"Ah, here it comes"

It only took a few seconds from shouting to opening the door, and you could see how fast Liu Mengfang was.


The door opened, the beautiful girl seemed to have just taken a bath, and after seeing her wet hair, Liu Kunpeng understood why there was a smell of shampoo on her coat.

"Come in

" "Well, no need, I'm just here to deliver

the coat, and this," Liu Kunpeng said, handing over the coat and honey concentrate.

The room of the girl who lives alone is a little curious, but he just awakened his profession today, and he still can't hold back his excitement.

Drive the Mark 2 to brush the copy, is it more interesting, okay!

"I can actually get this..." Liu

Mengfang was a little surprised to see the small bottle of concentrated honey, the drop rate of this thing is really not high.

And she also had to kill the queen bee, she thought that Liu Kunpeng, this person, was stained with the light of the fire mage.

It's a pity she didn't find the fire mage.

"Eh, you come in!"

Liu Kunpeng wanted to leave after giving it, but Liu Mengfang stopped him again.

"Hurry up"

has been so retained, Liu Kunpeng is also a little strange, what is this girl going to do.

Once inside, she searched from a room and took out a scroll.

It was a back-to-town binding scroll, just like the one he had just bought, but there was also a blue block taped to it.


giving it to Liu Kunpeng, she returned to the table to eat, and while eating, she also explained why she gave this thing.

It's simple, life-saving.

Ordinary people can't use the Return to the City Binding Scroll because it requires a little mana.

However, this block, after crushing, can provide mana for a short time, that is, ordinary people can also use it.

But just such a simple principle, Liu Mengfang is going to talk in detail from beginning to end.

Her written results are also good, and Liu Kunpeng is even better.

So this kind of thing, how can you not know.

Liu Kunpeng wanted to bring it up, but he found something more important.


rare that there are still people marking on paper maps in recent years.

However, it was Liu Kunpeng who met such a person, and the things on this map were written in detail, the level of the replica and the number of monsters.

There are also important drops.

At this time, it reflects the importance of practice, no matter how good your book knowledge is, it is still not as accurate as practice.

The things on this map, but Liu Mengfang's hard work for so many days, was thrown on the ground like this.

And she was not guarded against Liu Kunpeng at all, probably thinking that for an ordinary person, she didn't have to bother a lot.

But Liu Mengfang didn't know that Liu Kunpeng had awakened his profession and even had a strong talent.

I'm sorry, senior sister, I'm going to take a bite of your achievements.

Liu Kunpeng thought so, and took advantage of her lack of attention to take a picture of this map.

Think of it as a reward for honey.

"I still have business, so I will go

first" "Hmm"

Liu Kunpeng came out, the first thing was to find a place to eat, seeing Liu Mengfang eating so fragrantly, she was hungry for a long time.

And he can also take advantage of the meal time to study this map.

"Can there be so many copies in this small place?"

【Ant Lair

】【Desert City

】【Goblin Cave】


The level is generally below level 20 and above level 5.

If it is an ordinary person who has just awakened his profession, and there is no one to bring these copies, it must be looking for death.

Because after the unified awakening, people will be sent to a special leveling place, and the level of monsters there is adjusted, and danger will rarely occur.

But now this kind of place is not open, and the average person awakens at this time, and can only hug his thigh.

However, Liu Kunpeng himself had thighs, and he didn't have to hold someone else's, and he quickly locked a copy.

[Mushroom Forest

] [Level: Level 3-9

] [Danger Level: D

] [Item Drop Evaluation: B

] [Drops: Glowing Mushrooms, Glowing Spores...]

This is the lowest level of danger in recent times, and for many people, the situation of this copy is very embarrassing.

Because the low-level ones can't fight, and the high-level ones can't look at them.

But they forgot one very important thing, which Liu Mengfang listed above.

【Item drop evaluation: B】The

existence of this thing is enough to attract many people who play materials.

For Liu Kunpeng, it is a very important existence.

First of all, the level is very suitable, he now has no problem playing below level 5, and he can fight a little higher than level 5.

A single-pass copy, which is quite possible.

Secondly, this copy drop has a good rating, and you can check it out if you accumulate materials.

"That's you!"

he was going to go to the copy after eating, but not too full at first.

In Mark 2, eating too much is not to spit it out.

So Liu Kunpeng only ate five or six points full and left here.

Look at the location of this mushroom copy, not very far, probably in a small grove 10 minutes by car, which is considered the scope of the park.

Liu Kunpeng really wants to fly directly through Mark 2, but now it's only level 2, the important thing is to improve yourself, or don't cause unnecessary trouble first.

Until then, it is better to wear a shielding badge first.

This is a gadget that disturbs other professionals, and if others want to perceive it after wearing it, it will disturb it.

For example, level 2 may be changed to 9, and the next second it may become 3.

Of course, experienced people can roughly guess the level through the performance of strength.

But there are not many such people in this area, and they may even say that there are none.

So after wearing this badge, people will not know that he is the one who awakened in advance.

It is a pity that the profession cannot be blocked, what should be is what it is.

But fortunately, Liu Kunpeng's professional name is not very attractive, and the powerful thing is talent.

And talent is something that only you know, so don't be afraid.

Thinking like this, he quickly reached his destination, and there were still many people here.

After the copy is played once, there is a cooldown, of course, only valid for yourself.

These people should know the little secret of this copy, and it is almost the cooling-off period, so they are waiting to enter here.

Seeing Liu Kunpeng coming, no one reacted, after all, there are so many people coming, one or two and what, and not a famous person.

But when he entered on his own, some people were still a little surprised.

"Mecha summoner, isn't it a very strong profession, dare to pass alone?" "

I haven't heard of it, but he fights such a low-level monster, even if he knocks with a stick and knocks the boss with blood, he can pass the level"

At this time, no one will think of Liu Kunpeng as a person who has just awakened his profession.

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