This technician who studied thermal weapons was suddenly summoned, and everyone was dumbfounded.

After all, thermal weapons descended on the abyss, and after the emergence of professions, they gradually declined.

From halving the funding at the beginning, to cutting it in half, to now there is no funding at all.

There are basically few people in this department.

If they hadn't made some money and sold the old guns into toys, the department might have been gone.

It is from this time that everyone's concept of thermal weapons has been greatly misinterpreted.

Thousands of years of cold weapons can withstand scrutiny, but no one is willing to work on this hot weapon that has developed rapidly for decades.

The above does not pay attention to ah, this combination of thermal weapons and spells is definitely much stronger than any cold weapon!

But there is no money, and there is no talent, even the eagle country, which loves thermal weapons the most, is not willing to continue to engage in thermal weapons, burn money!

It is said that Sakura Country recently developed a direct-acting spell single-shot rifle, but its power is like a fireball technique, and even they desperate to come up with this kind of thing when they waste money.

But now, technician Zhang Xinming jumped up and down like a monkey after watching the video.

That rate of fire, that damage! Such a strong fire coverage! Beautiful, so beautiful!

No words could express his mood at the moment, the feeling was like believing in the existence of some kind of God, and later he really existed!

Shock! Agitated! If he didn't know who the maker was, he would have to fly directly to meet him there!

"Ahem! Then let me talk about it: "

Although he did not have the opportunity to meet the maker, he had the opportunity to promote thermal weapons to everyone!"

We all know that thermal weapons have a future, so are you afraid that no one will come ?!

"This thermal weapon ah, has always been underestimated by everyone

" "What is shown in this video actually does not have the additional power of spells, it is the original power of bullets and shells

" "Anti-material sniper rifles can knock a person off half of his body, anti-armor missiles can even blow up bunkers in an instant

" "It can be seen that thermal weapons are not as bad as imagined"

Zhang Xinming said this, and the feeling in his heart was extremely pleasant.

Thermal weapons, finally have a hand-held display!

However, at this time, the host said:

"Everyone in the barrage pointed out that the power of thermal weapons is not much different from spells, which is the key to elimination

" "No, no, no!" Zhang Xinming has always been in this department, and he knows very well what thermal weapons are scorned for.

"Thermal weapons are eliminated because they are inconvenient to carry!"

"Because the shell shell occupies a large area, it will even be judged as equipment rather than ammunition when loaded into a professional's backpack

" "Inconvenient to carry is the most important reason, and regarding power, only a single shell can do fireball, then combining spells will only have greater power, and there is no need to have any forward swing" "

This is well explained in the video, he uses no shell, and miniature missile mini cannon, etc."

"Combined with the concept of the robot proposed by this person, and then through the space compression of the spell, then the firepower carried by such a thing will be a terrifying increase of geometric speed!!"

Zhang Xinming was already extremely excited, and his whole face was red.

"Can you imagine? Just such a one, showing the firepower that hundreds of people did not have before!

"Whether it is space reserves, or rate of fire adjustment, as well as accuracy and endurance, this black and white robot is the most perfect in the same volume, and the person who designed and produced it must be a genius!" Deserve the best awards! "

Mr. Zhang, calm down first"

This guy's voice was dumb, and he felt that his eyes were about to pop out, and the next moment he seemed to be dying.

Thanks to his passionate explanation, many people have regained interest in thermal weapons.

However, just as the host was about to continue to question the two, suddenly a man in formal clothes came and said something to the host.

It can be seen through the micro-expressions that the host is a little surprised.

"That's the end of today's news"

such a sudden closure, everyone is excited, that is to express their dissatisfaction on the barrage.

But then they found that the entire live broadcast room was gone.


The latest news of this APP is full of question marks, and I don't understand why it was so sudden.

However, the next top hot search means that relevant departments have intervened.

"Mecha robot? Full science! The

content is still that live broadcast, the picture is still that picture, but there is a note at the bottom of the video, don't send the robot video taken indiscriminately.

"Sir, they are planning to block the city, you better go home now"

Good fellow, this is preparing the whole city to find Mark mecha, this is not delayed, how will he go to level up in the future?

After the blockade, it must be staring at it all the time, then it can only appear in the quest and the secret realm.

This is not good for leveling, but you still have to return to your summoning village as soon as possible.


Zhang Xinming, who was about to talk, was stunned when he found that the live broadcast was closed.

Then he received a message from his research department that the research of thermal weapons was funded by a large amount of money, and that the army was reclassified as a regular army.

Zhang Xinming, the old man, did not hold back directly, and cried, this is what he wants to see!

Whoever it was, he had to thank the man who made the robot for putting thermal weapons back into focus.

And the mechanical enthusiast around me, I heard that he was directly given a new position, which is even more outrageous!

Zhang Xinming was excited and began to think about why this thing caused such a big sensation...

That's right! That's right!

In recent years, it has not been peaceful, the Abyss Demon is very active, and the secret realm is being refreshed more and more.

There are also many anti-stringers who come to sow discord among various countries, and they have to mess with any trivial things, which is called a chicken dog restlessness.

In this case, the further development of mana and professions is hindered layer by layer, and the social aspect does not have much impact, but the top professionals have been greatly affected.

In the past, it was determined who was strong by who had more cutting-edge people, but now the cutting-edge people are basically fixed, and there are more middle-to-high professionals than whom.

It's from quality to quantity.

Many small countries do not even have strong professionals and can survive by relying on large numbers.

And the big countries have long been stable, everything that can be developed has been developed, all have a stable system, and they are eager to break through.

The worldwide rise of cold weapons and spell collections ten years ago is a good example.

Now that such a robot combines with thermal weapons and spells, the Dragon Kingdom wants to seize the opportunity and complete it first!

But it is not easy.

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