[Snow Shadow Demon: The Berserk is Over]

When the boss's HP drops below ten to five, suddenly the fury ends.

Liu Kunpeng breathed a sigh of relief, this fury did a lot of damage to Mark mecha, not only that, Bumblebee also suffered heavy losses, the integrity of the body was only 43%

At this speed, they couldn't hold on before killing the boss, but fortunately with Du Ruoyun there, this phenomenon could be slightly alleviated.

And Mark seems to have discovered another weakness of the boss, that is, he is afraid of heat, and if his body is subjected to high temperature, it will melt like snow.

This trace is very subtle, almost like a handful of hair has been lost, and it is difficult to see with the naked eye.

If it weren't for Mark, the two of them wouldn't know what was going on until they died.

"Sir, the Mark 1 has the simplest and most direct flamethrower, but at present, only the Steel Patriot can fire gasoline incendiary bombs"

The high temperature is also a weakness for it, and it can use this weakness to kill this big guy.

"Mark, do you think of anything else"

Regarding the reaction of all the functions of the Mark mecha, Liu Kunpeng's control is definitely not as good as Mark.

Therefore, he directly fired gasoline bombs with the Steel Patriot, and left the rest to Mark to arrange.

"Understood, sir"

Since heat and armpits are weak points, you can let other Mark mechs attack the armpits.

And the bumblebee, at the temperature of a gasoline incendiary bomb, will not cause much damage to the body, as long as it does not jump into the flames.

To do it, it attacks the Snow Shadow Demon BOSS from the back, and as long as it wants to scratch its back, the Mark mechs will aim for a burst of assault under the armpit.


The fire ignited, and the Snow Shadow Demon struggled frantically, but to add insult to injury, Bumblebee attacked his back.

When the Snow Shadow Demon raised his hand, his armpits were exposed again, and the weapons of the Mark mechs were aimed and shot wildly.

The Snow Shadow Demon was in pain and wanted to risk bullets to kill Bumblebee because this guy was too annoying for it.

However, Liu Kunpeng dropped incendiary gasoline bombs in the sky again, and this came another cycle.

The Snow Shadow Demon boss showed some anger, it knew that the opponent's combat power distribution was relatively scattered, and it was difficult to kill.

If you keep beating indiscriminately, then it is easy to miss anyone and waste energy.

It decided to attack the bumblebee first as before.

Because Bumblebee is on land, and it is larger than the Mark mech.

On top of that, the snow is deep and bumblebees have limited mobility.

"Du Ruoyun, give me some mana

" "Which mecha?"

"My one!"


In reality, the Majin has all committed suicide and is unwilling to reveal any information.

These guys are like death squads, making people very irritable.

"What about the casualties of the last copy?"

Far away, an S-class demon was fiddling with better props.

"It's not clear, the last image is the scene of the explosion in the sea, and the last piece of information only gives a rough guess

" "How much?"

"Guess 7%, the remaining humans in copy 2 are about 7%

" "Gee"

S Majin is obviously not satisfied with this result, what he wants is 0%, and all the humans in it can be said to complete the task.

"We can't be sure, maybe none of them survived

" "What you said better become a reality"


On the leveling island, everyone is nervously rescuing, but the situation is really not very good.

Copies of several hundred people came out for 32 people.

Of the 32 people teleported out this time, only 27 survived, but the situation is still not optimistic.

Some hands and feet are facing amputation, and their bodies are far from reaching a high level and are still fragile.

If you can have a level 30 professional, eating ice cream in the snow may be a bit of a problem.

"It's so pitiful..." "

This group of demons!"


After this incident, the students and staff felt uncomfortable, and the entire leveling island had to stop for 3 days to check the hidden dangers.

And these students who came out of the copy faced a 10-100-day treatment process.

10 days is better, with the resources here, you can still go to the exam.

But if the treatment takes a little longer... It may cost a lot of money to forcibly feed experience stones.

Students with direct amputations are even worse, if they don't buy that sky-high drug, I'm afraid they won't even be able to catch up with next year's exam.

"Li Yunqing, I reported the matter, and now I want you to guard this island together"

Zhang Jingyi of the Dragon Hunting Group reported this matter and only let a very small part of it know.

And he, as the former high-ranking officer of the garrison, now wants to guard this place together.

This made everyone feel a lot more relieved, after all, the garrison is a military branch that has been dealing with various things, and the experience of these garrisons on the island is not much different.

It may even be better, they have a lot of communication with Majin.

"Do you think that Liu Kunpeng can defeat the boss?"

The two looked

at the last copy pillar and thought of the powerful firepower of those Mark mechs.

But just those few are going to be faced against the sky boss designed by the Ministry of Technology, which is really suspended.

Even if he is a genius, he cannot have experienced the Majin invasion and defeated the final boss alone.

You must know that now the other three copies are over, and their record is No. 1 undefeated, No. 3 and No. 4 narrowly defeated.

The average level of everyone who comes out is 7, but it is not as good as the number 2, because they have a level 9.

"I said, why did you design such a strong boss on the leveling island, killing the sharp energy of these students?"

Zhang Jingyi couldn't understand that the artificial copy was simulating the real difficulty, not surpassing the real difficulty.


Li Yunqing still looked ahead, and said for a while:

"Just want them to have a psychological preparation, the real copy is varied, sometimes there will be such a thing as a demon invasion, and the monster will be strengthened"

Zhang Jingyi sneered twice after listening to it, isn't this what happened to the No. 2 copy, this is not just a psychological preparation, it is directly to the actual battle!

Zhang Jingyi had thousands of complaints in his heart, but he understood that now was not the time to say this.

The two continued to stare at copy 2 and continued to wait for the teenager.

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