After the catastrophe, Fengle City was still in a state of desolation.

After Ye Qing came out of his villa, crying and mourning could be heard everywhere. As far as he could see, there were collapsed buildings and houses everywhere.

The air was filled with the smell of blood, which lingered for a long time.

According to incomplete statistics, at least 300,000 to 500,000 people died in this catastrophe.

As for the injured, that's more.

"Alas... human life is worthless!"

Ye Qing sighed and marveled. At the bottom of my heart, I have become more and more determined to become stronger.

In this world, the strong are respected, and the strength is strong enough. Not only can you do whatever you want, but even the people around you can follow the chickens and dogs to ascend to heaven.

For example, the young man from the Lu family caused Fengle City to suffer such disasters for his own selfish desires.

Hundreds of thousands of people died.

Not to mention all kinds of economic losses.

But so what?

That guy ran away, even if he exposed that person now, Ye Qing guessed that he would not lose a single hair.

What's more, Ye Qing didn't believe it, he was the only one who knew about this matter.

But until now, no official information from Fengle City has come out, so it can be seen what the conclusion of this matter is.

"A mere descendant of the Lu family can do whatever he wants, but it's not because of the existence of an extraordinary person above the Lu family."

Ye Qing sneered, his eyes grew colder.

He didn't pay attention to the wailing and crying people around him, because he couldn't take care of them.

Everyone in the world suffers, only self-crossing.

Stepping on the Breeze Technique, Ye Qing walked all the way, and soon came to the magic division headquarters in Fengle Town.

"Little brother, who are you looking for?"

As soon as she entered the headquarters building of the Zhenmagic Division, Ye Qing was stopped by someone.

"I'm looking for your Sizheng Wei Sanqian..."

Ye Qing's eyes were like knives, and he glanced at the magic guard standing in front of him. The sharpness of the guard made the magic guard feel cold all over his body, and he backed away subconsciously.

"Where is his office?"

Ye Qing continued to ask.

"On...on the ninth floor..."

The town demon guard said tremblingly, and by the time he came back to his senses, Ye Qing had already disappeared.

Didn't take the elevator because he didn't have permission.

Going straight through the fire escape, Ye Qing went up to the ninth floor in one breath and came to Wei Sanqian's office.

That adds up to less than a minute.

Seeing Ye Qing who suddenly opened the door and walked in, Wei Sanqian was also stunned.

Then, his pupils shrank, and he immediately greeted him with a smile: "Brother Ye Qing, why are you here? Is it because of the reward?

I'm really sorry, because I've been really busy recently, but don't worry, I won't forget this. "

"That's not why I'm here."

Ye Qing waved his hand, and said coldly: "Wei Sizheng, I believe you have already investigated my identity!

I just came here to ask about my parents. "

"Your parents..."

Wei Sanqian's expression changed slightly, then he sighed and said, "Ye Qing, I'm really sorry about your parents' death.

We are also sorry. "

"How did my parents die?" Ye Qing ignored Wei Sanqian's words and asked in a deep voice.

"Died at the hands of the Spiritual Beast of the Spiritual Sect..."

Wei Sanqian said immediately.

"Did you see it with your own eyes?" Ye Qing then asked.


Wei Sanqian shook his head, and said, "I wasn't there for the battle that day, but I just listened to the report from the colleagues who performed the mission with your parents."


In Ye Qing's eyes, a murderous intent suddenly appeared, and he said coldly: "Then trouble you, find the colleague who went with my parents that day.

I have some things I want to ask him. "

Wei Sanqian was taken aback, but he didn't expect Ye Qing to make such a request.

Then, his mind moved, as if he had thought of something, he immediately asked, "Ye Qing, what's the matter with you?

Or, you suspect the cause of your parents' death. "

"That's right!"

Ye Qing nodded, he didn't deny it, and he didn't bother to deny it, because it was meaningless at all, after all, Wei Sanqian would always know later.

There was a sharp light in his eyes, and he said in a cold voice: "Wei Sizheng, I don't know how your Zhenmosi determined the cause of my parents' death back then.

Did it go through an investigation, or just rely on the survivors' one-sided words.

To tell you the truth.

I have already learned that my parents did not die at the hands of the spirit beasts of the Spiritual Sect that day, and there were other reasons for their disappearance.

As for what it is, just ask the survivors of that incident and ask.

I don't know if they are murderers or not.

But he must have lied..."

Ye Qing's words made Wei Sanqian's expression completely change.

If what Ye Qing said is true, then this matter will be a big deal.

After all, the events of that year involved too much.


Wei Sanqian shook his head and said: "I can't find the colleagues who survived back then, the team that went there with your parents back then had a total of twelve people.

But only three survived.

But two people later died during the mission, and now only one is still alive.

And this person is no longer in Fengle City.

He joined the Demon Suppressing Army..."

"Monster Killing Army!"

Ye Qing's pupils have shrunk to a point, and the killing intent in his heart is soaring.

The Monster Killing Army, the first army in Kyushu.

Like Zhenmagus, it belongs to Kyushu's official and intuitive organization, but Zhenmagus is mostly internal.

The Monster Killing Army is in charge of killing monsters and defending against monsters and alien races.

Many thoughts flashed through Ye Qing's mind.

He was even more convinced that the only person alive was very suspicious.

Of the twelve people, only three came back alive. They obviously didn't die at the hands of the spirit beasts of the Spiritual God Sect, but they wanted to lie.

Most importantly, a year later, two of the three died on missions.

And the only one actually joined the Monster Slayer Army.

You must know that Zhenmagic Division and Monster Execution Army belong to two different departments, and they are not very harmonious with each other.

How did a Demon Suppressing Guard join the Monster Slayer Army and become a Monster Slayer Guard?

If there is no trick in it, he would not believe it even if he was killed.

"Who is that person? His identity and background are very unusual!"

Ye Qing sneered.

"The background is really strong."

Wei Sanqian smiled bitterly and said: "He came here to do the gold plating at the beginning, as for his background, background, and more, I can't tell you.

I can only tell you that his surname is Lu..."

"The imperial capital, the Lu family!"

Ye Qing's eyes were even more murderous. It seemed that he and the Lu family were destined for each other!

Wei Sanqian didn't speak, but, judging from his facial expression, Ye Qing knew that his deduction was correct.

Ye Qing suddenly took a step forward.

A frightening cold force spread out from under his feet.

In an instant, Wei Sanqian's office was directly frozen, turning into an icy world.

"Say...what's that person's name?"

Ye Qing said coldly: "I advise you, think it over before answering me."


Wei Sanqian shuddered subconsciously, his face changed completely when he looked at Ye Qing, full of fear and disbelief.

He knew that Ye Qing was not simple, but he never expected that Ye Qing would be so powerful.

A thought froze his office.

Let him have a shadow of death shrouded.

However, despite the fear in his heart, Wei Sanqian still gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Even if you kill me, I can't say it.

Because the identity of this person is indeed kept secret, it is already a violation of the regulations for me to tell his last name. "

"court death!"

Ye Qing yelled angrily, and as he waved his hand, a sharp sword energy flew across the sky.

Chao Wei Sanqian beheaded.

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