He himself did not react, but it does not mean that netizens have no reaction.

This sudden, unforeseen news frightened everyone, as if a mallet had come to the head.

Netizen A: "I lean, this is more outrageous than a robot, it turns out that it was a person who was in it at that time!"

Netizen B: "How good this shock absorption is, people inside, mecha flying impact, firing or something, it's nothing!"

Netizen A: "What is the defensive material made of?" I feel like I have to be at least an A-grade "

netizen C:"To be honest... Seeing those mecha, I was excited

" Netizen D: "Poked Xp, right?"

Netizen B: "Five mecha, how much material and money does this kind of production cost, popularize mecha for the whole people, it is urgent!"

Netizen A: "Urgent!"

Netizen C: "Let's go to learn mecha knowledge, in order to reduce costs"

is not only domestic, foreign netizens are still fried, even if there is a time difference between countries, they still have a lot of people discussing.

Eagle Country netizen: "Impossible! The robot can also understand how this mecha equipment can achieve this effect! "

With a national netizen: "This is the case, what a point has been gained for the use of materials and the control of technology!" Brown

bear country netizens: "Dragon country has quietly developed a lot of technology over the years, should some countries converge?"

Sakura Country netizens: "This Dragon Country should be open to data!" Let us big countries work together to find a way to reduce costs, so that we can repel the Abyss Demon Clan!" "

That's right, technology sharing is for all mankind!" Eagle

country netizens: "Agree to technology sharing" Dragon country netizens: "

Hey, didn't you say that when you had technology before, you still shared?" Dragon

Kingdom netizens: "Share? Aren't you just blocking our technology? Brown

bear country netizens: "Eagle netizens, use this means to ask for technology, are you funny?" Dragon

Kingdom netizen: "Do we remember everything before?!" "

When the cold weapons were spelled, the Dragon Kingdom was ridiculed when it was slightly backward, because the Dragon Kingdom had too many cold weapons, and it didn't catch the point at the beginning.

Later, after raising to the world average, there was no ridicule, but the blockade technology came again, and at that time there were a lot of underground transactions.

Later, some aspects of the cold weapons of the Dragon Kingdom were slightly ahead of the world, and they were required by various countries to share technology.

The situation of mecha and thermal weapons is too similar to that time.

Longguo netizens: "Don't think about it, do your own thing, when we lower the cost, we will definitely sell it to

you" Peacock country netizens: "Understand, if you have money, you can negotiate, if you can't make it, you can't afford it?" Impossible"

Netizens of the Dragon Country can be regarded as able to breathe a breath this time, and the mecha and thermal weapons technology lead the world, which is well deserved.

In this regard, many big countries are blank slates, and they have not done it at all, and the guns before Sakura Country have been studied in the wrong direction.

If the mysterious man has not yet appeared, everyone is moving forward in the dark.

But now that Long Guo has an electric light in his hand, the guys around who used to be on their toes want to rub the light, and they can only say, no way!

Longguo netizens: "You share the technology first, we will share the technology" Eagle country netizens: "

What are you thinking?" Do you know how strategic the strategic value of those technologies is?!

Longguo netizens: "I don't share myself, let us share, you don't have nothing to do"

It seems impossible to want the whole world to have this technology.

"We're almost there"

The words of the crew pulled Liu Kunpeng back to reality, and when he looked up, the island was indeed in front of him.

This island is very big, and it feels like it can become a continent, and you can't see the edge at a glance.

"Big bar

" "Big"

is not only big, but also rich in buildings on it.

The first is border defense, in addition to walls and searchlights, there are planes patrolling, maybe there are submarines at the bottom of the sea.

The second is the simulated coastal city, where a resort can be opened, the scenery is good, and the infrastructure is also perfect.

"Is it coming?"

Du Ruoyun asked weakly, his eyes still didn't want to open, and his body was still leaning on Liu Kunpeng.

His arms were a little numb.

"Sir, about three

minutes" "Three more minutes"

What surprised Liu Kunpeng a little was that Mark was still able to play a role at this time.


To be honest, he was also a little dizzy because he was looking at his phone on the ship.

So in these last three minutes, he also calmed down to nourish his mind.

At this time, smelling the faint fragrance of Du Ruoyun beside him, he actually remembered Liu Mengfang.

If the woman saw this scene, I don't know what would happen....

However, the two are now classmates.



When the crew said this, Du Ruoyun suddenly jumped out like a rabbit, and after falling to the ground, how could there be any seasickness reaction.

"I won't accompany you, someone will come to lead the way soon,"

Li Yunqing said and left, heading in another direction.

And the two, after waiting in place for a while, a woman came over, who should be the person who guided the place of residence.

Unsurprisingly, it is exactly what it is, and it will guide you to the coastal city you saw earlier.

I have to say that the environment is really good, and the people coming and going on this street, as well as those shops that are functioning normally, seem to be like a real city.

"It's so beautiful!"

Du Ruoyun also thought that which scenic area he had reached, this was really beautiful.

Beaches, woods, rocky reefs, coconut palms... The smell of summer can even be seen here.

"I really want to change into a swimsuit now and go to the beach to play~"

Mention swimsuit, it is inevitable to let Liu Kunpeng, a man, imagine, after all, this girl has a high appearance and a very good figure.

"Training here also has free time, and even says that as long as you can reach a certain level within the specified time, there is no problem in the rest of the time to play

" "There is a whole set of amusement facilities, the cinema is the same as outside, and sometimes outsiders are carefully selected to come to the city"

It sounds really good, sure enough, the profession is good, and the treatment is different.

Although ordinary students also have leveling areas, in order to have better results, it is completely closed management.

It's like here, it's like a vacation.

"Let's take you to the dormitory first, your things have been put in the corresponding room"

Remember that this is a single room, like a hotel, very luxurious.

"By the way, there are student performances in the evening, so you better have some of your own programs, which can be conducive to communicating with other people

" "In this way, it will be of great help in the future formation and trading."

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