Regarding the whole copy or something, Liu Kunpeng also received it.

To be honest, if it is simply that individuals can beat each other to copies, it is not interesting, the level is not enough for him to play.

But he saw that the quest was more than that, there were many powerful monsters in it, similar to the elite monsters.

This kind of elite monster pulls outside, it is all the existence of a boss, you can imagine how difficult it is inside.

If the boss is big, you can't beat it with an 8-person squad alone, and you must negotiate with other teams together.

And in order to ensure that the behavior inside is not morally evaluated by people outside, there is no video record of the whole copy.

"You can try"

He is very interested in the kind of big boss, and it is said that when it goes to a certain extent, he will imitate the Abyss Monster to create a final boss.

This thing is estimated to be ridiculously strong, maybe it takes half of the people in the copy to participate in the fight.

Curiosity, coupled with the reward is also good, Liu Kunpeng was moved.

Anyway, there are few copies outside here that can be brushed, and he has only found 3 copies so far, and the rest do not meet the requirements.

"Tomorrow at 10 o'clock..." It's

still early, you have to finish today's first, but it's still a little difficult to reach level 11.

"Sir, I recommend you take a look at this"

As he continued to search for a copy, Mark sent him an introduction on his phone.

This is an introduction to the leveling island, which is something that has been partially intercepted, as if it was an introduction from the acquisition office.

There are two models here, one is acquisition becomes money, and the other is acquisition becomes city prestige.

This thing Liu Kunpeng is familiar with, when Mark Mecha appeared, he went out to brush the wolves for the prestige of the city.

This city reputation simulates the outside city prestige, which can be exchanged for various things, and the double experience card is here.

"Open at 18 o'clock today?"

Liu Kunpeng already has a batch of material props in his hand, and according to the price they have here, they can exchange it for a double experience card.

This is still quite good, and the double experience card can only be obtained this way except for one every day.

I don't know how long it will take to break my wrist before, and it's unrealistic to think about that.

"All copies also give

prestige" He went to look at the rules again, and found that all dungeons not only dropped things, killing monsters also gave prestige, and the bonus was about 0.25 times!

This is more interesting, give prestige and materials, play the complete set of processes out, experience card that uproar into the bag ah!

"Now there is even more reason

to go to this full copy" For her future, this full copy must go, by the way to protect Du Ruoyun, she seems to have sent a message before.


At 18 o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Kunpeng appeared at the acquisition office on time, and there was a long queue here.

There must be at least ten people, but they don't have much stuff, and they finish it in an average of two or three minutes.

Therefore, Liu Kunpeng swiped his mobile phone in place for a short while, and it was his turn.

"Isn't this the man with a lot of strength?"

"Eh, it seems to be really alas~... He has so much strength, there must be... Very powerful

" "MD, isn't this a person who rubbed experience before, it is said that what strength..."

Before this person finished speaking, he saw Liu Kunpeng constantly taking out things from his backpack, all kinds of things.

It's all piled up into a hill, still taking it!


"Hey, you said this person rubbed experience?"

With so many materials, even with 7 geniuses, it is impossible to rub so many materials!

That's more than a few of them combined!

"Look, it must be a little strong

" "Be quiet, I don't know if he has a lot of strength, I heard that he broke a bone

" "It's impossible to put, a summoner, where can the strength go?"

The words of this group of people, he Liu Kunpeng has heard, it is a level 10, this kind of small detail must be noticed.

"The materials are gone, next are the props

" "Also... And also? The

acquirer was a little helpless, and quickly called the employee who was resting and came over to judge the value together.


He was also stunned, the materials alone were piled up into a half-human tall hill, and the props were still being placed!

Isn't the table afraid of collapsing?!

"This... This is all the items of your team..."

"I don't have a team record today, please evaluate it according to the single acquisition"

Hearing this, the two employees were stunned again, and then went to the lounge together to call another employee to count together.

"How can it be... Groove? "

This person can't help but burst into foul language after seeing it, this big pile of things is too outrageous!

"By the way, and the equipment

" "And??"

The three of them set off a huge wave in their hearts, what kind of student this year is recruited, one person can harvest so much, I am afraid that the whole forest has not been touched.

In fact, Liu Kunpeng is really similar, after all, his forest is no man's land, and the treasure chests are full.

Fighting monsters all the way and touching things all the way, the harvest far exceeded expectations.

It's been five minutes, the three are still counting, and Liu Kunpeng is still taking it.

The back is anxious, but no one dares to say anything on the surface, people have so many things, it must prove to be very powerful.

To mess with him, isn't it self-inflicted, and it didn't violate the rules of the acquisition office.

This line is getting longer and longer, and sometimes uninformed people in the back will come to the front to take a look, and when they go back, they will say things like "lying groove", "nb", "outrageous" and so on.

No way, it's amazing!

"Ahem, help you count it, is it prestige or money?"

The three acquirers' positions are going to be filled.

These items, if given to them, can be eaten for a lifetime!

"All for prestige

" "All ... All for all?


This was something they didn't expect, they thought it was half exchanged, half money and half prestige.

I didn't expect it to be all about prestige, outrageous.

But if you think about it, it is true, what money can buy, reputation can buy, but in this leveling island, the money that reputation can buy cannot be bought.

In other words, it is still more cost-effective to prestige.

The number of "a total of 2756"

far exceeded the plan in the morning, no way, after all the summoned objects were dispatched, the efficiency was too high.


"I may not be able to have so much prestige in the past half a month

" "I can only say, outrageous..." Students

who have seen the whole process, today's cognition has been refreshed.

When he was still arguing over a treasure chest, Liu Kunpeng hollowed out a forest!

Everywhere you go, there is no grass!

"Prestige has been paid, please confirm

..." "Well, thank you" "

No thanks, no thanks..."

The acquirer felt flattered.

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