Forty-seven hours later, Liu Kunpeng came to the exchange again and entered the room again.

This time, he could only smell the strong smell of smoke, and he couldn't react for several minutes.

The man threw a bag of things directly, and at the same time the card set next to him rang.

Without much communication, I put down my gold card, took this bag of things and left.

Inside, it is a very small thing, which can be plugged into the mobile phone charging port without any clues on the outside.

"Sir, allow me to learn this, I believe you will not need such a person in the future"

Mark, as an artificial intelligence far beyond this world, not only performs data calculations, but also dabbles in this kind of thing.

"Okay, how can I learn from you?"

"Don't worry, I'm already studying the program" Mark's

presence really provides absolute security.

Not a human being, will not betray Liu Kunpeng, always thinking about him, more concerned than his girlfriend.

I really want to thank Mark for this professional talent.

"It's time to go"

is only more than ten days before the start of school, and in the past two days, he has been leveling up in the nearby area, and he has already reached half of the experience of level 6.

If you have another half, you can go up to level 7.

"Stop No. 01 has arrived, please bring your belongings and get off through the back door"

In front of you is a wall, a wall of only three meters.

After all, for professionals, high walls and thick walls can not be blocked, but it is better to use technology.

Whenever someone crosses this line in violation of the rules, it will be locked through satellites, leaving a bad side in the behavioral record.

No one wants to be touched by this thing, so there are very few people who violate this rule every year.

"Please show papers"

forged documents, it is impossible to detect with such a low-level goalkeeper alone.

The machine is better to deceive.

"Sir, please go slowly"

Liu Kunpeng swaggered into this high-level area like this, not panicking at all.

There is no village here, at most there is a small town.

The proportion of ordinary people has plummeted to one-twentieth, and most of them are still businessmen.

Therefore, the vast majority of people who can be encountered on the street are professionals, but few are really above level 20.

The profession is very chaotic, there are life occupations such as "cook", "farmhouse", "charm"...

The combat class is still the majority, this is even more, and the number cannot be counted.

A summoner can have countless variants, you can imagine what the situation is.

There are professions that may only be available to one person in the world.

"Excuse me, but how much does it cost to stay in a hotel for a week?"

When Liu Kunpeng came here, the first thing was to settle his residence.

His current deposit is more than ten times that of before, and he can float a little.

"Okay, our grades here are divided into B-S

grade" "B grade only needs 700, A grade 1200, S grade 2700"

This front desk lady is an ordinary person, you can see that her attitude towards Liu Kunpeng is good.

After all, in addition to his professional identity, he can also be regarded as a good-looking type.

"Come for a week

S-class" S-class is not only a good environment, but also on-call waiters, customized meals, and even include late-night snacks.

Before this shelved, Liu Kunpeng didn't dare to think about it, after all, a residence is just a residence, can sleep is not enough.

Now it's different, it's a professional, with money, it's floating.

Recently, he has been thinking about whether to go to a good area and live in a whole house.

"It's really comfortable to lie down"

The hotel is very well equipped with everything you should have, and you will also send disposable towels, toothbrushes, pajamas and so on every day.

It is said that in some hotels, you can call it a special service if you are a professional.

After all, if you make a professional happy, throw anything casually, it may be the income of ordinary businessmen for a month.

"Mark, help me collect information about nearby copies and monsters

" "Understand, sir"

After taking photos and scanning Liu Mengfang's map before, he directly asked Mark to learn according to this template, and then use the electronic devices of this world to collect it himself.

Mark is becoming more and more convenient to use.


Liu Kunpeng ordered some dessert, and after eating, Mark began to report, seemingly intending to wait.

"Sir, it is recommended that you go to the nearest leveling park first, there is a monster that is more suitable"

[Five-leaf flower

] [Level: 13-15] [Combat effectiveness: 73-80

] [Estimated defeat gain experience: 18+


In this area, even if you don't go to the wild or go to the quest, you can find monsters in the leveling park.

It is said that the vicinity of the leveling park was previously zoned into the wild, but later the city expanded and surrounded the place, leaving a large area for leveling.

The five-leaf flowers here are very interesting and change with the seasons.

In spring, they will be small and not high in rank, but they will be particularly numerous and refresh quickly.

In summer, it is larger than spring, the level is much higher, the number is also very large, and the refresh is also OK.

In autumn, it will be larger than summer, and the level will reach its peak, but the number will be reduced, and the refresh interval will be longer.

In winter, the number drops sharply, and it may take a few weeks to see one in the case of refreshment.

And the current season is late summer, near autumn.

When the five-leaf clover level is higher and the refresh is fast, it can be said to be a good choice to level up.

Moreover, the leveling park is absolutely not allowed to allow ordinary people to enter, and if you wear a Mark mecha, you don't have to worry about those professionals.

After all, the professionals I met before were all understood by their full body equipment.

Only Liu Mengfang knows the truth.

"Brush it for two hours!"

Two hours, which is definitely not enough time to rise to level 7.

"Enemy activity information detected"

[Five-leaf flower] [Level: 14] [Combat effectiveness: 74


Five-leaf flower

, the body looks like a radish, and the upper part is a bit like a cabbage.

Without hands, tossing back and forth from the soil by relying on the root system.

The attack method is just to put magic bullets, and the damage is okay.

But for Mark mech, this gadget doesn't pose much of a threat.

Can not withstand water drops and stones piercing, Mark mecha essentially still has blood bars, but it is called the integrity of the mecha.

"Mark, what are their weaknesses?"

"Sir, after observation, the weakness of these five-leaf flowers should be those green leaves

" "It is recommended to use palm cannons to attack, bullets have little effect, and cannonballs are too wasteful of mana

" "Good"

In this way, five-leaf flowers are really a good thing for him to level up, and he has a lot of experience in fighting.

Liu Kunpeng also has a new positioning for his combat effectiveness, and he can fight below level 15.

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