It's been 5 days since he got the class, and he hasn't gone out since that boss defeat.

There are three reasons.

One: Those people finally learned about Liu Kunpeng's general appearance through the border guards and found him by the way.

Although Liu Kunpeng cleared the relationship, he learned that they were still looking for people in red and gold equipment, so he had the idea of hiding.

Two: His own equipment was restored, and it took a long time for Mark 2 to fully recover to the latest state.

Three: He needs to study what he will gain in the future, which is the most important.

Because Mark's analysis stopped at the sixth level, which is the acquisition of Mark 5.

But the mecha after that, he really didn't say it, made him very strange.

So after studying hard with Mark, he came up with the improvement that could be obtained up to level ten.

Level 6 gets the Portable Mark No. 5.

Level 7 gets Mark 6, a mech that uses next-generation energy technology.

Level 8 obtained Mark 7, which is the wrist-recognizable mech that appeared in "Avengers 1", using a deformation structure that almost burned passers-by.

This No. 7 can be upgraded to No. 8, which has better performance.

Level 9 is Mark 9, and it is not too powerful to improve.

Level 10 is different! With the help of talent, level 10 Liu Kunpeng did not get a mark, but a transformer!

The name of this is "Bumblebee".

After that, Mark's current ability is difficult to find.

"Okay, those guys should be leaving today,"

he wasn't in a hurry, because his goal was to reach level 10 when he transitioned to a full grade.

On that day, driving directly to school in the sports car turned into a bumblebee is exciting to think about.

Who didn't want to have an Autobot of their own when they were a child?!

[Copy: Ice Lake

] [Level: 15

] [Hazard Evaluation: B+

] [Item Evaluation: A] [

Item Drop: Cold Iron, No Snow, No Ice ...]

The replica boss that Liu Kunpeng and others killed together has become the most cost-effective copy in this vicinity.

The same is true for Liu Kunpeng, because there is a cold iron he needs here, which is useful for his own mecha.

What's more, because he has the Trailblazer badge, the cooldown period of the quest is 0 for him!

That is to say, after clearing a quest, Liu Kunpeng can immediately fight again!

And there is another bonus, that is, the monsters in this copy are weakened for him.

Therefore, even at this level, relying on two mechs, it is possible for him to perform a single pass!

But this is still a little unsafe, and it just so happened that at this time, Liu Mengfang found him.

For Liu Kunpeng to receive the pioneer badge, Liu Mengfang has long expected it.

After all, that performance was completely worthy of this thing.

And she didn't have it at all, but Liu Mengfang still wanted the contents of this copy to make new equipment.

Ignoring the cooling and weakening of monsters, teaming up also takes effect, so Liu Mengfang comes to her after recovering from frostbite.

"I definitely won't let you rub the pioneer badge for free,"

Liu Kunpeng said very clearly, even she had to have something to satisfy herself to say in the past.

Liu Mengfang stared at him directly, the relationship between the two is still tepid, so this kind of thing is worth thinking about.

"Of course I will satisfy you, anything"

said, Liu Mengfang took out many props, all of which were accumulated after the transfer.

In order to build her own weapon, she really had to put a lot of effort into it.

"If it's not enough..." Liu Mengfang pursed her lips, this man's words...

"It's okay, but add one, and all the cold iron I get after that belongs to me

" "No... No problem!

Liu Kunpeng was in a hurry to pass the copy, and did not have much time to make small talk.

Two mecha appeared in the copy, and after Liu Kunpeng put on one, he flew directly inside.

"Hey! You wait for me! Liu

Mengfang saw him so decisive, a little doubtful of herself.

"Trust your strength"

Mark has long helped Liu Kunpeng crack part of her talent, although I don't know what the name and attribute are, but it definitely increases the speed of movement.

When he flies with 50% of the power of the mecha, Liu Mengfang can keep up.

The two of them went very smoothly all the way, and it could be seen that the aggression of those mobs was not too high, and it was very scary to see Liu Kunpeng.

So in just a few minutes, the two arrived at the boss room.

This is the familiar ice lake, but the sky is a little strange now.

In this quest, it was supposed to be the home of this boss, but this guy is not a magnitude from the real quest-level boss.

[Ice Mage (BOSS

)] [Level: 15

] [Combat Strength: 100 (Weakened)

] [Status: Fear]

From the momentum, this ice mage has already lost.

After Liu Kunpeng flew high, he prepared to attack.

"Mark, I play a set, you record it

" "Received, sir's battle will be recorded and optimized according to usage habits

" "Ice Lake Battle Record: Turned On: Recording"

This is Mark's auxiliary function for repetitive brushing, as long as it is optimized well enough, the clearance time will be reduced again and again.

Even in the end, there is no need to do it yourself, the two mechs can complete the task by themselves, he just sits in place and waits.

"End of Battle: Ice Lake Battle Record Saved to 001, Duration 8 Minutes"

After harvesting the materials, two portals appear in this room, and the smaller one is to do it again, and it will not be teleported.

Liu Kunpeng naturally chose to do it again, and his level was almost level 6.

"End of Battle: Full Record of Quest Battles, 13 Minutes Long"

This time even the previous paragraph was recorded, which is a little longer.

But at this time, Liu Kunpeng found that this Liu Mengfang... A bit of a hindrance.

He already has the strength to be able to pass alone, and he no longer needs this woman at all.

But after receiving so many things before, she needed to occupy a position to get the cold iron, and she couldn't throw it down.

If you wait in place, you have to teleport with two people.

"Hmm... Can you get her to put on a mech?

"Sir, I don't recommend you to do

this" "If you just wear it, it is recommended to only authorize the wear, not the right to use it

" "Yes, otherwise this woman is too slow

" "Scanned: Liu Mengfang

" "Height: 172

" "Weight: 50kg

" "Measurements: ..."

"Adapted: Mark No. 3

" "Power permitted: right to wear

" "Power prohibited: right to use

" "Even body data can be swept out... Well, it's pretty good

" "Liu Mengfang, stop first"

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