What surprised Liu Kunpeng a little was that for the final exam, Liu Mengfang could also receive information and go to the capital for the exam.

Du Ruoyun's words, not to mention, according to people he knows, Du Ruoyun's results can at least enter the top fifty.

And Liu Mengfang, at least it has to be in the top 200!

This made Liu Kunpeng inevitably feel a little emotional, the S-class equipment is indeed strong.

"Don't forget to arrive before 8 o'clock!"

The people above shouted, and each of the students below held a teleportation scroll in their hands.

Unlike other teleportation scrolls, the fabric on this touch is not ordinary, and the spell text on it is more regular.

"With this teleportation scroll, as long as you are in this country, you can teleport directly to the capital!"

The man was still talking, but these words were familiar to the group of students below, and they could not be more familiar.

The cutscene pattern of the exam is uniform across the country, and it is not necessary to say that it is not necessary.

"It's 7:50"

Finally, the students finally know the meaning of this guy's words, which is to delay time.

To be punctual and punctual, all students here are required to use teleportation scrolls.

Liu Kunpeng was no exception, and the staff urged him to use the scroll quickly.

Of course, he is going to use it, but before using it, he still needs to inject enough mana.

When the mana is in place, you can go.


I saw that Liu Kunpeng finished using the scroll, and the whole person disappeared in place on the spot, as did the others here.

Almost at the same time, a group of students appeared on the teleportation stone on the other side of the capital.

It was everyone, including Liu Kunpeng, who was directly stunned by the scene in front of them after coming here.

As far as the eye can see, there is no grass here, there are no buildings at all, and the fierce wind is blowing indiscriminately with yellow sand, a desolate scene.

What an imaginary examination room here!

Everyone had an idea with Liu Kunpeng, and after seeing this scene, several invigilators smiled heartily, and regardless of whether everyone slowed down, they began to say:

"The last exam, it's very simple, challenge the Pantheon" "Pantheon



As soon as a proctor finished speaking, someone immediately raised doubts.

Liu Kunpeng also searched for information about the Pantheon from his memory, and after connecting it, even he was shocked.

This pantheon is full of phantoms, other people's phantoms.

The moment you step into the pantheon, a phantom will automatically appear.

Defeat it and you'll put your shadow on it, and then move on to the next level.

If you fail to defeat, there is no loss, this is just a challenge.

"Isn't the Pantheon only opened at level 50?!"

Level 50 opens, now they are just a group of fifteen level students, challenging the Pantheon or something, that's too far!

Throwing them in, I'm afraid it's not just a beating.

"This pantheon is specifically for students, and it has been around for decades

" "Those who can come here are students who are doing well,"

another proctor said over there, and walked towards them again, triggering something I don't know what it is.

I saw that this ground was slowly sinking, and it felt like an elevator.

The two women were by Liu Kunpeng's side, and he himself was analyzing with Mark what the situation was.

"Is there a pantheon connected underneath?"

He finally spoke, and the invigilator nodded and continued:

"Below is one of the entrances to the Pantheon, in order to avoid being found by demons, we have put too much thought into it"

The students felt that this was still descending, and they had not been able to reach directly underground until now, it seems that this passage is very deep.

I don't know how long it took, but the students who had just learned the rules of the Pantheon came to the bottom.

There is a huge silver door frame, and apart from the door frame, all that remains is the portal.

Pantheon, although it is not a regular pantheon, but why do you feel so simple?

"Okay, you guys go in"

The students who heard this were still a little confused, they didn't say anything, how to get points, how long is the time limit and so on.

However, several invigilators will just say:

"After entering, just show your strength as much as possible",

after speaking, someone has already stepped into the portal, and when others see this, they quickly make the same move.

The same goes for Liu Kunpeng.

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