In order to find those two robots, a special organization was even set up based on the major guilds and the government.

No way, the existence of that kind of thermal weapon, I don't know how many years ahead of all current thermal weapon technology, let alone robots.

That smart program alone is something that many people can't do in a lifetime.

This person, who has no name and does not even know whether he exists or not, is worth into the world's top five in a few days.

Not only the Dragon Kingdom, but now people from many other countries have come here to retrieve the maker.

The garrison of the entire area can be said to be the whole army dispatched to drive away suspicious people.

At the same time, the task force is looking for the mysterious maker, and the garrison sometimes helps.

"Alas, find a needle in a haystack"

Du Qizhe is both a garrison and a member of the task force.

The video in front of him about where the robot flew after completing the battle made him watch it dozens of times.

The final place of disappearance was found, but the clue... Yes, really, no.

Through monitoring, a suspicious figure was found, but this was useless, the characteristics of that figure ... Only know that it is personal.

Too few clues!

Even if I know that robots have appeared in this small city, I don't know where people are now.

Turn this side upside down, and you won't necessarily find out the mysterious guy.

"Robots and thermal weapons ... Is it really that hard? "

A garrison doesn't understand that thermal weapons were also studied many years ago, and robots don't seem to be a high-level computer host?

"You know a fart!"

Du Qizhe looks like a big old man, but in fact, he still has a certain understanding of this aspect.

"Now all the research on robots in the world is like you install a computer host, only a chassis shell

" "The graphics card CPU in it, you have to build it yourself!"

"System, you have to make it up yourself!"

Du Qizhe said so, this person really has an understanding of the difficulty of this technology, that is, it is as difficult as heaven! It feels like riding a bike to the moon!

"Not to mention thermal weapons, to give you a very simple example

" "His arsenal of weapons, compared with the current one, that is, powder guns meet automatic rifles

" This metaphor is a little difficult to accept and has been questioned:

"Our crotch is not so crotch-pulling, isn't his robot also shooting bullets and shells?"

Yes, all bullets are shot, all shells are fired, there is no difference, why is there such a big gap.

"That terrifying rate of fire, as well as the way ammunition is stored, plus accuracy, these are not something that can be improved if you want to improve

" "Just see the machine gun on the back of the black and white robot, which is exactly 1.5 times faster than our most advanced machine gun!!"

"The ammunition storage in this case is just the size of a robot, and it has been fought for more than ten minutes, you say horror is not horror?!"

"The way of transporting ammunition, the way of inlaying weapons, there is no technology to match

" "Even the simplest, not stuck problem, now experts can't think of what is going on"

Du Qizhe's words made this young man realize that no matter how small things are, put on the entire robot, it is infinite.

"Even if the robot is really built, the performance may not reach one percent of the current two... Even one in a thousand

" "Now you know how important it is to find this person, if he releases technology, then the research on this area will be subversive!"

Young people feel that their views on science and technology have been refreshed, and now they are studying careers and how to improve themselves.

Researchers? Developing high technology? Now it's not that it can't be used, it's already very convenient!

This is something that many people think, and it is also the reason why so many people are obsessed with leveling up and upgrading to improve their strength.

The emergence of online games decades ago has addicted an entire generation of young people.

Now that the rules of online games are integrated into reality, the vast majority of people are addicted to them.

The refreshing feeling brought by reality cannot be given by computer games.

"Well, let's not talk about these useless things... Going to find this mysterious talent is the main task "


After getting the experience stone from Liu Mengfang, Liu Kunpeng knew that this alone was not enough.

With only a few days to go before school started, he... Don't want to work hard.

What's more, the conditions in the outside world are also difficult for him to work hard to level up.

"It's really a little reluctant"

In the past month, the backpack has stuffed a lot of materials and equipment.

In addition to the most needed minerals to speed up the repair of mecha, the rest are dispensable for Liu Kunpeng.

Equip? Liu Kunpeng has a Mark series mecha outside, and Mark 5 inside to protect himself, and he doesn't need any equipment at all.

Jewelry? What he can wear has long been full, and what is still in the backpack has long been eliminated.

Weapons? Apart from leaving a staff and a sword for emergencies, he couldn't think of any reason to keep anything else, because there was a Mark mech.

Material? Except for minerals, other materials are basically useless, after all, materials are used to make things or something.

Collectibles... Well, the collection is still worth thinking about.

After all, this thing is not an ordinary way to get, and there are collectibles when you play a quest-level boss before.

This thing is useless, but leave a souvenir, there is a great sense of accomplishment in it, and it is like remembering the joy when I first got it.

After all, the drop rate is outrageously low.

"There are so many things I don't need"

If you exchange all these things for money, it will be enough to eat for several lifetimes!

However, for Liu Kunpeng, these can only be the beginning, and maybe sell something at any time in the future, and get this degree.

The gains of professionals are so outrageous.

The more you sell, the more you spend.

"This experience market is too biased"

From Liu Mengfang, he also collected the location of the experience market.

Experience market, as the name suggests, is an experience trading market, used to trade experience stones.

If you have money or have enough empty experience stones, you can trade them here to become full experience stones.

But regarding the trading of experience stones, it is forbidden on the surface.

However, the use of experience stones is a compulsory course for almost every professional.

If there is demand, then there is a market, this experience market, even the garrison sometimes comes to visit, so there is no need to worry about anything.

The experience market in this area, on the edge of the reservoir in a small village, is a short walk to the entrance of the village.

You don't have to go far to see a reservoir, which is not too big.

On the empty land on the side, there are many people densely packed, all of whom are trading experience.

Liu Kunpeng knew that he had come to the right place.

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