After the results are available, the acceptance letter will be issued within 7 days.

During the few days of waiting, Liu Kunpeng was often pestered, and only on the third day after the results came out, did he receive an admission letter from Beishan.

"Liu Kunpeng... This is a proposed identity for me"

Looking at this identity information, he could only say, it was reasonable.

However, there was no change in the career, which he did not expect.

Now it is directly written as a mecha summoner.

"It's going to be reported in 3 days... How is it so fast? At

the end of this exquisite acceptance letter, the time was written, which was exactly three days later, at 8 a.m.

He originally thought that he would give a month or so to rest and adjust his state.

Unexpectedly, it was directly set 3 days later.

Moreover, the location has to cross more than half the country to get there, and if there is no teleportation scroll, how long will it take to get there.

Sure enough

, he also gave a teleportation scroll, which was also similar to the same style as last time.


Abyss Demon Man, after failing to take the blood of the mysterious man on the leveling island, they still did not give up.

But they found an unexpected surprise, a second job change.

"Hahahahahaha, no matter how much this group of humans hides, they can't hide from us!!"

"Transfer copy, transfer card, really good!"

The Majin's side mastered, this second transfer is required to clear the transfer copy, but the real transfer copy is all on the side of the demon race.

It turned out that the demon race itself was exercising in the so-called transfer copy.

The same is true of the Majin, and because of this, they are of the same level Li and are stronger than most human professionals.

"It turned out that we played with the rest of the things, and I thought it was so powerful!"

The Abyss Demon laughed mercilessly, but at the same time felt a little crisis.

Since the human region does not have such a copy, it can still reach the current level.

If they mastered the use of this copy, wouldn't the Demon Race be dangerous?

Not only are the places where they exercise are robbed, but even they have to become monsters to be exercised, stupid monsters.

"Don't worry, after entering the Demon Realm, that good evil is also our territory, and human beings can't do this level"


Three days later, some of the new students at Kitayama School were teleported to the location to be teleported.

But after arriving here, Liu Kunpeng frowned, and there was no Du Ruoyun and Liu Mengfang beside him.

The scrolls of the two of them are obviously also marked here... Is this just a rough range?

Looking around, there are only a few students here, and the environment is in a dense forest.

There was a man with the Kitayama School logo pinned in front of him, and he looked like he should be a teacher at the school.

Inexplicable scenes, inexplicable people.

How did this give him a feeling of where he had seen it?

Yes, when entering the Pantheon, what those people said at that time was really outrageous, and I only felt that my brain was insulted when I recalled it.

The Pantheon is not something that anyone who wants to make it whole.

"The secret called you here to further improve your strength

" "Remember the transfer card you got before?"

The man began to speak, and this way of speaking made Liu Kunpeng think of what several invigilators had said in the desert before.

What else are you hiding from the students??

Although he thought so, no one spoke, but continued to listen to the man in front of him and continued:

"Your transfer card is the key to the transfer copy, and the level corresponds to the copy level

" "Transfer copy?"

Suddenly a word that I didn't know came out, and the man said what

the transfer copy was: "The transfer copy is not to choose a profession again, but to upgrade the profession

" "If you are a B-level archer, if you can successfully clear the level, maybe you can go directly to the S-level archer"

said here, everyone suddenly understood, isn't this a copy that can upgrade the career level.

For example, Liu Mengfang's B grade can be improved.

But S-level Du Ruoyun, what can he reach if he is promoted?

"Speaking of which, everyone must have guessed that you came to fight

the copy" "Yes, that's right" "

But the location of your copy, you have to find it yourself!"

"He is not with us, not in the Dragon Country, not even in any range of human activities"

Speaking of this, everyone was a little confused.

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