Out of curiosity, Liu Kunpeng asked Mark to check what kind of rice wine this was, and he didn't take it seriously.

But after a few results, he secretly scolded the man for being too yin.

"Sir, rice wine is a wine with a long history, there is nothing in it, but if you combine it with

this city, you will find that there is a problem" "People who have lived in this city for a long time will know another meaning of rice wine, that is, underground spices service" "Understanding the meaning of rice wine is a must for men

in this city, whether they have been there or not" "This time he asked you so, presumably for the sake of clich??, knowing that you do not live in this city for a long time"

It turned out that the unintentional sentence was to prove that Liu Kunpeng was not in this city.

At that time, I subconsciously answered, sure enough, I was still too young, I didn't expect this guy to do this.

If it weren't for Mark, I wouldn't know why!

"But what did he learn about when I was in the city for a short time?"

He has never figured this out, Mark is not sure, and he is not specialized in analyzing human action trajectories.

"It would be nice to pay more attention to him in the future"

The primary purpose now is to get the experience card from that guy, and it is worth trying if there is danger.

After all, wearing a mecha, it is impossible for a level 20 guy to directly give a second kill.

"Contact him in two days"

Liu Kunpeng prepared like this, pretending to contact the forger, who happened to have a set of equipment that had been brought out, and no one had come to buy it yet.

So I helped to give it, and when the time came, I took the materials and money, and I could receive the goods.

For Liu Kunpeng, materials and money can be dispensed with, but experience cards must be obtained.


The eight-person team on the other side was also doing things, and they had made up the material by several people, and they definitely didn't plan to give it to Liu Kunpeng.

Money too, is it bad to keep it for rice wine tips?!

So they are ready to get the equipment and leave, no matter who the guy is, just slip away.

But in this way, the trading location must be rectified, and if it is outside the city, it will be suspected, and it will not be possible to do it inside the city.

"Captain, what are you asking that guy to do with rice wine, our membership is 3 times, I still think about Sister Butterfly"

For this guy who doesn't know how to think, the captain is really speechless.

"Outsiders know rice wine? I'm paraphrasing! It

was because he knew that Liu Kunpeng was not a local that he was at ease to carry out this plan.

The subconscious answer cannot be a lie, he is definitely not a person who often lives here.

So it's time to find this abandoned warehouse, located on the edge of the city, although not a wild area, but here to do some black things, it is difficult to manage.

"Captain, awesome! In this way, our things don't have to be spent, it's a pity that those fabrics are a pity

" "It's nothing to spend a little price for a big goal"

The captain knows that only people who pretend to be not bad money and materials, Liu Kunpeng can believe that this equipment is for fun.

"Okay, arrange something nearby, so that we can do it" "Okay


Two days later, the place that the man had agreed upon for Liu Kunpeng was an abandoned warehouse.

It was said that it was a warehouse used to put goods at home before, and then it was left alone when it stopped building a factory.

It can be said that this deepened the impression that the man had money in the family, but Mark quickly ripped out the warehouse owner's bottoms, and it was not the guy at all.

In addition, Mark also found that this warehouse is very famous

in the city, known as the "fire warehouse", "located on the edge of the city, not under management, not in the wild is better than in the wild, only locals are familiar with

it" "Sir, you need to be prepared"

Sure enough, the rice wine of that set of words is useful, if it were not for Mark, he might really be caught off guard.

Now that Liu Kunpeng knows that there will be an ambush there, then don't blame him for doing things perfectly.

"I need a box, a two-meter-tall box,"

Liu Kunpeng bought a cardboard box at a scrap booth for 10 yuan after arriving nearby, which felt like it was for a refrigerator.

He bought this to fit Mark 2, because it looked more like equipment.

Mark, this is his hole card.

Soon, Liu Kunpeng, wearing Mark No. 4, appeared next to the abandoned warehouse, choosing it because the level was higher than No. 6, so the defense would be a little better.

This struggle is not about battery life.

"Brother, you can be counted as coming"

were still the two people, and Liu Kunpeng carried Mark 2 wrapped in a cardboard box with both hands.

To be honest, it's really inconvenient, but you have to pretend to be a little bit like it.

"Are the money and materials ready?"

"Of course,"

the captain said, causing the people on the side to lift the white cloth, and saw that there were a lot of materials neatly arranged underneath.

Cash is a check, and it doesn't look fake.

Seeing this, Liu Kunpeng nodded, and also opened the cardboard box, and a handsome war machine appeared in front of the two.


The captain couldn't help it after seeing it, because the current war machine is in the arsenal deployment mode, which looks extremely handsome.

And it is thicker than Liu Kunpeng's body, and it looks much more cattle than his one!

And the next moment, the cockpit was unfolded, and the deformed action pierced the heart!

The captain had never seen this kind of equipment before, and he was so excited that he went up and thought about trying it on.

However, Liu Kunpeng stretched out his hand and said:

"Give half first, then try it on"

Give half first, these people originally did not want to take it out at all, but at this moment the captain went up and directly signaled the person to help.

Isn't it half, pretend to be a little, and threaten later, and then come back.

"Well, you can try"

Liu Kunpeng was satisfied and gave way to the position, and the captain's expected equipment could finally be worn.

The shape inside is just like tailor-made, and it fits perfectly.

And the changed mecha, especially with his face closed, was so handsome that even his teammates were dumbfounded.

This is not over, the various guidelines that appear in front of me, that is once again shocking.

This thing perfectly matches his fantasy of future equipment.

"Roar, roar!"

"Authorized to wear power, Mark follows the driving to start"

This guy does not have driving power, but through his moving body, it can be understood in advance that Mark follows the action.

The palm cannons that the captain saw before were fired casually, and those guns turned out to be real guns and live ammunition, and they consumed mana!

Strong, too strong!

At this stage of level 20, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is SSS-level full-body equipment!


The captain is really on top, this equipment is really, he wants to get it now.

Suddenly, the captain stopped and turned to look at Liu Kunpeng.

"Okay boy, I want this equipment, but you..."

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