This abyss simulation is the latest abyss simulation.

In other words, this portal will appear randomly in various places, and the appearance of monsters inside is not certain.

This is very similar to the abyss simulation invasion of Leveling Island.

However, this time it is an abyss invasion that simulates the city on the basis of the copy, and there will be no demon possession.

In other words, it is more secure and basically nothing goes wrong. In this way, Liu Kunpeng is flying casually and does not care about the monsters on the ground.

After all, these people don't need him to save, and they don't need to level up now.

Just find the score coin!!

Didi... Drip... Didi Didi

Liu Kunpeng's bracelet kept ringing, which showed that his Mark mechs collected a lot of score coins.

The advantages of this summon are revealed, it is almost like a team collecting score coins for one person, can the speed not be fast!!

He doesn't know what the speed of the others is, anyway, his speed is very against the sky.

Now at this stage, the summoners who can summon 10 summons are a minority.

It's even harder to find out who can help with their own work.

Like the water shapers of the leveling island before, it is true that he can also summon water elemental creatures, but it is impossible to make these summoned objects conscious.

"I didn't say the upper limit of the target"

Liu Kunpeng looked at the bracelet that kept ringing, he didn't understand now, the Mark mechs could find a bunch of score coins for him.

[Mark No. 4, damaged]


"Sir, No. 4's armor is relatively weak, and when I controlled it, it flew at low altitude, causing your losses

" "... It doesn't matter "

A Mark mech, now it's not about combat, it's about collecting."

After this missing a Mark mech, their collection speed did not decrease, but became higher.

This made Liu Kunpeng frown, could it be that this Mark himself gave away Mark 4 and made himself relaxed! ! !

Good fellow, thinking about it this way, Mark's existence is really a little frightening.

However, Liu Kunpeng did not choose to think about it, what to do now is to find the score coin, what is it to spend on such a useless thing?

Didi... Didi....

There was another collection of tones, but it was obviously not as dense as before.

This may be because there are too many people in the copy, and after this thing is randomly refreshed, it was picked up before it saw the light.

"Why is there an abyss invasion in the sky?"

At this time, Liu Kunpeng saw that there was a portal in the sky, and a group of flying monsters came out of it.

Seeing this, Liu Kunpeng casually used a few discharges to get these monsters.

Then I thought about it carefully, since the portal can be randomly refreshed in the sky, then it is also possible to refresh the score coins in the sky! !

Thinking of this, Liu Kunpeng began to pay attention to those tall buildings.

Like what a TV tower, what a hundred-story building, just bang a few times.

Don't say it, don't say it, don't say it, you can really find score coins here.

Seeing this situation, he quickly told Mark who was looking for him, and asked Mark to try to bombard the tall building.

"Sir, this will increase the

computing power" However, Mark's answer choked Liu Kunpeng, yes, the computing power.

Firing a mech can be fired, but if all Mark mechs are fired, it's really a bit difficult.

Unless they all stand still and do not move, then it is possible to bomb.

"Then forget it, the score coins at the height will be handed over to me"

Liu Kunpeng can complete it alone, and there are not many tall buildings here.

But in this way, the students below are miserable.

"I'll go

" "Look, run!!"

The buildings that fall down can easily trap them.

However, the treatment of monsters is also equal, and it is very likely to directly crush the monsters to death, which is true.

"Go to the place where it was bombed

", "What is this doomsday scene", "

Who is in the sky!"

Needless to say, the efficiency of finding score coins in high places is much faster than before.

And because no one came here, as long as each building has score coins, it proves that there are several score coins in this building.

In these few minutes of hard work, he almost directly engaged in more than a dozen score coins.

But these, still do not meet the requirements.

Liu Kunpeng frowned, it had been more than half an hour since the start of the exam, and the Mark mecha was looking for him together, but he hadn't been able to complete the requirements.

How many score coins does this cost!

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