Liu Kunpeng saw Liu Mengfang, who was usually silent, frantically sending news, and knew that this girl must have received a package.

Just by giving her something you don't need, you can get such strong feedback, and Liu Kunpeng can even make up her situation in her brain.

It must be calm on the surface, but in fact it is a wild heartbeat, shortness of breath, and a slight shaking of the body.

This maintenance of the appearance on the surface is like stuffing her with a small thing.

Liu Kunpeng: [A good exam is my greatest thanks]

When he sent out this sentence, he felt like an old father.

Liu Mengfang: [Then I'll give you a big exam!]

After the two finished chatting, they both returned to their respective lives, and they both had one goal, that is, the exam.

However, there is still more than a month to go, and for Liu Kunpeng, it is an orturing process.

During this period, it is to repeat the leveling search for things and fight copies, and from time to time to read books, nothing else.

Other students may think this is good, but Liu Kunpeng doesn't.

When you reach level 15, you can't go any further, no matter what you can summon later.

He can't wait to cut the exam in half now, so that he can take it as soon as possible!

"Sir, your experience stone has arrived"

Mark's reminder made Liu Kunpeng remember something, he seemed to have hundreds of experience stones that he had not taken!

Taking out his phone, the man sent him a message with a picture.

Good guys, a couple of green containers are sitting there, and they're all experience stones inside.

He suddenly had doubts about his backpack, could it really fit so much?

Let's try it first.


At that time, the staff who traded with Liu Kunpeng had been guarding there for a while, and he looked at these containers, and there was an inexplicable cheerfulness in his heart.

It was the biggest deal he ever made, and when he discussed it with his peers, he could never forget the shocked look of those people in his life.

This staff member has experienced the feeling of being a big guy, and now he still has a smile on his face when he thinks about it.

Unfortunately, the happiness is short-lived, and the staff only called a few warehouses, and there were so many experience stones.

"You are here,"

just as he recalled, he saw Liu Kunpeng walking towards this side.

"Well, I'll come when the stuff arrives,"

he saw the containers and found them even more shocking than in the pictures.

If you pour out all the experience stones inside, it will definitely be even more shocking, that is, it is a bit time-consuming to implement.

"This is a gift storage box, it is like a small backpack, you can first store the experience stone in it and then put it in the backpack"

Hearing this, Liu Kunpeng was puzzled, there is already this kind of thing, why is it still packed in a container?

"Then why don't you put the experience stone into the box first?"

The staff immediately replied: "This is already the case of putting the experience stone into the storage box and then putting it in

the container" This time it was Liu Kunpeng's turn to be shocked, good guy, it turned out that the experience stone had been received into the container, and it was even possible to pack several large containers.

It can be seen how much space these experience stones occupy.

"Do you still want to inspect the goods?"

"No need, buy things on the leveling island, you can't do tricks"

Liu Kunpeng did not choose to inspect the goods, firstly, it was too troublesome, and secondly, with his identity, if he found something wrong, Li Yunqing would definitely solve it seriously and compensate.

"Okay, I'll open it for you!"

The staff did not know this, and in his eyes, Liu Kunpeng, a student, was even fiercer than a professional who had been mixed for several years.

He has a feeling that if he provokes others and makes people dissatisfied, it will definitely be an existence that can't eat and go.


After the staff opened the doors of the containers one by one, Liu Kunpeng immediately walked over and began to put all the boxes into his backpack.

This took Liu Kunpeng a full half an hour, and he had everything in hand.

However, after getting it, looking at a few empty containers, it was quite a sense of accomplishment.

Even the staff on the side have a sense of accomplishment.

"You say it's not efficient, but in fact, it's delivered quickly"

Whether it is express delivery or this, it was said to take a few days before, but the result was far less than this time.

"It may be that you booked too much, and someone noticed above and gave you priority,"

the staff explained, which caused Liu Kunpeng to think.

I was taken special care of, either Li Yunqing or Zhang Jingyi.

But it's also good, with a lot less hassle and a lot of time saved.

With these 1,000 experience stones, Liu Kunpeng can also brush monsters with peace of mind after reaching level 15.

What if there are not enough experience stones? Then just buy another 1000 pieces!

Anyway, I got a lot of money in the trading market this time, 1,000, and I can buy it for some money later.

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