changes the surface color of the mech according to the surrounding environment to achieve stealth.

It feels like camouflage, or a more apt metaphor, a chameleon.

"Sir, tracking

the last mission" The last item is an exploratory collection mission, which requires the collection of items in the corresponding area.

Liu Kunpeng felt that this was a task that could make Mark 15 work, and he could try it.

After walking a long distance from the mission reception, Liu Kunpeng summoned this mecha.

It is not the traditional color scheme of red and gold, but a combination of gray and black.

And under the influence of the nearby environment and the light, this layer of camouflage paint begins to change color like a chameleon.

Liu Kunpeng felt very amazing, put it on and prepared to find something to experiment, monsters and the like.

So he piloted this Mark mech towards the mission site and began to fly, which didn't take long to reach the location in a short time.

"Sir, you can try it from here"

Mark did not remind, Liu Kunpeng also knew, he looked at a small pool in this forest, falling from the sky and changing to walking mode.

There were a lot of monsters here, and it was a good time to experiment, so he wore this Mark mech and swaggered in.

Ten meters away, as long as Mark mech does not move, these monsters will not be detected at all.

But if you move around or walk too fast when you are stared, you will be detected quickly.

Liu Kunpeng is careful, he is now mainly testing painting, radar shielding or something, which is not used now.

"7 meters is safe, sir"

Liu Kunpeng continued to walk, only to see the monster spinning back and forth several times, but did not find that Liu Kunpeng had approached the waterhole.

It seems that in places where the sun is weak, this camouflage paint really works.

"Sir, the limit distance is 4--5 meters"

When the distance from the monster, the reaction speed of the painting may be discovered by the monster.

If you have a little sharp-eyed, you may be able to recognize this thing directly.

It's just that the monsters here don't have much hostility towards Mark mecha, after all, except for the body size like a human, there are no characteristics that are human.

But when Liu Kunpeng began to collect things, these monsters still found something wrong and showed an attack posture towards the Mark mecha.

Seeing this situation, Liu Kunpeng didn't pretend to be anything, and directly opened the arsenal of this mecha.

This Mark 15 is actually not shown much in the movie, but this does not mean that it has fewer attack weapons.

On the contrary, there are even more weapons than the Mark 6, and they are all new.

Only a burst of explosions was heard, and there were no monsters here, and the last task was completed.


At the same time, the Majin's side was still preparing the next attack plan.

Engaging in copies and secret realms or something, this is too old-fashioned, and for the human side, it should have been prepared for a long time.

When everyone scratched their scalps and couldn't think of a good idea, the leader proposed a thing.

The meaning of the phrase "powerful monsters can be possessed for a short time with the help of some specific

monsters" is obvious, to use the weak monsters on the leveling island to possess powerful monsters, so that they can pose a great threat to humans.

And it can also be directed, and it can be specifically grasped to kill potential students.

"This is very interesting, and we have rarely used similar schemes in recent years, and there is not a single case on a large scale

" Everyone nodded their heads in this plan, but some people still pointed out the lack of preparation:

"There are many monsters who can possess, but monsters that can possess, only monsters in recent years have this ability

" "And leveling island is still using ten years ago monster data, I'm afraid this road will not work"

The leader expressed understanding of this view, but the emergence of problems should be solved.

If you don't have a chance, wouldn't it be nice to create an opportunity yourself?

"First send some guys to find out some information about the students' families, and then we will continue to make a decision

" "Find the students' families... I see,"

the demon smiled and left the dark conference room.

From this, the leader extinguished the flames, and the place completely entered darkness.

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